If every day were like today... You'd weigh...



  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I have found it pretty accurate in my case. I love this function and use it to motivate me.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    I think that is how MFP tries to motivate us, but it's not entirely accurate.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Mine said I'd weigh 100.4lbs in 5 weeks when I closed my diary last night. I weigh 200lbs right now...then again I did log that I burned 10,000 calories yesterday during my workout...
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm doing 5:2 and today is a fast day. 14 calories from my coffee is all I'll probably consume, and tomorrow I'll enjoy a giant healthy meal. So I clicked it to see what I'd weigh in five weeks if every day really were like today. 102? Really? That's all I'd lose in five weeks of no food whatsoever? 15 pounds?

    Not that I wouldn't be dead probably by then regardless, but it's a bit shocking how little I'd lose if it's accurate. I guess I'll just continue to eat on my feed days!

    Edit: Even more discouraging still, if every day were like my big feed day this week, I'd weigh 138 in five weeks. Definitely easier to gain than to lose!
  • Fentyman
    Fentyman Posts: 58 Member
    My only complaint is the starvation mode message it gives you when you eat under your calories because everything I read and hear says that starvation mode is a complete myth.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    My predictions have been fairly accurate.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I wish they would remove it. I hate it. :/
  • lisele03
    lisele03 Posts: 133 Member
    I adore this particular inaccurate function! ..... Yes, I am shallow and motivated by bright, sparkly things like random numbers, but whatever works! :D

    LOL...THIS^^^ Of course it's inaccurate, but it can be motivating to just keep doing the right things. "Whatever works"
  • Karen_DisneyFan
    Karen_DisneyFan Posts: 130 Member
    Yup, just don't complete my day!! I couldn't stand seeing that message or the one that says "you're not eating enough" if I happened to have a day that was lower than 1200 calories (which rarely ever happened, lol). Sooo, just stopped completing the day - problem solved!
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    i have followed this before - i found that if i take a the numbers, and AVERAGE them(without changing my weight during the 5 weeks) it is actually pretty close - within 2-3 pounds either way.......but, it really depends on your dedication, and how "regular" you are eating - not wildly changing your caloric intake from one extreme to the other.....
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't pay any attention to that.
  • So far it has been fairly accurate. I typically lose 2 pounds a week on average. However I always eat at a deficit and typically work out 5 days a week minimum.
  • homemadehippy
    homemadehippy Posts: 44 Member
    Actually for me, since I track my weight daily ( I know you're not suppose to but it motivates me whether it goes up or down) it is pretty right on and I don't eat the same thing every day but I do eat about the same calories and burn the same amount of calories everyday.

    I agree. It's been pretty accurate for me. I was just mentioning to someone last night that this is my favorite feature of MFP.
  • LadyArchangel
    LadyArchangel Posts: 124 Member
    I wish on my best days it would be accurate! Too bad I do have bad days, as well as good ones. It was pretty accurate in the beginning where I was losing about 13lbs a month. Of course it's slowed down since I'm almost at the 1 Year mark.

    Now I just don't pay attention to that number. I'll get there when I get there.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    I jest went back to the first week I logged, and it was not even in the ballpark!
  • 7w6sxChris
    7w6sxChris Posts: 15 Member
    I actually like the feature, I guess I am on my own with that though haha. :-) Mine is never a wacky number though...I have it set to lose 1 lb a week and if I stick to my calorie intake for the day then it basically says I will lose 5 lbs in five weeks....pretty accurate and the whole reason I am keeping track so I am pleased with it!! Even if it isn't an exact science, it is good, realistic motivation for me, so I am pleased :-)
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    Everyone here is saying its way out, but in reality its probably not. IF you ate EXACTLY the same thing every day for five weeks AND burnt EXACTLY the same amount of calories every day it is probably reasonably close. But no one does. Everyday is different.

    Exactly this... "If EVERY day were like today" it's not MFP that is off, we are off! If you are set up to lose 2lbs a week then if you truly follow your calories you should be down 10 lbs in 5 weeks. But most people are not that consistent. Best of luck to everyone!!:drinker:
  • You wouldn't have to eat the exact same thing each day. You would just have to eat the same number of calories.
  • dogpaws4ever
    dogpaws4ever Posts: 29 Member
    I just went back to my start date on May 26th and counted out 5 weeks to see what the difference was from that very first prediction to June 30th.
    I still needed to lose 7 pounds to fit MFP's prediction...but I still enjoy seeing it pop up at the end of the day. It always reminds me that I WILL get to that next goal.