What's Your Reward



  • beccasaur387
    beccasaur387 Posts: 37 Member
    When I get down to under 200 pounds (more like 160-170 pounds), I want to go skydiving.

    When I get down to 150-160 pounds I want to buy those nice elastic workout pants from Victoria Secret

    When I get down to 120 pounds I want to go to the Electric Daisy Carnival in Vegas. It's in June and so I would have to wear light clothing that I can sweat in instead of covering up. I'm not a raver, but the idea of glowsticks, vibrant colorful people, and dancing until dawn sounds like super fun.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    A good long (and free) massage from my daughter, a licensed massage therapist! :))
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Rewards aren't for everyone... Understandable... For me, however, they are imperative! They serve as an added boost...a bonus to keep me going. Changing your life style and losing weight is hard and hard work should be rewarded. S/n: I think for everyone on MFP the ultimate goal is overall improved health and creating a healthy lifestyle. That's kind of a given. Honestly, if you don't use rewards there's really no need to reply. Just my two cents... Not trying to start anything.

    I agree...I feel bad for the tight-wads of the world (thats right - just like a 6 year old, I'm going to be passive aggressive on this one!) . A lot of people use "rewards" as a way to improve motivation, as well as ultimately self-care. So many people spend their days worrying and caring for others, that we forget to focus on ourselves. I think it is perfectly healthy to splurge on yourself once in a while - besides you only live once...I dont think many people on their death beds say "i wish my savings account was bigger".
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Rewards aren't for everyone... Understandable... For me, however, they are imperative! They serve as an added boost...a bonus to keep me going. Changing your life style and losing weight is hard and hard work should be rewarded. S/n: I think for everyone on MFP the ultimate goal is overall improved health and creating a healthy lifestyle. That's kind of a given. Honestly, if you don't use rewards there's really no need to reply. Just my two cents... Not trying to start anything.

    I agree...I feel bad for the tight-wads of the world (thats right - just like a 6 year old, I'm going to be passive aggressive on this one!) . A lot of people use "rewards" as a way to improve motivation, as well as ultimately self-care. So many people spend their days worrying and caring for others, that we forget to focus on ourselves. I think it is perfectly healthy to splurge on yourself once in a while - besides you only live once...I dont think many people on their death beds say "i wish my savings account was bigger".

    I thought I was the only one that got rubbed a bit by that one...
    Lmao! I'm dying over here! Couldn't have said it in better!!! Hilarious but true!! Thank you! @dakotababy
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Not so much a reward as it is a goal, but we're planning a trip to Italy for our 15 year anniversary.
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    For reaching my first goal (25lb) I just bought myself a new pear of shorts, in a smaller size. Sooooo happy.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    new alex and ani bracelet
    new workout clothes
    fancy pants shower gel and body scrub from H20+
    new dress
    new shoes

    i'm all about rewarding myself . and i'm very motivated by rewards, i mean feeling good after a job well done is good too but it's even better when combined with something tangible :laugh:
  • yummyboogereaterr
    yummyboogereaterr Posts: 23 Member
    Rewards aren't for everyone... Understandable... For me, however, they are imperative! They serve as an added boost...a bonus to keep me going. Changing your life style and losing weight is hard and hard work should be rewarded. S/n: I think for everyone on MFP the ultimate goal is overall improved health and creating a healthy lifestyle. That's kind of a given. Honestly, if you don't use rewards there's really no need to reply. Just my two cents... Not trying to start anything.

    I agree...I feel bad for the tight-wads of the world (thats right - just like a 6 year old, I'm going to be passive aggressive on this one!) . A lot of people use "rewards" as a way to improve motivation, as well as ultimately self-care. So many people spend their days worrying and caring for others, that we forget to focus on ourselves. I think it is perfectly healthy to splurge on yourself once in a while - besides you only live once...I dont think many people on their death beds say "i wish my savings account was bigger".

    I thought I was the only one that got rubbed a bit by that one...
    Lmao! I'm dying over here! Couldn't have said it in better!!! Hilarious but true!! Thank you! @dakotababy

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    When I reach my goal weight a tattoo. But now I'm thinking of something for onederland/50 pounds/the halfway point as they'll all be within weeks of each other, especially since my birthday (right around when I should hit the first) is going to be ruined.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My reward was better health and better fitting clothes. I didn't do anything special when I reached goals.
  • phoenixx866
    phoenixx866 Posts: 173 Member
    When I reach 250 lbs I'm going to get my hair dyed at a salon. :3
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    When I get to 145 I am getting a small, classy tattoo.
    At 130 I am going to enter my first NPC bikini competition, masters division.
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you for your responses! You all are so inspiring! So many awesome ideas! I know that we'll all reach are target goals!!! Everyone keep up the hard work! Stay focused and determined!! If you fall off the wagon... Just pick yourself up and keep moving! We can do this!!!!!!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    oh yeah i also have makeup on my reward list, but not stuff i would be buying anyway because where's the fun in that.

    once i reach my next goal of 14 pounds, i plan on trying the new dior addict it-lash mascara
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Reconstructive surgery on my belly/c-section scar. My skin has always been a bit loose but having kids really did a number on it. If it doesn't shrink down to my satisfaction, I will be goibg under the knife. My sister had it done and it seems like a good idea for me since we have similar body types/skin issues, etc. I may get a mommy combo and get a breast lift, as well. We shall see.
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Every 10 lbs I get to pick a reward. Some rewards include spa day, pedicure, 50 dollar shopping spee, upgrade gym membership, take a fun full body photo, etc. rewards and small term goals like 10 lbs seem to be a big help
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Of course I have rewards!!!!

    I am saving big rewards for major milestones: Teeth whitening (I've wanted this for sooo long!), a new bike (badly needed!), etc..

    But every 5 pounds, I totally do rewards; mostly clothes (also very badly needed!), or a date night with hubs, etc...

    I don't feel like I am being immature, more that I am trying to teach myself that good things aren't found under cheese, wrapped in chocolate, from a bakery..... mmmm bread.....

    ok, time to focus on that next goal: Pajamas!
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    I have rewards for every 10lbs I lose. At 204 right now, and at 200, I get to eat dinner at the local sushi buffet :), then every 20lbs after that is a sushi buffet reward, the 10lb increments starting at 190 are things like new workout clothes, sports watch, snowboarding and biking gear.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    clothes that fit
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    When I lost 10 lbs, I bought a new pair of Nike's.