Losing weight to get back at an ex.



  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm not going to lie, there's a little "I'll show you (all)" behind my desire to lose weight. That pertains to those who actually DID treat me badly because of my weight -- those who bullied me, made fun of me, disregarded me, wouldn't date me...and maybe an ex or two. It makes sense that it would be at least a small driving force.

    I hop your are getting back at them now becuase you are stunnung.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I guess if it gets your motivated to start your journey that's fine, but it's only going to keep you motivated for so long...after a while you have to allow yourself to not care what they think and worry about losing weight for yourself.

    In college I had a boyfriend who I dated and adored even though he was a little overweight. I thought he was attractive but I broke it off because he was controlling and was rude to my parents.

    He asked me to meet him for coffee about year later so he could get some "closure" and I agreed. I now know the reason he asked to see me was because he lost about 30 pounds and wanted me to "COME SEE HOW GOOD I LOOK" (Yes I had to add an Anchorman quote).

    I was super supportive and was truly happy for him until he started acting like a jerk. During the conversation he started getting really arrogant and eventually said, "Ya, well I guess I could probably hook up with any girl I wanted to now." I laughed and said, "Well, any girl except me."

    Revenge weight loss usually doesn't make an ex miss you...I didn't miss mine after he got fit and I would probably only have missed him if he had a lobotomy that completely altered his personality...

    LMAO I bet he misses you.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    RIght and who would want a person like that anyway... gotta change your life for you! At the end of this journey it may be a little funny to see my ex with my new husband as hot as all get out but so NEVER the reason I would lose not even ONE lousy pound.

    I HATE this saying but....you go girl.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    If I saw you with sexy lace and heels on, I would pass out from over excitment.


    You too.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I admit there's a part of me that wants to toss a little revenge in my weight loss as well.

    My ex is 6 feet under so "getting back" is not the reason but the memory of standing in sexy lace and heels infront of him and being told his upcoming raid on WoW was more important left a destinctive mark.

    I guess you can say that I found my inner "Frankly my Dear I don't give a D@mn" voice and I use it to take charge of own life.

    However, I would love to get to my healthy weight and go to a high school reunion on a motorcycle and make the HS jocks wet themselves at the sight of the shy fat girl they bullied those years ago :)

    Yes, that revenge would be sweet.

    I'm sure were able to use a "justifiable homicide" to get out of jail time for that one ;-)
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I started losing weight after my divorce, but I wouldn't say it was for revenge - it was because I needed to for health reasons, and because I wanted to look my best when I started dating again! My ex had a lap band installed after the divorce too. I wish her well with it, but I'm not going to take her back if she gets skinny. But then, I don't think she did it for me!
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I started losing weight after my divorce, but I wouldn't say it was for revenge - it was because I needed to for health reasons, and because I wanted to look my best when I started dating again! My ex had a lap band installed after the divorce too. I wish her well with it, but I'm not going to take her back if she gets skinny. But then, I don't think she did it for me!

    Well said sir. Stay classy
  • That is a good topic to discuss. I think that my ex (if you can even call him that) was a motivating factor for my weight loss journey. But as I think about it, both factors are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Let me set the scene. I am 40 he is 29. No...I am not a cougar per se...at least that was not my intention. When we met, I didn't know he was so young and he didn't know I was so...ummm...much more experienced in living than he was. When we found out, I thought it would be fun to hang out. Then it turned and we were actually in a relationship. So the factors that influenced me to lose weight are, he had recently accepted that he liked thick women and I am certainly thick. So, losing weight would eliminate his attraction for me. The other factor is that since he is...ummm a fetus compared to me (no I am not bitter) and the women who are attracted to him are fetuses as well, they tend to be fit. I just missed it...feeling fit. Having a healthy weight. So I decided to start working on my weight. This was before we stopped seeing one another. Now I am 20 pounds down and I have 20 more to go. He is a non issue at this point but whenever I don't want to work out or eat something I have no business eating, I use the motivation of that failed relationship along with other motivations I have in my motivation bank and I make myself do it.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    That is a good topic to discuss. I think that my ex (if you can even call him that) was a motivating factor for my weight loss journey. But as I think about it, both factors are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Let me set the scene. I am 40 he is 29. No...I am not a cougar per se...at least that was not my intention. When we met, I didn't know he was so young and he didn't know I was so...ummm...much more experienced in living than he was. When we found out, I thought it would be fun to hang out. Then it turned and we were actually in a relationship. So the factors that influenced me to lose weight are, he had recently accepted that he liked thick women and I am certainly thick. So, losing weight would eliminate his attraction for me. The other factor is that since he is...ummm a fetus compared to me (no I am not bitter) and the women who are attracted to him are fetuses as well, they tend to be fit. I just missed it...feeling fit. Having a healthy weight. So I decided to start working on my weight. This was before we stopped seeing one another. Now I am 20 pounds down and I have 20 more to go. He is a non issue at this point but whenever I don't want to work out or eat something I have no business eating, I use the motivation of that failed relationship along with other motivations I have in my motivation bank and I make myself do it.

    Thank you for your input. 40 is the new 30 beautiful
  • Thank you for your input. 40 is the new 30 beautiful

    Thank you for the compliment...or at least that is how I will take it. :smile:
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Thank you for your input. 40 is the new 30 beautiful

    Thank you for the compliment...or at least that is how I will take it. :smile:

    Trust me, you look like you are in your early 30's :)
  • quisha916
    quisha916 Posts: 2
    Before I started mfp I was 283 pounds n my ex bf used to make me feel unattractive. He cheated on me with a bunch of females that were slim and pretty. Then one day he left me n called me fat, big, and chunky, and that same day I look at myself in the mirror and said to myself "it's time for a change" I stopped eating junk food and started dieting and exercising and now I lost 37 lbs. I sunt him a pic when I had only lost 35 lbs and he was speechless.
  • BlackBetttie
    BlackBetttie Posts: 423 Member
    I didnt do it for my ex... but man oh man is it fun to watch them start crawling back out of the woodwork!! :bigsmile: :laugh:

  • BlackBetttie
    BlackBetttie Posts: 423 Member
    Before I started mfp I was 283 pounds n my ex bf used to make me feel unattractive. He cheated on me with a bunch of females that were slim and pretty. Then one day he left me n called me fat, big, and chunky, and that same day I look at myself in the mirror and said to myself "it's time for a change" I stopped eating junk food and started dieting and exercising and now I lost 37 lbs. I sunt him a pic when I had only lost 35 lbs and he was speechless.

    Good for you chick!!! Youre sexy and sassy and you should make that bas tard eat his heart out!!! :drinker:
  • MissMariahLee
    MissMariahLee Posts: 55 Member
    At first that thought kind of crossed my mind. I wanted that satisfaction of seeing him out in public and having his jaw drop so to speak. But then I realized I need to just do it for myself so I will quit settling for less than I deserve and never fall for a cheating, using loser again!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I broke up with him so

    however he did make some vicious comments about my weight in regards to his new lady friend

    its okay though he saw me later after I had lost 100 pounds and lost his *kitten* at how gorgeous I am which made me feel good

    bamm boom badamamamamama moonnns
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Losing weight to get back at my ex was never even a thought in my mind. He had seen me at both my highest and lowest adult weights while we were together. When I was at my heaviest, he would make comments and call me fat and lazy and such. I had dropped right at 100 pounds when I found out he was cheating (for the second time I knew of) and he left (glad he did because I would have thrown him out otherwise).
    Anyway it's extremely funny to me that he would make comments about me being fat and lazy when the chick he cheated with and eventually married is as big or bigger then I was at my heaviest.
    Because we have a child together, I have to see him and sometimes the new wife quite frequently. I do however take great pleasure in showing off how great I look to both of them because he made me feel bad about myself and he also allowed her to make comments about my loose skin, having cheated by having WLS and such.
    Funny when she made those comments to me, I was just totally like B**** please! I look better in short shorts and tank top than you ever could so kiss my *kitten*! :tongue:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
  • Better to lose weight to get back at an ex, than to do it to get an ex back.

  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    Years back I had a ex call me fat all the time. We split up and I lost 30 pounds in 3/4 months busting butt. Ran into him and he told me I looked like a crackhead or like I was sick. Then I realized he was just a jerk all together and I loved being skinny so now its for me and how I look. But he was my motivation at first.

    Thanks ex!! :laugh: