Gastric bypass info needed



  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    I was on the waiting list for a gastric bypass, back in November 2012, I was convinced it was my last hope, I thought I tried everything and this was the only way I was ever going to become slimmer and healthier....

    I chickened out on the day I was supposed to be going to see a surgeon, I just couldn't do it - I'd lost 42lb in 3 months and decided there and then that I have come this far, I may as well just keep plodding on and here I am, 20 months after that decision, I am almost at my goal weight and feeling fantastic....

    It is your decision, no one can make it for you and should never make you feel bad for considering it, just be sure it is what you really want and need, it's a big thing and it will change your life, if you let it.

    Good luck xXx
  • suesiren3
    suesiren3 Posts: 3
    Since you've already decided this is what you want to do, I wish you the best of luck and hope it helps you with your weight loss. I know several people that have had this done, some it worked for others it did not. You do realize even though you are having this procedure done you still have to watch what you eat and how much you eat, otherwise the weight will not come off.....Best of luck :)
  • petrulak
    petrulak Posts: 56 Member
    I knew a woman who had it done. she lost a lot of weight then had all the loose skin taken off. She regained all the weight and some. Why? Because she needed to learn how to eat healthy. She thought she could eat as much as she wanted and not exercise. Moral of the story; you still need to make a life style change.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    Don't listen to the posters in this thread. Most people on this site aren't understanding about WLS. It is something that you should look elsewhere to get info. There are forums on a site called

    I suggest you don't post anything to the regular forums about this topic as you will only be judged for your decision. Its a personal decision you are making to better your life and you shouldn't be judged for it. This is something a lot of people don't really understand about WLS. We HAVE tried to lose weight the "regular/normal" way. It comes off, it goes back on. It doesn't come off at all. It could be a disorder like a lot of women who have PCOS.

    For me, I decided to do the VSG. It was an easy decision for me and I am 6 weeks post op today! I am down 48 lbs! It is a tool to use to help. I still exercise and make good choices about what I eat. I just can't eat a lot.

    Don't let anyone deter you from your goal. Do what you have to do in order to be healthy and happy.
    I'll give an objective opinion:

    I work with people AFTER GS surgery a lot. 3-4 currently became depressed more than happy. 2 because they can't enjoy what they used to eat, the other a male who had knee surgery after and couldn't do any physical for awhile and now has lost a lot of lean muscle.
    The 4th one is doing pretty good, but is the one with the positive outlook. I believe the other 3 went into it not fully knowing the reprecussions and thinking it was something they could handle.

    It's NOT always the answer. So make sure you're prepared for a lot of hard work.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    chances are those 3 out of 4 people didnt become depressed because of the surgery, i'd bet they were depressed before surgery. people who've had surgery like my wife usually struggle with depression.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Don't get "pushed" either way. Educate yourself and make the choice that fits your situation and what is something you can live with. You are fifty according to your profile so you are old enough to know yourself.

    I have chosen not to go in that direction because I cannot imagine changing to that lifestyle. Food plays too important a roll in my personal life -- I like to cook, I like to read culinary histories, I like to write recipes, etc. -- and, of course, I like to eat. I might live longer if I were to do the surgery but I can't bring myself to take the chances necessary to find out.

    So, there are those of us here who feel going without surgery is the "best" way to go. There are those who believe surgery is the only answer. Neither of us is right in all cases.

    Take this time to do your research and determine what is best for you.
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't listen to the posters in this thread. Most people on this site aren't understanding about WLS. It is something that you should look elsewhere to get info. There are forums on a site called

    I suggest you don't post anything to the regular forums about this topic as you will only be judged for your decision. Its a personal decision you are making to better your life and you shouldn't be judged for it. This is something a lot of people don't really understand about WLS. We HAVE tried to lose weight the "regular/normal" way. It comes off, it goes back on. It doesn't come off at all. It could be a disorder like a lot of women who have PCOS.

    For me, I decided to do the VSG. It was an easy decision for me and I am 6 weeks post op today! I am down 48 lbs! It is a tool to use to help. I still exercise and make good choices about what I eat. I just can't eat a lot.

    Don't let anyone deter you from your goal. Do what you have to do in order to be healthy and happy.
  • christinesharon69
    I had gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago and I am down 140 pounds with 40 more to reach my goal. I feel that it was the ONLY way that I would have lost this much weight. People who can make it work with diet and excerise do it. That NEVER worked for me. Genetically, I come from a family of fatties. I have aunts, cousins and sisters who all have weight issues. This is a personal decision. But make it knowing one thing - you life will never be the same afterwards. There are things that I should not eat or I pay the price - sugary foods, high fat foods - I call it gastric bypass aversion therapy! Once I eliminate those foods, my system settles down and my system is happy again. This is a personal choice. But if you have tried the diet yo-yo and it has not worked for you, I say go for it! I have struggled with weight issues my entire life. Now I feel good about myself, my diabetes is non-exsistant and I take no meds for high blood pressure or cholesterol. For me, the benefits outweigh the risks and side effects. Friend me if you have questions. I will be happy to answer!
  • shortgrl006
    shortgrl006 Posts: 1 Member
    I had Gastric Bypass Dec 18, 2013. It was the best decision I have made for myself! I feel better, I feel better about myself! I am happier! I had high blood pressure, insulin resistance, hormone problems, eczema problems, etc. All from PCOS! I couldn't lose weight no matter what I did. I ate healthy, worked out. Nothing worked! It was very depressing! I talked to a nurse from one of the Dr. Offices that I went to and she talked to me about my PCOS problem. She too had the same problems as I did. She had gastric bypass and her PCOS went into remission. She said it was the best thing she has ever done for herself. She lost over 200 pounds and kept it off. So after that day I did my research. I read about the good and possible bad that came with the surgery. There were more good things than bad. I also watched YouTube video’s on different people’s journeys. I saw nothing but good from them. It was very motivating! I talked to my primary Dr. about RNY and he referred me to a great surgeon that he trusted and knew. I went to some classes, talked to the Dr. and nurses and decided to go for it! I had to lose 10 pounds in order to get a surgery date. It wasn’t easy! It was frustrating! They saw that I tried my very best, and with having 3 out of the 10 pounds to go, they gave me my date! I was so thankful for that! I didn’t want to let them or myself down! It was rough right after the surgery. I’m not going to lie! I never had surgery before, so it was rough for me. I was in the hospital a couple days longer than I should have been. It was only b/c physically I wasn’t ready to go home. It was hard for me to get up and move on my own (I admit I was kind of a baby too with the pain too lol). I am now almost 8 months out and total of 70.4 pounds down. I started out at 212. I am losing a bit slower now, but I’m losing inches like crazy! I knew with having less than 100 to lose, that it wouldn’t come off as fast as most people. I do not compare my losses with others. I learned that everyone’s bodies are different! I currently am 22.6 pounds away from my goal the surgeon gave me (119) and 16.6 pounds away from the goal that my family Dr. gave me. I figured as long as I am close to one of those goals and I feel better then I’m ok with either one. (I am 4’11”) I am no longer taking the two blood pressure pills daily, no longer losing my hair and growing facial hair due to my PCOS, my periods are every 28 days and so much lighter, I haven’t had painful cysts, I barely have eczema problems like I had, and I’m not on hormones. I FEEL BETTER!