Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge - Enrollment Now Open



  • DolleyM
    DolleyM Posts: 4
    This is a fantastic idea. Put me in Gryffindor, but if there is no room I will take any house.
  • poorisubash
    poorisubash Posts: 9 Member
    I'd like to be in Hufflepuff please !!! Would love the support of fellow HP fans!
  • Avadon
    Avadon Posts: 5
    I would love to take part. I would request Slytherin plz
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    OMG! I am PRAYING that there is still a spot left in Gryffindor?!? If not, Ravenclaw! I'm just ecstatic I found this before tomorrow, eeeee!

    Edit: Just realized you're full. Wah.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    The best HP sorting quiz out there always put me in Slytherin, so that is what I would request. If there is any space left!
  • GoGirlLexyRun
    GoGirlLexyRun Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like fun! Gryffindor or Slytherin please!
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    I will abide by your decision regarding my house. Thank you.
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80

    This sound fun, please include me in Gryffindor.
  • macsimps
    macsimps Posts: 1
    I'm excited for this! Any house would be great!
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    eeek! i did not read the intro thoroughly. im not in now because i know nothing of Harry Potter! lol Good luck and have fun everyone!
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    I'd love to join this! And since it starts today that would make it perfect! :)

    I'd love to be in Gryffindor house! :)
  • firstloveyourself
    firstloveyourself Posts: 149 Member
    Hell yes I'm in! Ravenclaw please :D
  • bbardwell0916
    bbardwell0916 Posts: 33 Member
    If Gryffindor or Hufflepuff is still open I would gladly join :)
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I hope that there is still room available for me! I would like Ravenclaw the most (I like to think that I'm smart!), my next choice is Hufflepuff (I also like to think that I'm an all-round nice person!), then Gryffindor (I'm not that brave!), and even Slytherin (although I will know that the Sorting Hat made an error!). Thanks!
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    Oh, my god! Is it too late? Can I still join Slytherin?!

    (Although I feel like it'll be so much pressure, ha ha! It'll be fun, though!)
  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    If there are any houses still open (Hufflepuff is my top pick) please count me in.
  • bonzaburns
    bonzaburns Posts: 29 Member
    Count me into the waiting list for the next challenge. You pick my house for me. I need something to motivate me...Feeling down in the dumps atm...
  • delisathedork
    delisathedork Posts: 1 Member
    I want to be in Slytherin House (the best house!) if there's still room! :)
  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    Just saw this now. If there is room I would love to join! Ravenclaw would be my first choice, but I am willing to go wherever I need to if possible
  • eyeliketurtles
    eyeliketurtles Posts: 6 Member
    Hope there's still space!! My first choice is gryffindor but I'll take any house with room left.