If every day were like today... You'd weigh...

LoobylouL Posts: 17 Member
Okay, do any members find this accurate? If I was losing weight at the rate this predicts, I would be ecstatic! Please prove me wrong!


  • krogers810x
    krogers810x Posts: 92 Member
    Sorry, not even close. Those numbers are totally wacky.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Good lord no!:laugh:

    When I was logging I wished I could remove it. Then I just stopped completing my day.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    No. Not close, nor is it a useful tip. JMHO, but unless one plans do eat PRECISELY the same thing, exercise the same way, and do it exactly every single day forever and ever, then "maybe" it will be close. But really, life doesn't work that way. Sigh, I really wish that "helpful" tip was removed from MFP. Just adds to more confusion to the whole thing, really.

    ETA: Or like PP above me, just don't click on the "Complete this Entry" button. Then you won't see it :wink:
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    The problem is you don't eat like that everyday right?
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    I haven't been on the program for 5 weeks, but every day I enter the food I ate into the diary, it says in 5 weeks I will weight about 10 pounds less. I am eating the calories that this program says will have me lose 2 pounds per week. I hope I do lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks.
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    I wish! But sadly they are soooo off
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    I would pay good money for that!
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    Not even close
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Just try logging in half a day and hitting complete by mistake. It's like WOW! Ok, that's not right.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Everyday I click the submit and do Woah! Yeah! I'll lose that much?!
    I know it's complete BS, but I get excited like I won the penny machine!!

  • suzreen
    suzreen Posts: 2,455 Member
    I don't think it's accurate, but I find it to be useful in motivating me. If I have a bad day, and it says I will weigh a larger amount in five weeks, I'm motivated to do better, and if I have a really good day, and it says I'll weigh some tiny number in five weeks, then I'm pleased and motivated to see that small number again. I do wish it was accurate, though!
  • mamasitaroja
    mamasitaroja Posts: 52 Member
    I adore this particular inaccurate function! Sometimes it is the only reason I keep logging. My favorite part is that if you're synched with a Fitbit (as I am), it continues to calculate even after you've completed your MFP logging day. So if you don't like the "future number" it gives you, it may even motivate you to go for that additional run, that one last set of lifts, another swim, etc. to drop the number further. Yes, I am shallow and motivated by bright, sparkly things like random numbers, but whatever works! :D
  • LoobylouL
    LoobylouL Posts: 17 Member
    Sigh....just as I expected. Thanks for your answers, I'll just keep slogging at it.
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    Everyone here is saying its way out, but in reality its probably not. IF you ate EXACTLY the same thing every day for five weeks AND burnt EXACTLY the same amount of calories every day it is probably reasonably close. But no one does. Everyday is different.
  • cybernet00
    cybernet00 Posts: 52 Member
    Actually for me, since I track my weight daily ( I know you're not suppose to but it motivates me whether it goes up or down) it is pretty right on and I don't eat the same thing every day but I do eat about the same calories and burn the same amount of calories everyday.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    I think it depends on the person. I lose weight at a faster rate than MFP predicts I will. But some people do lose weight more slowly than MFP predicts. The prediction is based on the "average" metabolic rate so those with a faster metabolism will lose more than the predicted amount while those with a slower metabolism will lose less than the predicted amount.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I think it works best when you are higher weight. As you get down lower it seems to be a bit more wonky though because it doesn't know everyone's metabolic rate. :O
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    That was a good question and it was something I never real thought about. Thanks to all those that commented thT it is not really accurate b/c now I know why in five weeks, I am not even close to what it says I should be
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    I'd be considered anorexic.
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    The numbers are right it's our perception of portion size that is off.