50 lbs or more to lose?

GetFitzy Posts: 17 Member
Hi, I replied to a previous post by someone looking to lose 100 lbs and found a few fellow MFP buddies, but the post was old and not many people seem to be around still. So...new attempt! Anyone have a significant amount to lose? I have been losing weight on my own before I found MFP - but I am loving it here! I'm hoping to find a few more MFP friends who are trying to lose a significant amount of weight.

My stats:

Highest weight recorded 323.1 (probably more like 330 at my highest)
Current weight 280.7
Height 5'8
Age 31
Starting size 24/26
Current size 22/24
Plan - I eat everything in moderation, haven't eliminated anything, just watching calories and getting 10k steps per day.


  • FutureMoore
    Hi, I replied to a previous post by someone looking to lose 100 lbs and found a few fellow MFP buddies, but the post was old and not many people seem to be around still. So...new attempt! Anyone have a significant amount to lose? I have been losing weight on my own before I found MFP - but I am loving it here! I'm hoping to find a few more MFP friends who are trying to lose a significant amount of weight.

    My stats:

    Highest weight recorded 323.1 (probably more like 330 at my highest)
    Current weight 280.7
    Height 5'8
    Age 31
    Starting size 24/26
    Current size 22/24
    Plan - I eat everything in moderation, haven't eliminated anything, just watching calories and getting 10k steps per day.

    Congrats on your success!! I hope I can have the same results as well. I am looking to lose 50lbs by may 2015
  • heatherlore
    heatherlore Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to lose 65 pounds by May 2015. I have a long way to go, but could use the extra support to get through it!
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    I'd like to lose 95lbs or so. Any loss is a good one. At least 60lbs for sure. Trying to lose it by Valentine's day! It's aggressive, but I've done it before and hope to do it again!

    I'd love to be of support!
  • Trinaann70
    Trinaann70 Posts: 10
    Congratulations on what you have done so far! I had a total of 100 to lose and I'm down 27 so far. We all can do this! :)
  • Eselte
    Eselte Posts: 49
    I have about 70 to lose (give or take) and haven't set a date... I'm just going with the flow, counting calories and burning calories.. :)

    Would love more friends also.
  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    I want to lose 56 pounds by March 2015-- I eat everything in Moderation, feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good for you! You can do this. I'm always around to cheer people on, so feel free to add!
  • aoea2013
    aoea2013 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I replied to a previous post by someone looking to lose 100 lbs and found a few fellow MFP buddies, but the post was old and not many people seem to be around still. So...new attempt! Anyone have a significant amount to lose? I have been losing weight on my own before I found MFP - but I am loving it here! I'm hoping to find a few more MFP friends who are trying to lose a significant amount of weight.

    My stats:

    Highest weight recorded 323.1 (probably more like 330 at my highest)
    Current weight 280.7
    Height 5'8
    Age 31
    Starting size 24/26
    Current size 22/24
    Plan - I eat everything in moderation, haven't eliminated anything, just watching calories and getting 10k steps per day.

    Hi! I was once 285 (2008). THIS time when I started losing, I was 267. 237 (I think) when I started logging foods 289 days ago. I was a size 20 & now almost 32 pounds lighter & a size 16, I still have 59 pounds to go :) YOU CAN DO IT! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
  • Water_Gal
    Water_Gal Posts: 52 Member
    I have 106 to lose and I am halfway there! I am doing it the natural way; eat less and move more. Tracking calories on MFP has really been the key to my success so far. Good luck to you!
  • lorisnaturallocks

    This is my very first post in MFP. I'm wanting to loose a total of 82 lbs. Sounds like so much...I have PCOS which makes loosing weight very challenging. Though, I'm working towards making some major lifestyle changes with hopes of reaching my goals. Looking for some MFP as support.
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    I've lost 53 and still have about 140 left to go. No time limit. I didn't gain it overnight and I won't lose it that way either. I eat most things in moderation, though I have recently converted to pescatarian (sort of vegetarian, but still eat seafood). Feel free to add me!
  • carlalanzon
    hi, i need to lose 70 pound, by no specific date but preferably by my sons 1st birthday 9 may 2015. good luck with your journey
  • deb4ala2
    deb4ala2 Posts: 5
    I am also looking to lose 100 pounds - hoping by next summer.

    I will be changing things up. Right now, I am cutting calories - eating in moderation.

    This week's challenge was to cut out creamer in coffee & increase water - while eating healthier. Day 3, so far so good.

    I am also part of a weight loss group at work that just started this past Monday. We weigh in on Monday's and for every pound we gain, we pay $1. The money goes towards a healthy lunch the Friday before Labor Day.
  • deb4ala2
    deb4ala2 Posts: 5
    And great job everyone!! :happy:

    I lost 50 pounds 2 years ago - and then gained it back and then some. Some of it was eating.. some of it has been thyroid meds.
  • Blaclove
    Blaclove Posts: 5 Member
    I have 100 pounds i am aiming to loose to meet my target goal weight. I just started MFP again (lost and put back on :-( )and I am serious with getting this weight and keeping it off. Good luck to you in your journey!
  • gwennotx
    gwennotx Posts: 1
    I want to lose 50 lbs by March 2015. My aim is to be carb, calorie, & portion aware and be consistent about exercise and movement.
    It's also important to me to focus on whole foods and retrain my brain to eat mindfully. Tired of kidding myself, then waking up to find myself back at square one! Sound familiar, anyone? So, hoping for some support & accountability.
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 89 Member
    CONGRATS CHICK! :) My goal is to lose another 25 pounds to get back to my lowest weight!!
    I actually lost 64 pounds total when I was at my lowest... add some personal junk & backsliding & I gained some back.
    I know I don't have as much to lose as you all but I can definitely relate to it! I still struggle with the "mental" weight/pounds!

    feel free to add me, peeps!! just make sure to add a message, please!
  • Undeadhellokitty
    Undeadhellokitty Posts: 15 Member
    I'd like to lose right around 50 pounds. No specific date in mind, just going to keep going until I'm there!
    Friends and support welcome! :)
  • Turbooble
    Turbooble Posts: 16 Member
    I have about 75 lbs more to lose. I'm hoping to lose it by October 2015. Some say its a long time, but I'm taking this process slow. It took a little while to gain, so it's going to take a little while to lose.

    SW: 257.6
    CW: 219.4
    Goal: 145 (High school weight shown in profile pic).
  • brendaea1
    brendaea1 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm definitely in this boat. I'm not sure exactly how much I want to lose, but it's somewhere between 84-104 lbs. My stats are below.

    Highest weight: 300 (with twins on board)
    Current weight: 242.4
    Goal: 165?