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Gastric bypass info needed



  • lynnierose9
    lynnierose9 Posts: 34 Member
    I had the VSG surgery. It was the best thing that I ever did. Add me as a friend if you want. I am 6 weeks out and between loosing a few lbs myself, pre-op and post op I've lost 72.6 lbs. Just remember it is a tool that you have to make work for you, no matter which type of surgery you have. Many ppl feel it is an easy way out it is not. I will tell you don't weigh yourself coming out of the hospital as you will be disappointed. You will gain weight from fluids and gas (I didn't know that). Also, you will have stalls as your body has to catch up on your weight loss. But you continue to loose inches so don't be discourage. Good luck on your decision!!! Hope you will add me as a friend :)
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Don't do it. That' all the info you need. I have a friend that did it and while in the hospital she said and quote...."do anything you have to do to avoid this surgery!"

    She's had hair loss due to the lack of protein even though she's drinking the protein shakes multiple times a day like she's supposed to, she still gets queasy after eating(it's been over a year), she has so much loose skin it's unbelievable and insurance won't cover removal of it. And most recently she has developed the mother of all kidney stones(which is very common after this surgery) and is waiting to go in for the 2nd surgery to finish removing them.

    I have another friend who is VERY large and she's lost a lot of weight by diet change and exercise. It's not fast but it happens.

    To OP....I saw one of your responses.....why can't you lose weight? Everyone can lose weight. It's a matter of choice and mind over matter. You say if you don't lose weight you'll die.......that's a pretty good incentive to change your lifestyle. Everyone that has it done says it's their last resort but truly that's what everyone says because they can't control themselves. You can do anything you truly set your mind to and commit to fully. It's all about personal choice....choice to make the changes and have to work at it to accomplish a goal or choice to take quick route.

    The sense of accomplishment you get from knowing that you are losing weight on your own due to your own hard work and choices is unbelievable. You don't get that with a quick fix surgery. Surgery also doesn't teach you portion control and nutrition. If you don't learn how to change the habits that got you to this point in the first place most likely you will revert right back to them.

    Good luck!
  • trannaisfat
    trannaisfat Posts: 4 Member
    I had gastric by pass surgery in march. I do not regret having the surgery. I was immediately off insulin after the surgery and I don't need the oral diabetic and blood pressure pills as well. Before you have the surgery you need to change your eating habits. Stop drinking carbonated drinks now. You need to take classes on eating addictions and understanding your cravings. Get into some healthy eating habits before the surgery ty and lose some weight on your own...in most bariatric clinics they insist that you lose a little weight first. Don't let anyone tell you this is taking the easy way out. Anyone who says that is full of **** and doesn't understand wls. there is nothing easy about this.:smile:
  • lanecind
    lanecind Posts: 1 Member
    Gastric bypass is not for everyone. It is a personal choice that you and only you have to come to terms with. Do not let people discourage you in your choice. I encourage you to attend the support groups and hopefully you have someone close that can be your own personal support.

    I had gastric bypass surgery back in 94...yes 20+ years ago. I went from 360 to 160 in just over 2 years. Kept it off for about 5 years without really dieting. Eventually I gained back about 90 lbs. Not like I gained it over night, but a couple a pounds every month added up fast. Yes there are side affects...yes you have to take your vitamins faithfully every day...can you eventually eat whatever you want, yes...It was the best thing I could have done for myself. Gawd knows where I would be today if I didn't have it done.

    Last Sept 13, my husband and I quit smoking and wanted to loose some weight. The key to any successful weight loss is "lifestyle change:"! For some reason this time it just clicked. We cleaned out the house of all the junk food. Started eating healthy and using myfitnesspal to track our progress. I am now down 65 lbs and my husband is down 80 lbs, just by learning "how to eat smart".

    Sure wish I would have learned how to eat healthy way back when. Please remember this surgery is NOT a cure all...it is only a tool.

    Best of luck to you!

    BTW...I have not updated my picture because it is a reminder of where I was and that I never want to go back there.
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    love your post!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • julieyandell
    julieyandell Posts: 3 Member
    thank you for you post!! congrats!! Im going to have the VSG next month, I cant wait!! Keep up you great work!!
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    I had ryn on 5/8/13 and I have lost 160lbs and it was the BEST thing I could of ever done for myself and kids. I would do it alllllllll over again if I had too. PLEASE ADD ME! I was 413lbs and now 275lbs and the happiest I have ever been with myself.
  • steezymom
    steezymom Posts: 9
    Check out http://www.thinnertimesforum.com/ that is a community of folks who have or will under go some form of WLS. Best of luck to you!!!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    Go to the Gastric ByPass/VSG/LapBand group forum. They're very understanding and supportive and you'll get lots of accurate, up to date information!

    I came to suggest this as well. They will be a lot more helpful for your needs than someone who doesn't know you telling you not to get the surgery.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    If you've tried and you are convinced you can't do it without the surgery, you should look into the surgery. I'd say in an ideal world you would want to lose weight without surgery, but the important thing for your health (which people all too often forget about around here) is to drop the weight (sooner rather than later) and keep it off for the long term. If it takes a surgical operation to make that happen, then it's worth it.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I sent you a PM.

    Started at 399# ---> Currently down over 200# and working on the last 15. I will be 5 years out from RNY on 8/31.

    It's not all roses and butterflies, and it is not for everyone. There are horror stories. There are success stories. I am grateful for my choice. Eveyone is entitled to an opinion. Best of luck.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    Don't listen to the posters in this thread. Most people on this site aren't understanding about WLS. It is something that you should look elsewhere to get info. There are forums on a site called Bariatricpal.com

    I suggest you don't post anything to the regular forums about this topic as you will only be judged for your decision. Its a personal decision you are making to better your life and you shouldn't be judged for it. This is something a lot of people don't really understand about WLS. We HAVE tried to lose weight the "regular/normal" way. It comes off, it goes back on. It doesn't come off at all. It could be a disorder like a lot of women who have PCOS.

    For me, I decided to do the VSG. It was an easy decision for me and I am 6 weeks post op today! I am down 48 lbs! It is a tool to use to help. I still exercise and make good choices about what I eat. I just can't eat a lot.

    Don't let anyone deter you from your goal. Do what you have to do in order to be healthy and happy.
    I'll give an objective opinion:

    I work with people AFTER GS surgery a lot. 3-4 currently became depressed more than happy. 2 because they can't enjoy what they used to eat, the other a male who had knee surgery after and couldn't do any physical for awhile and now has lost a lot of lean muscle.
    The 4th one is doing pretty good, but is the one with the positive outlook. I believe the other 3 went into it not fully knowing the reprecussions and thinking it was something they could handle.

    It's NOT always the answer. So make sure you're prepared for a lot of hard work.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    husband had it and it turned out over good. PM me if you have questions
  • GuineaPiglet
    GuineaPiglet Posts: 35 Member
    My uncle had bypass surgery and passed away from complications 5 days later. This was about 10 years ago and I'm sure advances have been made since then. My aunt recently had the gastric sleeve and seems to be doing well. I do know it's far from the "easy way out" many people make it out to be...but should definitely only be a last resort/do it or die procedure. Dumping syndrome, lifelong B-12 shots, hair loss, loose skin requiring further surgeries. It doesn't sound pleasant...but if it's WLS or death within the year and this is a decision that you and your doctor arrived at together, then it may be necessary. If your issue is an eating addiction unrelated to excessive hunger, get help for that because transfer addictions are common even if the eating gets under control.

    There are other message boards that deal specifically with WLS. You'll definitely find more info and support there.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    I'm not judging you by any means, but it can be done without the surgery. I'm not saying it will come easy, because nothing worth having will come to you easily. It can be done though.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    For those that judge me, you should know, I am unable to lose weight and will die with out the surgery. So, it is the right choice for me.

    You need to do what you feel is in your best interest. Having said that - your above quote? Sounds exactly like me 10 years ago when I was considering weight loss surgery. Really glad I didn't go through with it. I know of 5 people who have had gastric bypass, and based on their outcomes, I wouldn't recommend the surgery to anyone.

    In any case, I hope whatever you decide works for you, and you get the results you want! :smile:
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    Don't listen to the posters in this thread. Most people on this site aren't understanding about WLS. It is something that you should look elsewhere to get info. There are forums on a site called Bariatricpal.com

    I suggest you don't post anything to the regular forums about this topic as you will only be judged for your decision. Its a personal decision you are making to better your life and you shouldn't be judged for it. This is something a lot of people don't really understand about WLS. We HAVE tried to lose weight the "regular/normal" way. It comes off, it goes back on. It doesn't come off at all. It could be a disorder like a lot of women who have PCOS.

    For me, I decided to do the VSG. It was an easy decision for me and I am 6 weeks post op today! I am down 48 lbs! It is a tool to use to help. I still exercise and make good choices about what I eat. I just can't eat a lot.

    Don't let anyone deter you from your goal. Do what you have to do in order to be healthy and happy.

    It seems to me that several posters on this thread, myself included, do know a little something about WLS. I was thisclose to having it until I changed my mind. At hospital where I went, we had to have months of counseling before getting the surgery and the point is to discourage as many people as possible from having it.

    During that time, you're put on a medically supervised diet, have to go to counseling (group and one-on-one) and excercise at their facilites. If you don't follow the rules, you don't get to have the surgery.

    After about a week I decided that if I had to diet and exercise to get the surgery, why wouldn't I just diet and exercise and lose the weight without having it?
  • April1290
    April1290 Posts: 31
    I'm honestly disgusted by how many people are just being plain rude about this subject. I had gastric bypass done this March and I'm down almost 80 pounds (17 of it before surgery). It seems all the rude people don't think about the fact of ---"Hey, what if I can't do it by myself because of [insert disease]". I just wish people would quit thinking "Just exercise & eat right!! It'll come off!!!". There's so many diseases and other factors that can cause exercise & eating right not being enough. I was on the borderline of having hypothyroidism & had PCOS so exercise and eating right wasn't gonna cut it for me (while also having diabetes running in my family bad, I had high blood pressure, small bit of arthritis in my knees because of the weight, etc.)

    I'm ecstatic with the choice I made--I feel better than I ever have in my life and I know it's going great!! As long as you take your vitamins & follow everything your doctors say, it will be fine!! Yes, some people end up having problems, but a lot of them don't. The surgery has improved tremendously in the last 5 years. If you end up working with a great team, you'll turn out great--if your weight loss place does everything half-a**ed then it's iffy how well you'll do. Just make sure you to your homework on where you'll be going and make sure their reviews are good enough. Just please don't listen to all the people that are commenting rudely, most of them don't understand.
  • April1290
    April1290 Posts: 31
    During that time, you're put on a medically supervised diet, have to go to counseling (group and one-on-one) and excercise at their facilites. If you don't follow the rules, you don't get to have the surgery.

    After about a week I decided that if I had to diet and exercise to get the surgery, why wouldn't I just diet and exercise and lose the weight without having it?

    The reason they put you on the diet & exercise plan for a while is to make sure that you do need the surgery. If you lose like 40-50 pounds by yourself---they will deny you the surgery. Every insurance policy is different----some will make you do this for 6 months before the surgery to decide if you really do need it or not, some like mine just made you go to so many nutrition & exercise classes to prepare you for life after surgery. I started my process in October 2013, had the surgery March 2014 (could've been sooner but had to work around my schedule) and within those 5 months I only lost 17 pounds! I'm just 4 months out from the surgery & I'm down another 60 pounds. If I hadn't had the surgery, I probably would've been down like 30-35 pounds total instead of almost 80. Sometimes you have to get the excess weight off as fast as you can because of health problems.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    IF it's not a medical emergency which I doubt it is if you're asking random people on an internet forum, then DON"T DO IT!!! It's easy money for the doc and it's sold as a fix all but most people I know and see that have had it either start looking unhealthy, because it is, or they have complications. Mark my/our words. Don't do this.