What type of birth control will help me lose weight?

Here's the deal. I have been on depo-provera for about 3 years now. Before that, I was on the pill for about two years. I never had any weight problems with the pill. However, I have gained about 30lbs since I started the depo. I have been able to lose about 15 of those pounds, but now it seems my weight loss has plateaued and it is extremely easy for me to start gaining weight back.
I am very, very careful about what I eat. My calorie intake is 1200-1400 calories per day. I don't eat bread, pasta, sugars, candy, anything fattening. I only eat fish, egg whites, vegetables, yogurt, and occasionally soup. I have a very physically demanding job and work out 3-4 times per week.
My question is, what type of birth control could I switch to that would help boost weight loss? I love depo because I don't have periods (and believe me, they were hellacious), but I can't stand what it's done to my body. Besides the weight gain, I have stretch marks everywhere. I feel disgusting. I've talked to my doctor about it, but she always says it's not the depo and encourages me to stay on it. But I refuse to get another depo shot.
So, does anyone recommend a good birth control that will control my period and wont affect my weight?
Thanks :)


  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I take Ortho-Cyclen (because I have PCOS and I have to take bc pills) and I've lost 100 lbs while on it. I think everyone's body is different, really. No one pill will work the same for everyone.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    A calorie deficit will cause weight loss, a calorie surplus will cause weight gain.

    Guess which one you're in.
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    The same bc can cause some women to lose and some women to gain. To be quite frank, it's just a lot of trial and error to find the right one for you. Have you had a full blood workup done (thyroid, blood sugar, etc.)?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Ehhhh Depo was a nightmare for me. I read all of the horror stories and said "that wont happen to me" and I think after the 3rd shot...I had like absolute worst-case scenario with depo. Wont go into detail, as there is plenty of reviews if you just google Depo-Provera.

    Anyway, I went with a copper IUD. I love it - reliable, hormone free and I only worry about it once every 5 years.
    I have heard some people prefer the Hormone IUD Mirena (?) I know the hormone in that particular IUD was the exact hormone in the Depo...which immediately turned me off from it. But for others, it works a lot better than Depo since it is isolated within the uterus and does not go all over your body like depo shots.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Sounds like you are eating too much.
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    As much as I'm on board with CICO in most cases, there is some evidence that Depo-Provera is associated with excess weight gain for about a quarter of users. So maybe the "it's the calorie deficit!" stuff isn't as helpful here as it usually is.


    edit: word choice
  • ash3030
    ash3030 Posts: 3
    Please ignore the men who came on here just to accuse you of over-eating. I can't imagine what form of female hormones they've been on that has gives them perspective on your question ...

    Weight gain directly caused by BC can happen, my doctor tracked my weight for the first year I was on the pill, with the plan to switch prescriptions if it did (it didn't so I've stuck with it).

    Good luck finding something that works better for you!
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    Birth control causes weight loss?? :huh: damn I must be using the wrong ones. I've been using Triphasil for 5 years and it's never helped me. :laugh:
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    OP, I don't think there is a bc that is going to make you specifically lose weight and everyone reacts to it differently, so most likely you will just have to experiment with different ones until you find the one that works for you.
  • Laceyheart
    Laceyheart Posts: 9 Member
    I had the marina iud has the same hormones as depp and gained weight and my hair started falling out. We couldn't figure out why I was gaining weight. Did a food journal checked my thyroid finally we decided to try taking out the marina. Lost the weight without trying. The marina and depo hormone produces a mimic of early pregnancy so your body is just naturally doing it's thing lol my Dr put me on the paragaurd copper iud no hormones. My hair came back and the weight went away without any extra diet or exercise. Turned 30 and decided I wanted to get down to 110 again if I can :)
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    I took the evil yaz gained about 10-12 lbs, no change in diet or physical activity. However I gained it in 3 months which my doctor told me to immediately stop using it. They had no clue how I gained that much weight in the period of time.

    Now when I took lexapro, my hand to mouth coordination was amazing. It was like I could never get full or that feeling would kick in. That is where I gained 45 lbs in 9 months. Completely my fault.

    I would flat out tell your doctor that your BC is not working for you and you would like to try out different types. Don't take no for an answer.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    DO NOT get the Depo shot! I've been told from medical professionals that it CAN cause weight gain of 10-20 pounds in some individuals. My sister-in-law, who was already overweight, got the depot shot and gained 30 pounds also.

    I personally have the Merina IUD which is great. No period (maybe one day of light spotting every couple of months, but that's it!) I have had no weight gain side effects either. It is a great birth control option. Not sure it will aide in weight LOSS, but it definitely hasn't had a negative effect. Good luck!
  • A lot of birth control pills / shots can cause weight gain, caused from their side-effects such as excess hunger / overeating, water retention and stopping the menstruation.

    If doctors tell you these stuff don't have side-effects, they're lying. If this doctor is not willing to change your prescription, you need to find somebody who will.

    I have tried almost all the brands, none of them worked for me. I even got copper toxicity by getting an IUD, so removed that too.

    I soon as I stopped taking ANY birth control method, I finally started feeling like a human being again.
  • luzdelua
    luzdelua Posts: 88 Member
    Birth control causes weight loss?? :huh: damn I must be using the wrong ones. I've been using Triphasil for 5 years and it's never helped me. :laugh:

  • ash3030
    ash3030 Posts: 3
    I agree about avoiding Yaz or Yasmin, .. the FDA has issued a safety alert about the possibility for blood clots , though there's debate on that (of course,.. everything does! :smile: )
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I think your doctor would be able to.advise you there. But you need to address it as, which one is putting weight on you? There is no such thing as a birth control pill that makes you lose weight.
  • luzdelua
    luzdelua Posts: 88 Member
    Honestly, you should go and see a doctor. They will prescribe something that's appropriate for you and address all of your concerns (weight gain, etc). I've been on the pill for a year now and I think I gained weight mostly because I was taking one that was not good for me and causing a lot of anxiety, mood swings, so I'd overeat. I switched, and as my mood got better so did my anxiety. I started watching my calorie intake (as someone suggested) and exercising. That's how I lost 25 pounds in 4 months.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    The kind that won't put a 8 lb bun in your oven.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    The birth control.... to help with my diet.... hmmmm.... should I wrap my food in a condom....?
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    I know a lot of people who say they gained weight on Depo. I lost the majority of my weight while on Depo, but I am sure that had a lot to do with exercise (which helps curb my appetite and gives me room to eat more than if I wasn't working out) and logging my food. My doctor said that depo is a synthetic pregnancy hormone and does stimulate appetite in many people, which can lead to eating more than usual and gaining weight. I don't really know what other factors would come in to play as far as causing people to gain weight.