How much weight did you have to lose to go down a size?

So, a bit of background. I've been working out and eating healthy and so far I've lost 30 pounds (yay!) I just wanted to know from the rest of you how long it took you to go down a dress/pant size, because I haven't yet! My husband thinks I'm losing weight from my back, which I agree, I can tell that area is more toned, but I'm pretty sure I didn't have 30 pounds of fat on my back. Did it take any of you a lot of weight to go down a size? I ask mainly because it's mildly discouraging to see the weight loss on the scale but not necessarily on my body. Advice? Similar stories? I'd love to hear them!


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If any elastic is involved at all, it can be a very long time. Pants and some styles of skirts can also last awhile by riding lower on the hips. Dresses that don't already fit with something like a belt can also just get gradually looser without needing to be replaced for awhile.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Same boat right here. I am down 36 lbs and still wear all my clothes that I always have. Last time I did this and lost right over 80 lbs it took me to like 45-50 before I attempted new clothing. Good luck with everything. You are doing an amazing job. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Csy4242
    Csy4242 Posts: 210 Member
    I've lost a total of 58lbs and have gone from a size 24 to an 18. I think it really depends where you loose the weight though and what types of clothing you are going by.
  • TatianaMacKenzie
    TatianaMacKenzie Posts: 23 Member
    They say around 10 pounds, but it varies person to person, according to the outfit (dress, jeans, suit), brand (some more forgiving than others), whether it is stretchy, what style (empire waist, wrap), etc. Do you take your measurements every week (chest, waist, hips, thighs, upper arms...)? Changes there would help show you where you are losing. Just keep going.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I started at 188 (5'2") size 16-18, extra large.
    Now I'm 125 size 6, petite small.
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    How disheartening is this. I was looking forward to my clothes feeling baggy on me, but it looks like I have a long time to wait.
    I'm starting to feel sorry that I read this page! :frown:
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    There is no exact formula. I started at a size 24, 262 lbs. Lost the first 40, got down to an 20. Have lost 2-4 lbs since, and am wearing a 16. Just depends where you lose & if you are losing fat or building muscle.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Buy tighter clothes? :love: :happy:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    How disheartening is this. I was looking forward to my clothes feeling baggy on me, but it looks like I have a long time to wait.
    I'm starting to feel sorry that I read this page! :frown:

    It's really going to depend on the individual, don't give up hope. The first time I lost weight, I went down a pants size every 15 lbs or so...but my shirt size didn't change because I swear my boobs want to be on Dolly Parton's body...
  • jsherrill0613
    jsherrill0613 Posts: 233 Member
    When I lost weight the first try, I lost around 20 lbs (the found out I was pregnant) and went from a size 18 to size 14. I think it will take me longer this time for some reason to go down a size or 2 in clothes because of where I am losing the weight from. For some reason it is from different areas this time around. I am like you and it looks like I have lost weight on my back and maybe some from my legs. My pants are more lose but not enough to go down a size yet.
  • jsherrill0613
    jsherrill0613 Posts: 233 Member

    It's really going to depend on the individual, don't give up hope. The first time I lost weight, I went down a pants size every 15 lbs or so...but my shirt size didn't change because I swear my boobs want to be on Dolly Parton's body...

    It feels like mine have also gotten bigger! haha ...maybe they aren't changing but the area around them is getting smaller.
  • Sie_Con
    Sie_Con Posts: 101 Member
    I agree it's disheartening. I've lost almost 20 and still in the same size I started (size 20). But my jeans are from forever 21 so they have a bit of stretch. I know I'll be in the same clothes for at least the next 10lbs or more.

    But on a positive, my former roommate who hadn't seen me in a few weeks said "woah you lost weight!" the second I walked up, when I didn't think it was noticeable at all! Your body is changing, your clothes will catch up!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    It took me 20 pounds to go from a size 14 to a 12 and then five more pounds to go from a 12 to a 10. It was weird. It took forever to go down one pants size and then almost right away I went down another one.
  • ilona1913
    ilona1913 Posts: 28 Member
    I've lost a little over 20 lbs and I'm still in the same size, but if I'm being honest with myself, my clothes were too tight for me and I should have been a size up. Now I can definitely see and feel that they fit much better. Maybe that was the case with you?
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Every 10 lbs.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    It definitely varies. I can't remember the specifics, but I can tell you overall numbers.

    Starting Size: 18W (pants were slightly snug) or 1x (had a few 2x tops)
    Current Size: 14, but they are loose, and I recently purchased a size 12 pants. I'm in a Large or X-Large for tops.
    Total weight loss thus far: 41 lbs.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I started at 139 kg (306 lb) at 169 (5'6) and size 26/28 (US sizing)
    I am now 101 kg (222.5 lb) and wear a size 16/18

    The loss wasn't linear though, it took a good while to go down from 24 to 22. I was actually disappointed when 45 lbs lighter I was still able to wear my larger clothes, a little bit baggier but not falling off.
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    I have lost 31lbs. I knew my current jeans were getting pretty loose on me. I went to try on jeans this weekend just to see where I was at and I am down 2 jean sizes. It will happen :-) I suggest taking your measurements if you aren't already.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    every twenty lbs lost I go down another size. It does depend on the brand of clothing and type however. This is the reason I love shopping at goodwill so I can have the opportunity to try on differnet sizes in dfferent brands to see how things fit on me and/or buy them.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    You just can't tell I have different brand shirts that go from a medium to an XL and they fit the same. over the span of 6 plus years and 180 pounds my waist went from a 56 to a 38 or about one inch for 10 pounds but sometimes I lost 20 or 25 pounds before the inch sometimes almost 2 inches and not much weight lost. Keep doing what works for you get healthy and fit and your size and clothing will get to where you are happy