What is the oldest age you would ever go for in a partner?



  • pineappledreams32
    pineappledreams32 Posts: 24 Member
    oh and i forgot to add he was my families/my mechanic HAHAHHA! and one fine *kitten* one :p and i have know him as weird as it sounds since i was like 14, and even then i thought he was hot. but obviously he didnt look at me like that. and my friends then thought i was crazy for thinking he was gorgeous, but now they dont care much. but i was like 4th grade and in love with george clooney and they all like younger guys haha.. guess ive always been attratcted to older men
    we have been together for almost 2 years, and he has never been married nor kids, my parents are fine taking that my father and mother are 20 years apart.... he does want kids and to get married and honestly i don't really hangout with people my age cause they are all immature i get along better with his friends and there partners. also we have alot in common taking that my parents and his parents are like the same age... i always had the older parents.... dad was 52 when i was born.... and I could care less about age " age doesnt matter unless its wine or cheese" :)

    I am 22 years old and my bf is 46 and it's the best relationship I have ever been in. He complete me. As cliche as that sounds but I have never been so happy.

    this is fascinating to me.

    can you tell us a bit more about your relationship? how did you meet? how long have you been together? has he been married? does he have kids? are they older than you are? do your parents approve? do you want kids? does he? what do your friends think? does he go out with your group of pals and do what 22yos do? i give him a lot of credit if he can keep up lol. (and just for the record, i know it doesnt necessarily matter what other people think about a relationship, im really just curious. sorry for the 3rd degree, im just very interested.)

    thats quite an age gap.

    i think i could go 4-5ish years in either direction (im 36). who knows....maybe im wrong and theres a perfect 60yo out there for me. i "dated" a 31yo chick when i was 19, but it was really just a summer of having a consistent hookup and being wined and dined. it was nice, but at the end of the day, i dont think i could have had a deep emotional relationship with her. perhaps i was too young at the time, but when she got out some of her old records from high school and reminisced about the past, i felt so young and she seemed so old.
  • MissMCassidy
    MissMCassidy Posts: 445
    I'm 25 my fiancé's 31 my ex husband is 34 I don't think I would date anyone older than my ex.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    How old is Tim McGraw? :love:
  • LukaDjordjevic
    LukaDjordjevic Posts: 6 Member
    my ex was 9 years older. so I guess that would be my limit that way. Girlfriend is 19 years my junior and that is about as young as I would go that way

    Totally read that at first as "9 years old" and was super concerned for you.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Normally the oldest I'd go for would be about 5 or 6 years younger than me at the most. I usually like 25 - 35 age range. But based on some recent AVI's I've seen lately, I'd go for someone my age (41) on a case by case basis.
  • pineappledreams32
    pineappledreams32 Posts: 24 Member
    who cares hes fine as hell! :P
    How old is Tim McGraw? :love:
  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    My husband is the same age as me. However, I've always dated within the 5 year range and I've always leaned toward people who were close to me in age.
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    Attraction knows no age. ( Keep it legal.)
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    As long as you're not robbing the cradle - or the grave - There's potential for anyone on a person by person basis, although I'd say I have about a 5 year buffer zone around my own age before I scrutinize a bit more...
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I'm 29 and the oldest I would go is 35. However, I did date a 40 year old for a bit.
  • MrNundy
    MrNundy Posts: 242 Member
    I like women up to 45 i would say..... depends on the women though. Would still need to tick my boxes... to sure i would date though...
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member
    I've seen a few profiles that look darn good for 99...
  • Tomm88
    Tomm88 Posts: 733 Member
    my oldest was 34 but that was like a fling, we met at the gym, chick had a 6pack that could cut diamonds ... i was jelous haha
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member
    If the other person is too old, or too young, to understand your music it's probably not gonna work.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    And how old are you?

    I'm 19 and a 50 year old man (my college professor) had made it clear that he likes me. To be honest though I actually wouldn't mind going with a man that age! The only thing stopping me would be my parents and friends I guess.

    It's weird but I've only ever been attracted to men between the ages of 35-60.

    What about you guys? :D

    How YOU doin?
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    Depends on how much money they have

    Honest. Hella shallow, but at least your honest.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    To have fun, I wouldn't worry about age but look at compatibility of interest.

    For a long term relationship, I couldn't see staying with anyone too much younger than myself, but maybe older since i am 45. I am ready to retire in around 8 years and someone younger would just be getting started in life or in the middle of the career struggle. That isn't to say it might not work out, but it seem more unlikely.

    That said, I am happy I am married. That dating world these days....sheesh.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I've seen a few profiles that look darn good for 99...

    How you doin? :drinker:
  • meeyuh
    meeyuh Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 25 and boyfriend is 37. Age has never been a thing, though. The oldest I've dated was 42 and youngest was like 10 months younger than me. Boyfriend and I don't really have much to say about our ages or the difference. But I do like to poke fun that he'll be turning 40 before I hit 30. :bigsmile: