What was your "wakeup call"?



  • TinaLauritsen
    TinaLauritsen Posts: 52 Member
    I never really saw myself as overweight, just always complained that clothes would look stupid, and that I looked fat and so on, but all girls do that, so never really thought about it until my friend told me that I should start working out with her, and that it would be a good idea to track my weight and measurements if I did. Went on the weight the next morning, and somehow it was up to 77 kg. I managed to drop 8 kg that summer, but I never changed my lifestyle, so most of it came back within the next year. Last Autumn I noticed that I couldn't zip my big winter jacket, and walking 800 m to the train would take my breath away. With quite a few relapses I've finally managed to get back down to where I can fit into clothes that I haven't worn for years, and just went shopping today, and came home with only size Small items :love:
    I would never have made it this far if it wasn't because I realized that it's not my boyfriends job to make me happy about myself, but my job to love me, so he can love me too, and to make that happen I needed to change to lifestyle into one that got me off the sofa and out into the sunshine, and so far that has given me more than any piece of candy ever did. :smile:
  • lauramw87
    lauramw87 Posts: 7 Member
    Seeing myself in my sister's wedding photos. I seriously could not quit looking at myself because I was horrified of how far I'd let myself go.
  • ajvilla629
    ajvilla629 Posts: 13 Member
    Going to the hospital last december with Pancreatitis and finding out I'm diabetic. I had lost 20lbs without realizing it, I have since lost another 60. only ~10 more to go!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,556 Member
    Looking at a picture of me from a night when I remembered thinking " I look GOOD!" Uh, no, I was mushy looking and it wasn't a pretty look. It still wasn't enough though, it took going on vacation with my family and having all my hiking shorts and zip off pants feeling snug and then looking at THOSE pictures. I found MFP the next day and have been here ever since-4 years next month. I hit my goal 6 months in, maintained within a 5 lb range then had some life events happen. Now, I'm losing that weight I regained while lifting a lot and the scale is slowly moving but I look so much better.
  • cub1771
    cub1771 Posts: 4
    ER visit for blood pressure through the roof. Slowly started changing things. Eventually it led to a complete lifestyle change on what I do, what I eat, etc. Add the motivation of my son, my now step son, and my now beautiful (and always much smaller) wife that I had just started dating and didn't want to lose any time with.
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    Surprisingly being diagnosed as diabetic didn't do it for me as I was technically fit and in shape as I was still in the military then. I then used the medication as an excuse for why I piled on the weight, avoided mirrors and ignored my friends comments that I was becoming a 'big' guy.

    However, I then had 2 photos taken at work, 1 at a work's do at the local pub and 1 for the work's employee tree. I was then sent these and realised that my face was completely round, I had a double, almost triple chin and even my neck looked flabby.

    That kicked me into touch and luckily through diet and going back to the gym I have so far shifted 32kg, kept it off and now get called the big guy in a positive light.
  • Rivethead
    Rivethead Posts: 9
    Losing my gallbladder, getting GERD, finding out my liver was working OT, almost dying in the ER, being nauseated all the time, learning that diabetes runs in the family, and finding out fiber is both my worst enemy and best friend because of intestinal damage was pretty much the proverbial "Okay, I'm going to die if I don't do something." Haven't looked back since.
  • NinjaJinja
    NinjaJinja Posts: 147 Member
    For me it was when I stepped on the scale and it was over 200 lbs. (205 lbs at the highest). I decided I absolutely could NOT weight over 200 lbs. The other thing was having to go up a size in jeans to size 16... and having them be skin tight.

    Now I'm down to 180 ish, and in size 12 pants again. Just gotta keep at it.
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    having to sit down and pull my foot up to tie my shoes.
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    My first grandchild being born. The instant I saw her, I knew I wanted to be around to see her grow up.
  • Britnik96
    Britnik96 Posts: 2
    My wake-up call was when I wouldn't even take photos with my long-distance boyfriend when we met, because I was so obsessed with my self-image. That's when I knew I had to make a change so that I could love myself.
  • tamiv908
    tamiv908 Posts: 1
    I am trying again... . Getting on the Scale and seeing a number I NEVER NEVER thought I would...
    with a 41 BMI - I'm so upset.
    I know what needs to be done... GOD please give me the strength to do it.
  • When I was waiting in the doctors surgery and a lady sat down next to me and said "ooh, are you here to see the midwife too?" NO I WASN'T!!

    Also, my so called "family" have always made fatty jibes at me and made me feel ashamed of how I look, to the point that I refused to go to family gatherings. So, I am waiting until I hit my target weight, all nice and toned, and I will show them that I did this all by myself!
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Well, it's not a call per say, but my phone does alarm every morning to wake me up.... oh! Not what you meant.. Hum... no wake up call. Not sure why I am working to change.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    I was staying away from cameras, but I saw myself in a vacation picture & "couldn't believe" how fat I was. I lost a hundred, but my struggle never quits.
  • SamDavis48
    SamDavis48 Posts: 15 Member
    Three Major kickers
    1) My son looking at me in my bathing suit and saying " Daddy you got a big belly."

    2) Snapping my diving board

    3) Thinking that I was " Knocking it out of the park" with my wife one night only to find that I was " Squishing her". <-- final straw.
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    Getting on the scale and realizing I only weighed 5 pounds less than my husband...and he is four inches taller than I am!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    A really bad photograph.
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    Breast Cancer! In all my research about how to help prevent cancer from occurring again I learned that hormones live in fat and my body produces an abundance of hormones which caused my cancer. So, my hubby and I changed our way of eating and began to lift weights. Now, I love lifting. I look forward to the gym. I am down 45 pounds and need to get rid of about 45 more. I am doing it slow because I refuse to not enjoy life and starve to death.