What do you all do when your calories run out?



  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    I usually just relax. If I want to go over, I throw in a tiny bit more of a work out if I can. However, I'm one of those lucky ones that usually gets full after eating only about 1300 calories a day, even with exercise, so I usually actually have to force myself to eat at least a bit more (since so many people on this site see to 'freak out' just a tad).

    I like to buy lots of smaller, healthier snacking options too so that way I'm less likely to be stuck with this dilemma.
  • suzafied
    suzafied Posts: 32 Member
    I'm trying to stay between 1500-1600 per day (to start) and today made new goals of 50% protein, 30% carb and 20% fats. Today after I had lunch I had only 10g of carbs left for the rest of the day.... I am going to eat healthy for supper and tomorrow change up my breakfast so there are less carbs so i can use them in different meals. One day going over your calories (or in my case today, carbs) isn't going to throw your weighloss plan out the window. Make changes every day and figure out how to stay within your goals.
    Today after I logged my lunch and realized I had only 10g of carbs left for the day, I looked at my highest carb meal (which was breakfast) and found a different meal to eat for breakfast that was filling but low carb. Tomorrow I will try this new plan out and move forward from here. :)
    Good luck to you and take it one day at a time, that is all you can do.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I find that when I pre plan, I don't go over. But it's not an issue to me if I go over 100 calories. About once a month or so, I'll go completely over (like 500-1000 calories) and I don't let it get to me. But like everyone's said, preplanning helps a lot!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    20 pounds in 8 months is just over 1/2 pound a week, so you should be able to eat over 1400 calories! You should check to make sure you have MFP configured correctly. There's no point in setting it to lose 2 pounds per week, starving for a month and then giving up.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I don't like to run over, but I understand the hunger. My cure for that, about mid day is 1 or 2 tablespoons of all natural Skippy smooth peanut butter with honey. You can buy it anywhere. For me, it stops the hunger pangs, and I end up eating less.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    Try like the others have said to preplan. Maybe have more protein spaced out thru the day. Add more fiber rich foods as well. Eat lots of dense veggies like brocoli and cauliflower. Even oatmeal will keep you fuller longer. Hope this helps a little.
  • marciaholland77
    marciaholland77 Posts: 85 Member
    I eat several times during the day
    Breakfast...Cereal and juice
    Lunch...beanie weenies
    Snack...veggie straws
    Snack candy bar
    Banana Sandwich with peanut butter

    Probably not the healthiest meals but I'm hardly ever hungry.....
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    drink lots of water, i always plan an evening snack so i no i wont go to bed hungry, it usually includes a big cup of tea to fill my belly up :smile:
  • rbnem
    rbnem Posts: 1 Member
    I track my food intake on MFP and if at the end of the day I am still hungry and don't have many calories left I exercise, be it riding my bike or walking the dog. It doesn't take much movement to earn a few more calories. Also, I don't sweat it if I am over one day out for 7ish days of being within my caloric daily goal.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Work out and earn a couple hundred more.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I'm hungry right now, but instead of eating I'm having a cup of hot tea.

    Does that always work? heck no. But sometimes it's enough.

    ONe other trick I used to use. I tell myself that if I'm still hungry after I (insert activity) I can have a snack.

    Sometimes I'd get busy with the task and completely forget the hunger.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It depends on why. If you are just starting a cut, it takes a few days to get into the groove with it so just deal with it. If it's once in a while in the middle of a long cut, just take a maintenance day and eat something. If hunger is a constant thing (and you're getting good nutrition and a good volume of food) then you need to reconsider your goal and see if either adding exercise or reducing your deficit is a good idea at this point.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    Im over by 91 calories today but Im set at -2 a week..I may have something later..Im hungry tonight
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    I say listen to your body and eat. I was at 1200 calories for a couple weeks and I felt like hell once I tried working out on that intake. I adjusted things and realized that in order to feel ok and not hungry I had to set my MFP to .5lb a week to get 1470 calories. Otherwise it drops to 1200 and I don't feel well at all. Not so much hungry as just plain ill! If you are hungry then eat. Just choose something smart like yogurt, fruits, or veggies.
  • tennisgirl444
    tennisgirl444 Posts: 57 Member
    I seem to be going to bed earlier and earlier so that my calories can refresh sooner ;-)
  • 20 lbs over 8 months is not that much. You could lose less than a pound a week and still make your goal. If you are set to lose more than .5 lbs per week, change your settings. That will give you more calories per day and make it easier to stay under your goal. If you find you don't lose fast enough at that amount, you could always adjust it in a few weeks.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I stop eating, drink water, change activities...

    How much water are you drinking? I have a hard time getting in 4oz of protein and 1/2 cup of veggies if I drink a glass (20 oz) of water before eating. Are you sure you are hungry and not thirsty, or really just having cravings?

    Is your diet carb heavy? Try sticking to lean proteins and veggies. With 1400 calories you could eat 2 pounds of chicken and 6 bags of salad mix!
  • BubbleBubble7
    BubbleBubble7 Posts: 13 Member
    Work out to earn more calories, eat cucumber or baby carrots - stuff you can chew but not gain too many calories from.. Good luck
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I either work out more or stop eating and just muddle through it. Maybe your cals are too low? If you're constantly hungry you're more likely not to stick to your plan.
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    Like others. LOTS of water. I actually drink water when I might be hungry and see if that works. Sometimes I'm thirsty, but my brain tells me I'm hungry.

    Also-I try to eat low calorie foods that are filling so that I stay full longer. I'd be happy to look at your food log if you like :happy:
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    You stop eating. It's called self control.