ED Recovery, getting to a 'healthy weight'.



  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Hello Ashley,
    As you mentioned you are recovering from an ED. The best advice anybody can give you is to see a professional (Doctor or dietitian) to get medical advice on your personal situation.
    I'd like to wish you the best of luck on your path of recovery.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Hi, I have been recovering from ana since March. I am 5'6 and went from 97 pounds - 114 pounds. I want to stop gaining. I am pretty active, I ride 2 - 3 horses everyday. Some people say I should gain more because I am at the lowest BMI, but I am terrified. I'm scared that if I keep gaining I'm going to freak out and loose it all again. Do you think it's fine for me to stick to maintaining at 114 at least for a little while? Like maybe in a month or two I'll feel better about this and try to gain a little more...
    To maintain at this weight I can eat about 2500 cals a day with exercise so I am eating enough...

    If your BMI is still healthy, then I don't see why you would have to force yourself into gaining more, specially because you say you wouldn't be happy about it anyway. I'd say maintain for a while and gradually build more muscle which adds to your weight but in an awesome way.
    Definitely consult your doctor also. For the most part we are just a bunch of normal people like you tho.

    According to her BMI, she is underweight. She needs to gain two more pounds to barely squeak into normal weight.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    Please feel free to vent and get things off your chest but as far as nutritional advice Don't listen to everyone in this forum. I have seen people tell you that you look great so its ok to be where you are when you are still underweight. You have made some great progress in gaining weight and you are almost to a healthy BMI. Let your doctors and medical professionals advise you on your weight. Take advantage of the understanding people on these forums as to how you may feel and leave the medical decisions to your doctors. I am sorry you are fighting so hard with an ED. I am sorry you do not feel good about your body. Its an awful issue to have to deal with. This site is nice for emotional support but do think anything you read here can override medical advice. I wish you the best of luck and I really hope you concur your demons. Know that what you see in the mirror does not mach reality. You are doing so well getting back to a healthy weight. Keep up the great work and trust your doctors.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    I think 120 would be good! I'm not promoting ED at all as I am also trying to recover but I do believe thin is beautiful. But thin CAN be healthy. This is what i am trying to instill in myself on my road to recovery. Stay at where you are healthy and comfortable. If the doctor says there is nothing wrong with you health wise at 114 lbs then stay there! Screw what others think as far as you being too thin. The goal is HEALTH.
  • VeganEquestrian
    VeganEquestrian Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you everyone.
    Doc says I'm allowed to stay between 114 - 118 for a bit until I'm more mentally excepting and we will see how things go :)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    I'm glad you sought out support from your doctor. If you find yourself back tracking even a little bit (114 becomes 112 becomes 108) than you know to get back to the plan you were working to gain. You are so active and you won't keep enough fuel to be great at your riding. Good luck!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Thank you everyone.
    Doc says I'm allowed to stay between 114 - 118 for a bit until I'm more mentally excepting and we will see how things go :)

    That's terrific news! Congrats on talking to your doctor--and even better, having a supportive doctor who understands you don't need to be rushed. :happy:
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    Thank you everyone.
    Doc says I'm allowed to stay between 114 - 118 for a bit until I'm more mentally excepting and we will see how things go :)

    Great Keep up the good work!
  • limeysss
    limeysss Posts: 28 Member
    I know how tough it is to return to a "healthy weight" after an eating disorder. My low weight was 98 at 5'7, and that's when I started getting healthy again. I had the "worst" thing that can happen to a ED survivor, my metabolism was shot and I rapidly gained more weight and couldn't stop it unless I stopped eating. The stress of gaining weight lead me to gain even MORE weight. I can tell you after going through all of that, it was not nearly as awful as I thought it would be, nor is it permanent. I have just started trying to lose weight again, but this time the healthy way. Even if you get heavier than you'd like, focus on how you feel internally and don't pay attention to a number on the scale. Once you're truly healthy and happy, you can start to lose weight healthily if you feel that it's necessary. Good luck in recovery :)