Anyone in the 50's going for the 60's



  • MaryKayKeller777
    MaryKayKeller777 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, Well I haven't posted in these until tonight. I saw this one and couldn't pass it by! I am 56 and loving life. In my 40s my doctor put me on medication and didn't tell me that one of the side effects was weight gain (OCD eating disorders developed). So I was knocked off balance. I was a skinny child and lost my baby weight after each baby. This was my first experience at really being out of control and I got depressed. Then when the grandchildren came along. I got really happy again and realized that life was moving on and I needed to move with it. It is a lot harder now to lose the weight than when I was younger. I ran most of my 30s and lived out west so I was running at high altitudes and keeping the weight off didn't seem like much work. I was also raising my family and going to school and at one point doing that and working full time too! Then I moved to the south and besides the altitude change there was a change in food groups too! Everything and I mean everything is fried here. That was new to me too. Out west we had fried chicken on special occasions 4th of July and Events! Anyway I decided a couple of years ago I needed to do something and quick as I didn't want to continue to feel bad physically and keeping up with the grandchildren was important to me.

    Running and walking just wasn't doing much for me and I went out and bought a mountain bike and found a group that hosted beginner rides. Three years later I ride well and have lots of fun along with new friends. I think one of the secrets to long term exercise for me is to do what I love to do. If I hate it, it won't be long before I am dodging it. Later I bought a road bike and started road biking around town. My favorite is night riding and riding to the grocery store. I also made lots of new friends. The thing about having friends who see exercise as a way of life is they are supportive and happy people to be around. I bought new running/walking shoes this week and I may start adding some back into my life however it is record breaking hot here so that will come slowly. I am doing yoga and thinking of going to the Senior Center for Tai Chi. I want to add enough variety in so that I will stay motivated.

    I also have bought way more fresh fruits and veges and the more I cut out things (not all at once) the more I notice my pallet is becoming sharper. I ate a red plum yesterday and thought geez I don't remember these tasting so good. I believe it is important to eat things I like and I don't eat things I really don't like. I eat fish and in a pinch maybe turkey or chicken but very rarely. I cut out alcohol because I noticed it affected my performance when I use to run and it dehydrated me and it is a waste of calories. These days I am all about foods that are densely packed with nutrient. I don't count carbs, sugars or any of the others. I enjoy my food and love my life. Enjoyed reading the posts. I wish everyone much success!
  • MaryKayKeller777
    MaryKayKeller777 Posts: 4 Member
    Age is just a number nothing more than what I give to it! :)
  • MaryKayKeller777
    MaryKayKeller777 Posts: 4 Member
    I ride both off road on trails and on road. I love it! I have my strava app which thru GPS tracks my time and my miles (duration) on any activity I am doing and it reports to MFP immediately when I am done. I love logging in and seeing that I have added 800+ to my daily points. Right now on the days that I have over 2000 points I have discovered that not eating all those and leaving around 1000 on my log knocks 2 pounds the next morning. I posted on my blog how I do this so I don't get hungry. I eat a good portion of my points in the AM and then again for lunch. I keep snacking foods like fruits and veges around for the evening. I try and cut it off early however if I am really hungry I go to the fridge and think a light spinach salad or something. I find I even sleep better this way as there isn't much on my stomach when I go to bed.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    64 here and wondering how I got to this age because I don't feel like it. Slow metabolism due to thyroid and have to fight for every pound I lose. Losing very slow and exercise seems to help the aches and pains somewhat. Friend me if you like. I'm on every day. Good luck!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    MaryKayKeller - I loved your posts! I was kind of depressed to see so many posts here about being 'old' and not being able to do things anymore. I realize some of us have health issues that limit activities but find something you like and can do and get moving! Don't change your diet drastically all at once and/or limit yourself to a 'diet' - look at portion control, change the way you prepare your favorite foods, and make changes slowly so you don't feel deprived. Make changes you can live with long term. As MaryKay said you will find your tastes changing over time.

    I am 58 years old, have lost 60 pounds in the last 3 years, started running which I used to hate and discovered I really, really like and started strength training and lifting weights which I love. I have thyroid disease, have arthritis, have a torn meniscus*, was on BP and cholesterol medications in addition to the thyroid meds I have been on most of my life. Now I am only on the thyroid medication but it is managed and stable. I didn't start out running 12 miles, or even a fast mile, or running at all. I started walking and then added a little running until I could run that mile then another and another and over time I have gotten faster and now I do run half marathons and do well in my age group. I didn't walk into the gym and start lifting 60-100+ pound weights - I started small and built up until I could and I love being strong. Same with diet... I made small changes over time, eating more frequently, eating breakfast everyday, measuring everything and watching portions. Most importantly I was consistent with my eating and my workouts over the course of the 3 years, sure there were ups and downs and plateaus but all in all I kept at it.

    I also realized there wasn't going to be an instantaneous huge result - it took a lifetime to get where I was and to change it was going to take time - be patient with yourself and celebrate the small accomplishments! Be proud of the changes you are making!

    *one comment on the health issues since losing weight and working out - I have strong supporting muscles and my knees no longer hurt from arthritis although my hands do. I did not have to have surgery on my knee for the torn meniscus(injury was not running related) the doctor just recommended more hip stretches and hip/glute strengthening and I was back to running within a short period. Losing weight, exercising and strengthening your muscles can make you feel better.

    My favorite quote 'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out & screaming hell yea what a ride!'
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    60s going into 70s here. ;-) All my woes are treatable thank heavens. Dry mouth, silent reflux and a cataract. All at once. Just a PITA!

    I prefer to concentrate on my training to be a fitness instructor, specializing in working with seniors not as active as I am. :-)
  • _Risko_
    _Risko_ Posts: 183 Member
    I'm in my 50's and planning on going to my 80's. :-)

    Getting old isn't for sissys. The older I get, the more it hurts, the harder it is to do and the noisier my body is when I try. But with age comes wisdom and I have found strength in wisdom. I know what to do, just lacking the kick in the butt sometimes to do it.

    I cannot go the path my dad did. He was overweight and suffered many medical issues. And he died far too young. Not me. I want to be fit and trim and confident in how I look. I want to be the best looking corpse in the casket, 30+ years from now. :-)

    Friends welcomed. Would love to hear your stories and keep up with like minded (and aged) friends.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I guess I'm the baby here, being a youthful 53. I've lost 65 pounds since September, going from 240 down to 175. With it I lost most of my knee and foot pain as well. I still have to take my time getting started, and to watch out for the guys who like to show how strong they are when they shake your hand. {losing weight don't help arthritic hands} In the past I had minor high blood pressure and sugar issues, but had left that behind a few years ago with diet and exercise, even before I started losing.

    Now I'm lifting 2 days a week, as well as still doing a lot of cardio everyday. The changes in my body fat {22.3%} are very slow, but they are happening. I increase my barbell weights by 2 1/2 pounds every month. It is a challenge the first week of every month, but I want to keep pushing. The last couple of weeks after my lifting I have walked 1 1/4 mile to the river and swam for 30 minutes. I'm going to keep this up as long as it's warm enough. I will leave you with a view of my lap pool. 4 laps take 30 minutes.

  • Peggy108
    Peggy108 Posts: 32 Member
    I love this strand. I am 57 with major weight to lose and I definitely notice my body not doing what it use to once upon a time.
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    Age 71 guys!! Like many of you, life has happened including a major wreck and related problems over the years from that-arthritis, worn out bones etc. MFP has really made it possible to lose 15 lbs and keep it off for almost a year. Can now be more active and get a regular exercise program going. Keep up the good work-it pays off.
  • Kjlloyd1
    Kjlloyd1 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, just turned 55 this month and last Thursday my Dr lowered the boom. I all ready take medication for my cholesterol and now I am over the line and was put on Diabetes medication. Dr wants me to lose at least 20 lbs by Oct 17. I can still reverse this, it's not to late. The weight is my issue. No more fooling around for me!
  • Skye53
    Skye53 Posts: 2
    Hi need some friends just started I am 52
  • Loumarberts
    Loumarberts Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Skye and Kjlloyd1:flowerforyou: Here we are all doing what we can and communicating our encouragements to each other. I am down to the last twenty pounds to land my preferred weight, this may have a new meaning to keeping my maintenance. I am seeing the need for the gym. I am wondering if I am to become a regular with the gym to keep my shape, something is telling me that food decreased and activities are not going to work alone:noway:

    Anyone else seeing this, speak up and lets get through this:smile:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    Loumarberts - I have to keep active even in maintenance and after a year at/near my goal weight. I worry that if I don't it will all come quickly back. On the other hand I am pretty addicted to my running and training routines - I love how they make me feel so getting to the gym and/or getting out for a run are not a struggle for me. I just think about how good I will feel afterwards and that is motivation enough to get me up and out even when I don't really feel like going. My biggest issue recently is working through a foot injury and having the time early in the day to go when it is cool outside - that darn work keeps getting in the way! :bigsmile:
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
  • handbagfan
    handbagfan Posts: 148 Member
    Hello ladies,:flowerforyou:
    def relate with you all there.:wink: I'm heading for 54 (Sept) and I'm finding it harder: tongue: and longer to get back into shape these days. The scales are slowly moving in the right direction, just need some motivation at times. Please add me - always ready to support on our journey. XX:smile:
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    50 for me this year and going strong! It's nice to see so many others here. I just got a new job and am moving soon to a new home, so I see 50 as the start of another big adventure. I want to make it last, so that's why I'm here to help me drop that extra weight and get as healthy as possible.
  • zepolaryam
    zepolaryam Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm 52 and a half. Loving my age, relatively active. Struggling with weight since my surgical menopause 2 years ago. No more excuses for me. This time i'm determined to keep it off. Happy to see so many of us motivated to lead a healthy life.
  • Loumarberts
    Loumarberts Posts: 22 Member
    SHANABER, Hi, sorry to hear about your foot, that makes a bit of trouble when it is stopping you from doing what you love. I too think ahead of the task and remind myself how good I will feel, and I will not bash my conscience after. I have had a lot of dumb trouble with my back, it has been a real challenge to do exercises, then have to switch them out and learn new ones, and so on for a few months I really did not know if I was going to throw in the towel or not. However I am proud to say I did not and am again in a new routine, with luck it will get me through and on to a general all body workout.

    Hello Zepolaryam, Iam MCM, handbagfan, and snowflake, you are in the right spot for some encouragement and advice. We all are doing what we can, and some are really putting a spin of the weight scales by going down and toward their goals. Good luck on your journeys!

  • suzyqszoo
    suzyqszoo Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 53 and will be 54 in October! I am a mom to 6 kids and grandmom to 5 girls and 1 little boy. I would love to have some friends close to my age! My goal is to loose another 15 lbs or more but need motivation! Please add me if you like!