When was you "Oh Hell No" Moment



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I had many. A picture of me at a wedding. My "fat" clothes becoming too tight. I think the final straw was that I was too young to feel as old as I did.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    My MIL ( amazing woman ) passed away 2 months ago today. My husband and I have been struggling with weight for years now. I have an eating dissorder that has now left me scared NOT to eat food :/ Her passed was sudden and prob. ( maybe?) preventable with excercise and good nutrition.

    We have 2 daughters we NEED to be around for. So this is no longer a " yeah, we really should get healthy", but is now very clear to us that is extremly important and we HAVE to do something.

    It's hard. We all struggle with food and weight loss in one form or another. I used to feel like I was the only one hurting. It's the biggest lie we can tell ourself. If we are honest, withothers AND ourselves, we can do this! Nothing worth doing is easy.

    so yes.. My "oh hellz no" moment has been in the last 2 months....
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I never really had an "oh hell no" moment. I have always been fat. I knew it. I was under no delusions about how big I was. It had been years since a normal scale could weigh me. In fact, I honestly don't remember the last time a normal scale could weigh me. My moment wasn't a oh hell no.... I just finally realized it was possible to change (possible in the abstract). And it didn't have to be a big deal. I didn't have to undergo some surgery or go on some Biggest Loser style diet/regimen. And I realized I could do it. It wasn't just possible in the abstract.... It was something *I* could do. So, I did. That probably sounds strange... But up until recently, I didn't think it was possible for someone as big as me to really lose weight without it being a big deal (surgery, etc). It just took some determination to see it through the long haul. And a recent life event had made me confident that I could do hard things and keep it going for years to come. So I decided to do it.
  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    My moment came when I saw that my Mom who is 88 years old cannot walk anymore. She is wheelchair bound and that means that for the most part she is confined to the residence where she lives. She needs help for dressing and all basic care. Mom isn't that big....she might weigh 180? But she has lost so much muscle that it's just enough to keep her immobile. We are all living longer now and I thought, " I want to walk my way to the very end" We are all living longer so we owe it to ourselves to make sure that all those years are the best they can be.
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    I saw a picture of me in my dance troupe costume. It had to change!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    Went on vacation with my in-laws in August of 2011, thought I looked great, had been walking/jogging consistently, but not really watching my food. Saw the pictures and almost cried. But it took Christmas morning photos to really get me going....in January 2012, I said it, "oh, HELL NO, if MFP doesn't work, I'll join WW"
  • KelARita7
    KelARita7 Posts: 2,694 Member
    Pictures of me after my son was born and the fact that the scale read 200lbs. Never in a million years did I ever think I would weigh 200lbs. I did not recognize myself in pictures and that was an awful feeling. And then going to my daughters classroom for the first time (she started Kindergarten the month my son was born)...I didn't want to be that parent a kid is embarrassed of. Started shortly after...spent a year watching what I ate and lost 65lbs. Have maintained it the last 3 years give or take 5-10lbs.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    When I was in physical pain trying to do my trousers up.... the shame :blushing:
  • LStonePTL
    LStonePTL Posts: 31 Member
    My moment was when the Dr. told my husband that he needed a hip replacement at 40 because his weight had progressed the arthritis. I knew we had to get our acts together. Only by the Grace of God!!
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    A photo of me in a bikini on a beach. I hadn't worn a bikini in years, and we took a family vacation. I'd gotten pretty good at wearing regular clothes and hiding my body under layers and tailored jackets, but swimwear hides nothing. My husband kept trying to take a photo of me and get me to sit up straighter and straighter so that the fat rolls didn't show in the pic, but I couldn't sit up any straighter. I saw the photo, and he shrugged and said I looked better in real life, but I could see clearly that I needed to lose 60 pounds.
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    My moment was when I went to buy new pants for my work. I grabbed a 10 (which I though was my size) and 12 (in case I needed more room). Then I said, "I know I'm not a 14 but I'll take em just in case." Fast forward...I couldn't do anything with the 10 or the 12 and I was literally busting out of the size 14.They were so tight; you could see every dip and dimple. I said, "Oh it must be these pants." So, I tried on two more pair in different styles still sizes 10, 12, and 14. (I think I'm a gluton for punishment!) It seemed like things got worse...The pants got smaller and tighter.

    I'm staring a new job at the end of August... I absolutely refuse to buy a size 16!!! No way! No how!! Oh Hell Naw!!!!! I'm getting back in those 10s!!!!!!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Mine was seeing 265 lb on the scale which is my heaviest weight ever.
  • Aynetal3
    Aynetal3 Posts: 23 Member
    I started getting concerned in general knowing I'd have to move more with the service dog I'm getting, but when I timed myself, I could only walk about 5-6 minutes. That was the first major blip, and the second was getting on the scale and realizing I'd crossed the 300 mark to a solid 303.6. That's when I found MFP ... The scale is broken now so I'm not sure my number, but happy to say I'm still on board 12 days :)

  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    Mine was when a friend of mine's child patted my belly and told me that I had a belly like Santa...OH HELL NO!!!
  • wishings
    wishings Posts: 13
    When I stopped fitting into my clothes then I bought some new clothes and in a few months I was having trouble fitting into those too. In November of last year I had bought these cute shorts for a vacation. Now in July I can no longer wear them. That's how fast my weight goes. I can be steady number for a few months then one month I gain a bunch of weight. I'm still trying to figure out if hormones are playing a part in it because most people don't seem to gain weight like I do. I go through periods of "steady" then "packing on". I'm glad I was met with the truth early so at least now I don't have a lot of weight to lose.
  • mandybear014
    mandybear014 Posts: 209 Member
    I got a two for one deal the day I said "Oh Hell No"

    The first was when I put on my jeans and they ripped! This was my reaction --> :noway:
    The second was when my friend posted pictures on facebook and there was this second chin that kept showing up in all of photos. And it was my face! :frown:

    And now there is 27 less pounds of me! :bigsmile:
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    I was at $5 all you can eat taco night at a local Mexican restaurant. After consuming far too many tacos, I stood up from the booth and my leggings ripped from the crotch down to my thigh.

    Yeah....haven't been back there since. Who would have thought that $5 tacos would have led to 50 pounds lost!
  • Snail_Whale
    Snail_Whale Posts: 21 Member
    I don't watch the scale and always went on how I look in the mirror or how my clothing fit.

    Six years ago, not long after I gave birth to my son I didn't like how I looked in the mirror. My guess somewhere between 160 and 170 lbs. I worked out and lost some weight and looked more toned. Guessed still in 160's to late 150's. Then I started working a job where I was on my feet all, add on an attempt with veganism and working out, I went down to my 140's. I began running, but began eating meat again, so stayed in 140 lb range.

    Then, nearly two years ago I became ill and developed a chronic pain disorder. No official diagnosis yet, but Myasthenia Gravis is suspected. I was pretty inactive until this summer. My guess is still somewhere in the 140's. I just decided to re-continue my journey as best I can. Last thing I need are any problems related to diabetes or heart disease, etc.

    Also, I want to show my ex what he'll be missing out on. Mwahahaha. Well, he acts like I am nothing without him and I'll take him back. PFFFT. NOPE.
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    When my family came to visit after I hadn't seen them in a year, and I spent the whole visit on the couch hunched over myself trying to cover up how fat I am, and didn't want to play soccer and Frisbee etc cause I didn't want everyone seeing how much my fat jiggled. I thought I was ok with the size I was until then. Got back onto mfp the day after they left! 31 days and counting, still staying strong!
  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    It was a few things, none of my clothes fit except for pajamas. My blood pressure was ridiculously high, strangers started commenting on my weight in public and I got out of breath over EVERYTHING! But the big "hell no" moment for me was being over 300 pounds holding my 16 pound infant. I never realized how bad and how far the number was going until I saw exactly how close I was to 300 pounds, and I got there in about a year. I knew it was now or never for me, I had to do something.