What was your "wakeup call"?



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    After not weighing myself for about a year I seen that the number was dangerously close to the number that I said I would never get to again.
  • mikda999
    mikda999 Posts: 41 Member
    I had lost 40 pounds a two years ago and felt really good. Even good enough to go backpacking with hubby and two boys. We did at least 50 miles that trip and it was tons of fun. I was still over 300 pounds though, but I was keeping up.

    Skip ahead to this summer and the boys wanted to do something like it again. I planned out a short trip on an island with a walk in site about 1.5 miles from the boat dock. We were all set to go but my backpack didn't buckle. I had to make an extension. I gained 10 of those 40 pounds back and apparently several inches. We still went and only this time both my husband and I were out of breath on an easy 2 mile hike up to a light house. Then we saw this 60 something year old women climbing all those stairs like a champ and we looked at each other and decided something has to change.

    We've been taking long walks and working out everyday and changed our eating habits. Now we're planning another trip for this fall to see some the beautiful waterfalls that require lots of hiking.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    My baby brother was diagnosed with cancer. That will really mess with your head.

    He had to have 3/4 of his stomach removed to get all the cancer. He had to learn to eat right for his new life. He is my hero!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Two things:
    - In early Dec, doc said I could lose 50 lbs, or lose my troublesome knee
    - In mid-Dec, seeing a picture of myself from a work Christmas party.
    Jan 1 was a fresh start, and I've now almost doubled the doc's suggestion.

    (Edited to correct typos)
  • clichedemorgy
    When I tried on my wedding dress and couldn't breathe.
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    The most recent one: being asked 'how many weeks along' for the second time in a month.
    The first time (10 years ago):my niece suddenly died, for the most part due to the effects of being overweight.

    Unfortunately no wakeupcall seems to have a long lasting effect and makes me enough motivated to keep the weight off. But I''ve started again, so who knows...
  • seleniabailarina
    looking in the mirror alot lately and seeing the ugly relationship weight creep on...i'm getting disgusted because i'm not able to have the schedule i know works for me! i am now at about 234 and my goal is to lose 60-70 lbs and get back at least to 160; first if i can get down to 200 i'll be happy!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Four months ago my doc said I needed to go on high blood pressure meds. He gave me two months to go salt free to see if that was behind it. When I went back I had lost 30 pounds and 10 points off the blood pressure. He then gave me three months more as I told him I have no interest in meds. Once you start one medication things just tend to go downhill and the meds multiply.

    I had walked religiously two summers ago and saw little effect because I didn't have MFP to show me the impact the food was having. Now that I understand portion sizes and have found some great alternatives (like PB2) everything is clicking. I look forward to the doc visit in six weeks but still realize there's more work for me.

    I know you're not looking for quick fixes, but I'm a fan of the no-nonsense British nutritionalist Patrick Holford, and just checking one of his books now, he asserts that approx. 450g of magnesium (or as he says, 150g twice a day, and the 150g often already in your multivitamin) can be effective for those suffering with high blood pressure. Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there, as I would share your reticence about taking unnecessary medications if at all possible, and also due to some medical history I need to keep my own blood pressure normal, or even slightly low, something that it thankfully is with the way I'm living (healthy diet/ exercise/ etc) :)
  • julieannebird11
    julieannebird11 Posts: 2 Member
    I hit 200 for the third time in my life. The first two times, I was pregnant, and that third time I wasn't. I also needed a new dress for church, and didn't like the way any fit in the store. So, I decided to sew one myself. The problem was not the dresses in the store (obvious to everybody else, but not me.)
    I think I wore that dress 2 times, and then it was too big. :-) I'm thinking about tearing it apart and making a smaller one now that is not tent-like in any way! LOL

    I never appreciated my body and how normal/healthy I was. With my three kids, I ballooned up 50-60 pounds, and dealing with a number in the 200's was even worse when sufficient time had passed that I could no longer blame "baby weight.

    Besides being 200+ pounds, my six-year-old recently started playing with the fat on the backs of my arms.

    To make matters worse, I was in the family locker room at Life Time Fitness with my three boys (ages 6-8), and my middle one looked at a photo of a beautiful fitness model on the wall and said, "You sort of look like her..." and my oldest added, "but not as thin."

    From the mouths of babes! I don't need to be skinny, I just want a healthy BMI of 23-25!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I always machine dried my t-shirts and as I got bigger I would only hang dry them to prevent shrinking. I was in a large at the time, then had to move to XL. Once I was not only hang drying my XL's but then having to stretch the crap out of them to make them fit, I knew something had to be done.

    Also, I couldn't breathe while tying my shoes lol, had to hold my breath, or just never untie them and slip them on.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    It was "the picture." Third row, third from the left.
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Seeing photographs of the "evidence". :cry: Realising that I weighed 191lbs (could have been more), the same as my husband who is 5ft 11 and I am only 5ft 2! :blushing: NEVER AGAIN!!! :bigsmile:
  • Kmarti08
    Kmarti08 Posts: 2
    My family Also told me i needed to lose weight and i Also got scared that i weight 200 pounds and im 5'0 feet.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    about a week ago…my inner voice spoke out loud to me and said "I don't want to be fat."

    I've never been really fat..but recently I've realized i am on my way. So after I heard that thought typed "I don't want to be fat." into google and up came a pintrest board on "I don't want to be fat".. since then, I feel resolved to turn things around.

    I admire everyone in this thread for making a realization and attempting to do something about it. :flowerforyou:
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    My wonderful boyfriend had left for the Marines and I was really upset about it. I turned to food...then when I saw that the scale got up to 225 (YIKES!) I knew I had to do something. I cut out all fast food, caffeine and sugar and started running as well as playing roller derby. I thought I would die the first two weeks...but now if I even take a bite of a cupcake my body reacts so negatively with sugar headaches, ect.

    The thing that keeps me going is that my boyfriend is so supportive in what I'm doing. He put together a whole weight lifting regimen for me. He also told me that he wants me around for a long time, and didn't want my weight to be the reason why I wouldn't be around later in life.

    I love my marine. And I'm down 23 pounds so far!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    My Dad got cancer and I took care of him for a year but stopped taking care of myself. And did a lot of drinking. I gained 30 pounds in a year and completly stopped working out. I got pregnant and it opened my eyes to a lot of things. I needed to make sure I was healthy for all my 3 boys. And for my confidence. The more I weigh, the more Im insecure and when Im insecure I settle for less than I deserve. I could go on and on....
  • Applesnchz
    I am now in my mid-30's and hanging out :) at 180 lbs. Tried losing weight this last year with diet alone - and doing what worked in my early 20's, not eating except for dinner. Let's be real - it was a terrible idea that is not working at 34 and making me feel like crap. My wake-up call was binge eating doughnuts, candy bars, etc. and gaining 6 pounds a week putting me right back where I started in my fat pants. I now understand that my metabolism is not what is used to be and that exercise must become a daily part of my life. I have watched my dad literally yo-yo from about 200 to 380 my entire life and have sworn to myself to never be like that. I want a thin and healthy lifestyle - not a fad diet plan. Everyone tells me, "baby steps" will get me there. So here I go - baby walking ;)
  • Michellelynn219
    Michellelynn219 Posts: 62 Member
    I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease which make it hard to lose weight. According to the doctor I am not overweight but losing a few pounds couldn't hurt. I am 46 years young, 5ft 6 1/2 inches currently 151 lbs. For me ...I am over weight I was 140 pounds before I got pregnant 9 years ago and before that I was 113 pounds. My goal is 125.

    I was 166lbs two year ago before I had a 7lb uterine fibroid removed. I used to get the " when are you due" questions because the fibroid made me look 22 weeks pregnant. I hated to go out of the house.

    Hashimoto's causes high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I am on thyroid meds and two different blood pressure meds. Last Wednesday my endocrinologist told me that I am pre diabetic and he want to put me on cholesterol meds...that was my turning point. I don't want to add another medication so...I am changing my eating and I am determined to reverse everything and heal my body. I am already seeing results and there is no turning back. I see the endocrinologist in October and my Cardiologist in November and I want to WOW both of them and get off these meds.

    Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Seeing the number on the scale at 199. That was a year ago and I've only lost about 15 pounds, which doesn't bother me; slow is better than not at all. I just remember not wanting to every see a number over 200.
  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    When I realized that I had less than a year until my husband comes home, and I want to be in the best shape of my life by the time that happens :)