Friday NSV!!! Post yours below



  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    I used to have really swollen ankles, especially in the evening from fluid, but I had them all day as well from previous sprains and adhesions. A doctor told me that woukd never go away. That has almost gone altogether and I never get fluid.
    My feet used to be awful and make summers really difficult as I could only wear trainers with orthotics or I could hardly walk. Sandals were a no no.
    Now I can walk for some time without agony, thanks to losing weight and concentrating on arch strengthening exercises. I used to walk flat footed, now I can walk normally. It feels great.
    Even my knee is improving which has been a problem since I was 16. I am 64 now. I do knee exercises every day.
    It is wonderful to have good mobility.:bigsmile:
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    Bittersweet but I can no longer wear my wedding ring because it is too big. I will wait to resize once I am closer to my goal.

    My rings spin around my finger now! Definitely bittersweet!

    I have had this too, i had to get a new wedding ring because my original was cobalt chrome and couldnt be resized, my gold one i have now that i got 4 months ago is loose now too, i have to get it resized soon.
  • baby_bokchoy
    baby_bokchoy Posts: 61 Member
    I got up late today for the first time in WEEKS (that in itself is a sweet, sweet victory), and I made myself a big breakfast, with two slices of bacon, a couple of tomato slices, a handful of frozen peas, a fried egg and some onion (all for about 310 calories), and afterwards I felt SO FULL. Literally all I could do is sit here drinking water, trying to recover. About a month ago, I could have eaten twice that and still been able to eat more. Yay for shrinking tummies!
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    a pair of capri's that didn't fit me or wouldn't button at the beginning of the summer are now fit with a belt..
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    Fit into my high school prom dress. Down a pants size and ran into my ex and he commented on how great I'm looking.
  • CPRsMom
    CPRsMom Posts: 15 Member
    All VERY inspiring stories. Way to go everyone! I just began my journey and can't wait to share my successes.

  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    It's not a very big one, but it felt like a big deal at the time: I had finished my lunch. Someone was cooking something in the microwave and it smelled delicious. And for the first time since I can remember or maybe ever, I appreciated the smell of food without feeling hungry. Plus, I actually recognized I was happily full, which has been something I'm working on too. Tiny victories!
  • MickieM623
    MickieM623 Posts: 10 Member
    I was cleaning out and reorganizing my closet today. I found a sweater I received for Christmas 2 years ago, that I haven't been able to wear yet. I tried it on to see how much futher I had to go to fit into it. ...found out it fits me!!! I love seeing progress like this even more than seeing the number on the scale go down!!!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member size 6's are getting loose
  • joesjl
    joesjl Posts: 6 Member
    Last night while watching a movie, I decided to spend the first half stepping on and off the Wii Fit board. But that's not the victory! When I was done, I sat down next to my hubby who's been telling me since I started working on my health and fitness in Februaury that he wants to do it with me, but hasn't even tried. With out a word he got right off the couch and did the same thing for the second half of the movie! I was thrilled and I hope his switch will click on just like it did for me:) I need him with me to enjoy our watching our girls grow up!
  • Knittinger
    Knittinger Posts: 8 Member
    My mother-in-law talked to me for about a half hour and didn't mention my weight loss at all, not surprising to me as it usually takes about 25 pounds for anyone to notice and I am only down about 15, but when she hugged me goodbye she definitely noticed. I got a "you are so thin!" Feels good!
  • milyba
    milyba Posts: 49
    Two days with out coffee
  • LStonePTL
    LStonePTL Posts: 31 Member
    My NSV is that my husband and I ran together tonight. I NEVER thought this day would ever come. I always hated to exercise/sweat and my husband was so morbidly obese we could barely walk up our street together. We walk/jogged 2 miles together. Yeah us!!
  • LStonePTL
    LStonePTL Posts: 31 Member
    Last night while watching a movie, I decided to spend the first half stepping on and off the Wii Fit board. But that's not the victory! When I was done, I sat down next to my hubby who's been telling me since I started working on my health and fitness in Februaury that he wants to do it with me, but hasn't even tried. With out a word he got right off the couch and did the same thing for the second half of the movie! I was thrilled and I hope his switch will click on just like it did for me:) I need him with me to enjoy our watching our girls grow up!

    Love this!! It's great to be doing it together!!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Donuts were brought to office and I really didn't have much trouble turning them down. They just aren't worth it and they never taste as good as my size 8 Ann Taylor slacks feel. I used to be size 22.
  • melbrown22
    melbrown22 Posts: 53 Member
    These are FANTASTIC!! Thanks to everyone for posting. Such an important reminder that the number on the scale is not the only factor in our victories. If I can keep this in mind, I think I will be more successful this time. I will DEFINITELY be looking for more threads like this as time goes on! :bigsmile:
  • kateandkevin
    kateandkevin Posts: 13 Member
    I took the kids to the pool this afternoon, but I couldn't get in the water. My unfashionable, fat mama swim skirt is now a size or two too big. It falls right off when I climb out of the water. Since we go back to school in just a few weeks, I refuse to buy a new one, but I can't wait to see what size I am next summer. I'd love to go from the granny skirt to actual swim bottoms.
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    I was able to do 60 crunches on the ab machine carrying 32 pounds on the machine!
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I have fresh wild black raspberries in the fridge. You know, the kind that makes ice cream sing????? Yum.

    But. Today I didn't get my walk in and we went out for fish fry (mine was broiled, thank you)... so... I am waiting. Until tomorrow, when come hell or high water, I am having berries and ice cream.

    Maybe for breakfast.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Got carded tonight. I thought my skin was looking better from all the water, and no make up to boot. Insert cheesy grin here. LOL
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