Almond milk + stomach ache?



  • SWGuru
    SWGuru Posts: 1
    I had to give up almond milk, also, due to GI problems. I'm lactose sensitive and had switched to almond milk as a non-dairy alternative. I was having a cup of almond milk each morning with cereal and almond-milk smoothies about twice a week at the gym.

    After a couple months of having almond milk daily, I started noticing GI problems were getting worse. I developed acid reflux, where I had horrible heart burn, followed by hours of projectile vomiting, and then dehydration. I went to urgent care, where they suspected a bladder infection (lab work was negative) and put me on antibiotics, twice.

    I started thinking about what I had eaten just before getting sick - I could not believe it would be almond milk, but the last time I became ill was just after downing an almond milk smoothie. I've not had any almond milk in the last three months and my GI problems are completely gone.

    I switched to Flax Milk, which I can find only at Whole Foods market.
  • annaofsmile
    annaofsmile Posts: 8 Member
    This is a pretty old thread, but so glad I found it, because I am thinking this Almond Milk is not working for me either. I wasn't sure what the exact cause was, and boy, do I like making it with a smoothie. I am going to miss it, but would rather miss it, than this stomach ache and "other" I've been dealing with the last few days.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    cashewmilk perhaps?
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,794 Member
    This is a pretty old thread, but so glad I found it, because I am thinking this Almond Milk is not working for me either. I wasn't sure what the exact cause was, and boy, do I like making it with a smoothie. I am going to miss it, but would rather miss it, than this stomach ache and "other" I've been dealing with the last few days.
    Try Rice Dream Original Classic. It's just rice, water, oil basically.