always over daily calorie consumed



  • pookeyism
    pookeyism Posts: 84 Member
    I would not be able to make more than general suggestions about keeping calories low without knowing what you are taking in. For example when you say you don't exercise, do you not go into a gym because you are on your feet already, or maybe even you just don't want to exercise - there is nothing judgmental in that, but be really aware you aren't going to feel much better if you drop 50 lbs but do nothing to improve your physical condition, where you might feel awesome after just a few pounds and a bit of exercise.
    It doesn't have to be much.

    Please reconsider shaving your eating habits down to a bare minimum, it will not work for long and every time your body yo-yo's it is a different journey to lose again.

    Good luck!
  • theCaityCat
    theCaityCat Posts: 84 Member
    I *really* like Euronorris' post. You should read it again if you've already read it.

    My two cents, which echo nearly everyone else here: Judging by your diary, you could really stand to drink more water. I cut diet soda two weeks ago and right now I only drink water, with the occasional V-8 Fusion (because I have part of a flat remaining from Costco). It has drastically cut down on my junk food cravings. Water intake REALLY helps to keep under your calorie limit.

    Also, you drink a lot of your calories. This will not help you feel full or satiated. Carnation instant breakfast is not a good long-term meal replacer. Eat your calories in salad/fruit/veggie form. You'll feel satiated for longer and you will get important nutrients.

    Finally, exercise is a really important part of losing weight and being healthy. Even pushing your child in a stroller for half an hour would help you. Plus, as others have said, exercise helps a lot of people to not feel as hungry. It certainly helps me.
  • donut0420
    donut0420 Posts: 44 Member
    This is a recipe I use for a "negative calorie" soup.

    2.0 large (7-1/4" to 8-1/2" long), Carrots - Raw
    3.0 stalk 7-8 inches long, Celery Stalk
    2.0 large, Turnips - Raw
    0.5 large, Squash - Zucchini, includes skin, raw
    0.75 head, large (about 7" dia), Cabbage - Raw
    1.0 package (10 oz), Spinach - Raw
    4.0 cube, Chicken Stock Cube
    1.0 cube, Low Sodium Chicken Bullion Cube
    15.0 medium, Mushrooms - Raw

    Cut up veggies, cover with water, throw in bullion cubes and boil for an hour or so.

    Now, I'm not sure about this whole negative calorie shabam, but this soup IS tasty (especially with a little bit of lime), easy to make (especially if you get pre-cut veggies) and has very few calories. It makes a TON - even when I halved the original recipe, I had about 15-20 servings. I eat it whenever I'm feeling "hungry" and it fills me up in no time with very little fallback.
  • Dawn5202
    Dawn5202 Posts: 25 Member
    Hang in there! I looked at your diary and even though I have only been at this since May (lost 14 pds so far), I saw many ways that you could cut calories but increase the amount of food that you are eating. First cut the sugar and whole milk. I like Stevia and it is a natural sweetner with no calories. I would also cut the white bread, whole milk and full fat mayos and dressings. Then add lots of veggies. Try for low cal salad dressing recipes and even buy some lower call dressing. You could definitely be eating more with less calories if you made some changes to what you are eating. Try slimwiches for your sandwich (only 90 calories instead of the Jimmy Johns bread at 360). I hope that this helps. Also, preplanning some meals and logging in advance will help to keep the calories in your goal range. As for exercise, I would try some - walking, dvd of some type or whatever, but you will lose faster and it is sooo good for you and I can relate because exercise is the hardest part for me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like! Good luck and quite beating yourself up.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    A few things:

    Ditch the instant gratification attitude. You didn't gain the weight in a couple of weeks, you're not going to lose it in a couple of weeks. It will take time, there will be ups and downs, but with the right attitude you WILL do it.

    Reduce the processed/junk food, and introduce more natural stuff. For example, you could have 150g of full fat, natural yoghurt, with some berries (of your choice), thrown in, a banana, and either a soup or a salad for lunch, for the same amount of calories as you currently eating with just one burger. It'll fill you up more, and for longer, and you will be feeding your body with some great vitamins and minerals.

    Increase your calorie goal. 1200 is clearly not sustainable for you, or you wouldn't be struggling. There's no point getting that 'instant gratification' loss of 2lbs in the first week, if you're not going to be able to stick at it the next week and gain some back. Not only is counter productive to losing weight, but it's terrible for your motivation and self esteem. You're literally setting yourself up for failure by putting so much pressure on yourself like that.

    Exercise will allow you to eat more. Walking is exercise, and you can definitely fit that in with the baby. There are a number of apps you can get on your phone (I use Endomondo) that will track your distance and speed etc. If you want to feel a sense of accomplishment with it, then compete against yourself. Time a 1 mile walk. Next time you walk that mile, aim to beat your time. Keep going with beating the time/increasing the distance. It will all help to give you extra calories to use/increase your deficit.

    Well done on giving up smoking. I know how hard it is, and I've tried to do it at the same time as losing weight too. It was hard, and I lapsed several times on both fronts, but keep plugging on. Keep at it! :)

    Great post - great advice.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    OP, I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but look into foods with a higher protein content. They will help keep you fuller longer.

    As far as your logging goes, make sure that you are being as accurate as possible. You also need to make sure that you are logging on a consistent basis. One of the biggest tools that will help you with this is a food scale (if you are not using one already) and reading this:

    It's understandable that you want to see results right away, but I think that it's more important to pick a calorie goal that will help you stay on track for the long run. That is why people are recommending that you up your calorie goal.

    Make sure you read this too:
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    I had the same trouble when I first started. What helped me is to know my body and how to spread out my calories throughout the day that worked best for me. I know we all hear that you should eat breakfast, but I seem to get a lot hungrier during the day when I do eat breakfast. So for me I will eat something small in the morning, about 150 calories or less, like a few crackers. Then I use the majority of my calories from lunch on. This seems to really work for me, but it might not for you. All I'm saying is you know yourself better than anybody. Listen to your body. If you are hungrier in the morning, have a hearty, healthy breakfast and eat less in the evening or vice versa. I hope this helps.
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    1: Eat only grilled/ roasted lean meet/ chicken/ fish
    2: Eat only boiled vegetables such as broccoli/ green beans
    3: Eat no bread
    4: Eat no rice
    5: Eat no fruits apart from blueberries
    6: Eat no oil or butter
    Eat only oats for breakfast with egg whites

    Never fry anything
  • Carlywiese
    Carlywiese Posts: 51 Member
    This sounds pretty silly but one of the things that has helped me a ton is simply eating meat and veggies WITHOUT all the extra stuff that used to go along with meat and veggies.

    I used to add bread, cheese, sauces, butter, a side of potatoes as well as some soda at about 900-1000 calories.

    Now I just sit down with a turkey burger and some peas or broccoli and a small side of BBQ sauce for dipping flavor and get full off 350 calories.

    For me the above is tasty and delicious. There's nothing wrong with the stuff I cut out, it's just most of the things I dropped don't fill me up and have a ton of calories so they are best avoided while I am trying to lose weight. I think if you tried a simple lean protein and ample veggie approach you would probably find yourself full without struggling to hit calorie goals.

    ^^ exactly this!! This has been my approach for the last month, I feel satisfied and full of energy! Cravings still come but I just try and choose something healthy like grapes (love the juicy pop of fresh grapes) or apples with a bit of peanut butter when I feel the need for something sweet and salty. It's all about allowing yourself to find new ways to satisfy your old unhealthy habits with good ones :)
  • gweatherall1104
    gweatherall1104 Posts: 7 Member
    Try starting out with a goal of 1lb a week. Creating a 1000cal/day deficit when you need to lose 76lbs is not unreasonable, but you're so used to eating a certain way that it's going to be a shock and you'll feel hungry. I lost 100lbs in a year with no exercise simply by eating at a calorie deficit, and the first month or so was brutal. I felt hungry all the time, but since I was tracking my calories, I knew I was eating enough to maintain my goal.

    If you've been eating 3000 calories a day for a year, your brain gets used to that as your normal intake, and you'll feel hungry if you eat significantly less. It's tough, but you just have to push through it. Once you go a few weeks eating a smaller amount of calories per day, you start to get used to it, and won't feel those hunger pangs anymore.

    Snack throughout the day to help keep yourself feeling full, just don't overdo it, and always stay below your calorie goal. If you go to bed hungry or have to go an hour or so at some point in the day feeling like you need to eat, that's not going to kill you. It's just something that comes with any large amount of weight loss, and having the willpower to endure is what will propel you to your goal.
  • tracybottomley228
    tracybottomley228 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree that reducing the main meals but adding a few snacks in between might help - it helps me. I have celery and either hummous or you can sometimes fine a broadbean and mint humous which tastes really nice.. Sugar snap peas are a good snack for me int he afternoon as I normally need a sweet somethign aroudn 3.00 in the afternoon. Don't give up we are all in the same boat, and just think how much more room there will be in the boat when we have lost our weight. :-)

  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    1: Eat only grilled/ roasted lean meet/ chicken/ fish
    2: Eat only boiled vegetables such as broccoli/ green beans
    3: Eat no bread
    4: Eat no rice
    5: Eat no fruits apart from blueberries
    6: Eat no oil or butter
    Eat only oats for breakfast with egg whites

    Never fry anything

    So, you are already setting up someone who is discouraged with a restricted diet? How about simple things like switching full-fat milk products to lowfat, or substituting the french bread/roll for lunch with whole wheat reduced calorie bread?

    By the way, I had carrots last night and an apple today, so I guess I'll gain a ton of weight, since those aren't on your list.
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    To keep full I drink lots of water, and try to pick out foods that are high in bulk and low in calories. For instance, I love fresh strawberries, blueberries,zucchini, cucumbers, fresh green beans, brown rice, black eyed peas, english muffin.
  • aligatorwww
    aligatorwww Posts: 48 Member
    Try to quit eating all the processed foods and eat more lean meats, veggies and fruits. Try to eat a salad every day with one of your meals and a veggie or two servings with the other meals. These will fill you up for very little calories. Also, try giving up the cream & sugar in your coffee. If you can switch to black coffee, pretty soon you'll not want to drink it any other way.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    1: Eat only grilled/ roasted lean meet/ chicken/ fish
    2: Eat only boiled vegetables such as broccoli/ green beans
    3: Eat no bread
    4: Eat no rice
    5: Eat no fruits apart from blueberries
    6: Eat no oil or butter
    Eat only oats for breakfast with egg whites

    Never fry anything

    Well, I'm screwed!!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    1: Eat only grilled/ roasted lean meet/ chicken/ fish
    2: Eat only boiled vegetables such as broccoli/ green beans
    3: Eat no bread
    4: Eat no rice
    5: Eat no fruits apart from blueberries
    6: Eat no oil or butter
    Eat only oats for breakfast with egg whites

    Never fry anything

    Why only boiled vegetables? Boiling takes the majority of nutrients out of the vegetables?

    Why are blueberries the only fruit that get a pass?

    I am not even going to comment on the rest of it... it is too ridiculous.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    This site needs to add LIKE buttons under peoples comments.. and UNLIKE or hand down for those posts that are just redonkulous.. like the poster above RE eat only these 8 things....
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    This site needs to add LIKE buttons under peoples comments.. and UNLIKE or hand down for those posts that are just redonkulous.. like the poster above RE eat only these 8 things....

    ^^this what @tracymayo said :drinker:
    LIKE :-)
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    the only thing you can do is start exercising, even if its just 15 minutes on an exercise bike every day, its keeping you active and allowing you to eat more, if you always feel hungry though you should experiment with your calorie goal, notch it up by 50-100cals and see if that helps, you'll still be on a deficit so you will still lose weight. its all about what is comfortable for you, don't go hungry :)
  • sjahay
    sjahay Posts: 6
    I drink a lot of water. It really, really, really helps me stay feeling full and I have more energy now. I used to only drink diet dr. pepper and felt awful and hungry all the time. Also, most people need more than just 8 cups of water a day, especially if you're overweight. A doctor I used to work with told all of his patients to divide your weight in half and that's how many ounces you should shoot for a day. I'm 250lbs, and that's pretty much a gallon of water a day, way more than the recommended minimum 8 glasses.

    For exercise, you don't have to go to a gym. I'm a single mom with four kids, I totally get how much of a pain it can be to pack everyone up to leave the house. My youngest is two. Put your baby in the stroller and go for a 15 minute walk. It doesn't seem like a whole lot, but that 15 minute walk does you a lot more good than sitting on the couch because you can't get to an extreme workout class. I found a dvd called the Babywearing Workout (or something like that) that I really like. It's not a really hard workout, but it's a 30 minute dvd, and my daughter *always* falls alseep by the end of it. I always do it right at naptime, then I can go and hop in the shower while she's napping.