Starting over, need support!



  • Emerald5671
    Emerald5671 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me......anyone. This is not my first time, but this is my best time. I have been successful this time with mfp because I have not missed a day logging for 50 days in a row. I am getting older so I figure...THIS IS IT!! We can do this!????????????????
  • bcanderson123456
    bcanderson123456 Posts: 45 Member
    If you are following a program ie 21day fix or whatever my guess is you will be starting over again. There shouldn't be any program if you approach it right. I have recently started a page that isn't finished yet and there is a lot to read but it talks about a lifestyle approach and not a "diet program". . I am just trying to get people to think differently, it still means you count your calories and that's all you do to be successful. If you want to spend 7 minutes listening to my rants about weight loss I have a kickstarter project at
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Thanks! Added!

    I'm not looking at anything as a program anymore - more so just a jump start to my new lifestyle. After the first few weeks or so is always when I've begun to notice a difference in how I feel and how much energy I have. The sooner I can get to that point, the better!
  • whitlyb
    whitlyb Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm feeling your pain on this front. I lost 65 lbs when I first decided to change my lifestyle. I gained about 15 in the past year and a half. I live such a busy lifestyle between grad school and work that it's easier to choose unhealthy foods and not exercising. I'm totally here to be any of you guys friends on here. I would love motivation buddies!
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Just a small suggestion here if I may. I'm 70 years old and have gained and lost more than perhaps at least half the people here. Finally I learned that when you see you've gained five pounds, it's time to take immediate action. Cut a few calories here and there. They add up. Don't ever allow yourself to gain more than five pounds because when you do, it's up and up and you get out of control. Then it becomes your own fault for not being careful with yourself and your health.

    Weigh at least weekly. When you see a pattern, take action.
  • 4000vivian
    4000vivian Posts: 1 Member
    Right there with you! Been inactive for awhile now. Just starting back up tomorrow with logging meals etc. I have a long way to go, but my head is back in t he game. You are not alone. We CAN do this!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Added! :)

    Thanks everyone!!:)
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Thanks for the advice gold finger!
  • ZoobieMama
    I'm glad we can be friends, winter comfort food is so hard to avoid. It's summer in Michigan (USA) so I have Barbeques and picnic foods (and adult beverages!!!) to work around right now. Let's work hard and DO this! :laugh:
  • beckywilliams1967
    beckywilliams1967 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm restarting too so would appreciate any new friends who wish to add me. We're all in it together guys!! Good luck to you all x
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Added! We can do it!

    It just takes the power of positive thinking!! Haha along with you know, exercise and healthy food and all that lesser stuff ;)
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    I started over in May, I had gained 11.5 kilos (25.3 pounds) from December. Have now lost 4.5 kilos so far. Add me if you want so we can encourage each other.
  • erikmerklin
    The only thing that I could add to these posts is: Have a short term goal in mind. Whether that be a certain amount of weight loss, or even just a goal of working out for a certain period of time! Also, keep a long term goal in mind. Just be careful to set goals that you can stick to!
  • ThePeculiar
    I'm starting again too -- or at least I have been trying to restart for about a month. I had gone down about 40 lbs and kept it off for two years, then it all fell apart over about six months. I'm utterly disgusted with myself and feeling overwhelmed. I am a teacher and looking at starting back to school in an extra-stressful environment.

    It's good to hear from people who are like me and "know" what it takes to be healthy (even if we self-destruct sometimes). If anyone is looking for a buddy, feel free to ad me.

    PS: Goldfinger, you give fabulous advice:)
  • arogers0541
    arogers0541 Posts: 98 Member
    I am in the same exact boat you are. I am just starting back this morning with logging my food (went grocery shopping last night to buy better grocery choices). I was shocked to see so many people that are starting this back right now. I also am taking a different approach as a lifestyle change this time and I am committed to staying active on the boards and logging my food. I believe the boards will help us all stay accountable. I'm going to friend request you as well.
  • leahkayl
    leahkayl Posts: 7 Member
    I started over in January for my New Years Resolution! It has been going slow but steady. I have lost 26 pounds so far and hope to continue. Starting over is frustrating but I needed to do it.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Well done for making a lifestyle change this (last) time. I can't stress enough how much having a support network helps. Keep an eye on the boards and friend request people who inspire you with their progress or attitude. It's good to have a mix of people with similar stats and weightloss targets. in the end if you get a few gems, they will keep you motivated. And as you encourage and support them, you find yourself re-inspired. good luck :-)
  • PeanutButterByTheSpoon
    I started over yesterday and if you want you can message or friend me. I won't bite! :)
  • imcrazyrobin
    imcrazyrobin Posts: 5 Member
    :) I woke up feeling awful today and decided that today is the day I start trying to make healthy changes to my life. I have been using MFP for a while but it had never been effective for me because I lacked the pressure of friends and I ended up eating more process food because they were easier to log.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am in the same boat .....I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 but tragic things and life in general got in my way and I gained it back and then some .....I took a few years off from MFP ...came back Jan 2013 I have logged daily since then but my weight is up and down ...I need to get my act together ......feel free to add me :smile: .........wishing everyone much success we can do it