Manscaping... Good, Bad, or ugly?

Now that I lost a bunch of weight, I can finally reach all parts of my back with my wet/dry male body shaver. I'm just wondering if I should use it, and how extensively.

Is manscaping merely some future relic of the then-extinct metrosexual? What parts do the ladies like manscaped, and what parts should we leave alone? Inquiring minds want to know...


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Ear holes
  • MikeLAdams
    MikeLAdams Posts: 40
    Ear holes

    OK, long before manscaping, let's all agree that ears and noses always needed to be trimmed, even if you're on a Paleo diet. I'm fairly certain the Paleo women burnt off the nose and ear hair of their Paleo men before they would let them touch any of the merch.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Oh. Ok.

  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Nair the back, never shave.

    Once a month or there abouts
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Shave your balls, trim your bush, nose, and ears. Your legs, back, shoulders, and chest you can shave or trim as feels comfortable to you. But these things you should only do for you, not at some woman's whim that you have yet to meet.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    i'm not that hairy to start with but the main man areas have to be done .. makes me feel cleaner some how .. the nose hair is the worst thing about getting older.. lol
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I got one of those trimmer recently. Not too bad.
  • MissMCassidy
    MissMCassidy Posts: 445
    Let's just say my fiancé know I won't touch him unless he has shaved everywhere except a small patch on his chest.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Let's just say my fiancé know I won't touch him unless he has shaved everywhere except a small patch on his chest.

    Well then I hope for his sake that he does not touch you unless you are groomed to his exact preference.
  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    i hate hair on my back so i guess id say get rid of it if you can
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    If a guy has not much hair on his chest, it isn't necessary to remove it. If he is really hairy though, he ought to shave it off. But to manscape the crotch area is just plain ridiculous! I am a girl and I absolutely refuse to bikini-shave, which would also be ridiculous. If I were to put on a swimsuit that revealed crotch hair, well, I would be wearing a ridiculous garment that made no sense at all.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    i would say i like things trimmed / groomed (doesn't have to be bald, but short is good) but hair is not a deal breaker unless i can braid it :wink:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I really only ever dated one guy who did any manscaping.... personally I wasn't a big fan... shaved hairs can get stubbly and uncomfortable... As far our bodies and physical intimacy is concerned it is a strictly form follows function kinda deal.
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    Why? I say don't bother. My guy doesn't and I love it. He is a fuzzy dude too.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Let's just say my fiancé know I won't touch him unless he has shaved everywhere except a small patch on his chest.

    Well then I hope for his sake that he does not touch you unless you are groomed to his exact preference.

    Right? That just sounds crazy.
  • p8liwag
    p8liwag Posts: 919 Member
    Treat it like your lawn..
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    One of the givens of being a male is you don't really have to do this stuff, you lucky dogs!
    Find out what the women who will date you want. Just go with that. Try to please your partner, unless it is a pain. If they demand from you, make sure you have some demands too! It's OK to be who you are. Shaming can be a power ploy. Two can play that game, and she won't respect you if you don't stand up for some of what you want. The best defensive is a good offensive.
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Um, do what you want. But manscaping is a good thing.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    One of the givens of being a male is you don't really have to do this stuff, you lucky dogs!
    Find out what the women who will date you want. Just go with that.
    My ex didn't want me doing it and I didn't really care either way at the time. But now I just think it looks better which is why I'm doing it now. I figure I will do what I want and if I meet a woman that likes it then great. But I wouldn't change my personal grooming habits just to please someone else. Next thing you know she's telling me to stop working out or something crazy like that too. Like me for who I am or don't. If not someone else will.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,820 Member
    I'd rather be with a hairy gentleman rather than have to deal with chest hair stubble. That stuff's scratchy.