How did you gain weight in the first place



  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    A mixture of physiology and habits for me. Physiologically, my body doesn't know when it's hungry or full. I can keep eating as a result cause it makes me feel good and is pleasurable.

    Since habits are the other part of the equation, I also picked up bad habits like eating overly large portions. Skinny people visually know what a decent portion size is.

    I also have PCOS and am on paxil, but I am not sure what role these play.

    I've lost 13 pounds so far and have 30 to go to get to 130 5'4
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    I gained it slowly the minute I hit puberty..I was 120 freshman year..135-140 when I graduated and on from there..kept post pregnancy weight as well.
  • sniffy611
    sniffy611 Posts: 3 Member
    I went on Zoloft, gained 28 pounds. It has taken a year to lose 11 pounds. UGH
  • ingehooper
    ingehooper Posts: 37 Member
    mostly because of severe post natal depression, I went a year before seeing a dr and used that year to pack on 40lbs by eating my feelings away. I could stuff a tub of ice cream, 6 pack multi packs of snacks, 4 chocolate bars,kids sweets anything into my stomach in one go. Id binge on anything just to feel something other then useless and depressed. Then my weight and size made me feel more down so Id eat those feelings away too! Never ending cycle.... now im off meds, 100% happy in life apart form the gain which Im slowly losing x
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    it wus delishus.

    No regrets.
  • MichaelRow
    MichaelRow Posts: 31 Member
    I got depressed and lonely in 5th grade when we moved from Kansas to NC. I didn't have any friends in my neighborhood, we were on the edge of town. Everyone I knew from class lived too far away. To pass the time I snuck food, read, and watched TV. Pretty hard to get out and be active as a kid when you're alone!

    Anyway, it only took a few years for me to get into the 200's. By the time I graduated high school I was in the 240's. Stress and financials had me eating junk and whatever was on hand. Finished college in the 260's. I had worked out and tracked food a few years ago and got into the 230's, but gained a lot back because I ignored my own health for awhile. Now I began in the 270's and have dropped 10 lbs recently.
  • GraceCamD
    GraceCamD Posts: 128 Member
    Quote-from MIDWESTERNER8(sorry not a message board person do not know how to quote you)

    " I'm guessing there is some sarcasm there. I'm not going to pretend that I couldn't have made some better choices, but there have been a lot of times when I had to eat something or I would have a seizure and perhaps even die. If you have never tested your blood sugar to find it read 20, then you really don't know what I mean and shouldn't even go there.

    I was just looking at a report yesterday that showed I've tested with low blood sugars 40 times in the prior 7 days. I have to eat carbs when that happens. For people who have no medical issues and can lose weight really fast and safely, great! Just don't knock those of us who have legitimate medical challenges that cause difficulty for weight loss. We are on this site because we are making an effort. Just because my efforts don't provide the same rate of return as yours doesn't mean that it is because I "eat too much."

    This is kind of what I was trying to say in my Post, I'm not saying I Have NEVER overate......I used to think fat people just wanted to be fat, until I could not lose 50 lbs after my pregnancy and weighed 180....I tried everything I could, joined weight watchers, medical weight loss, ran an hour a day, i did everything I could and I did I not lose. Years later now looking back, even though I joined these programs I was not losing weight because I was in a post-pregnancy depression and over-eating.....but now at this time in my life my weight issues have been from known medical problems such as my thryroid, and not being able to exercise for a year because of back injury and ect....I also have hypoglycemia so sometimes I HAVE to eat when I don't want weight problems can be overeating or illness that is all I was trying to get across......not ALWAYS overeating....