When was you "Oh Hell No" Moment



  • PeanutButterByTheSpoon
    After wearing nonthing but my nightgown for two weeks and put on normal cloths I was like. "No No No!"
  • laurenmaura
    laurenmaura Posts: 45 Member
    When my ex boyfriend who loved my curves told me he loved my curves and thickness, I have always had curves. But then said he even loved my thick stomach,I have always had a small waist and stomach. I was so embarrassed that I let myself go! Or after a week of not eating much and loosing some bloat weight my skinny roommate told me I was looking so much skinnier. But the way she said it made me feel horrible and she wanted me to feel that way.
  • b_e_l_l_a_a_a_a_a_a
    b_e_l_l_a_a_a_a_a_a Posts: 51 Member
    When I learned pretty much the most important thing about clothes; just because you can put it on, doesn't mean it fits. Imagine a 190lb girl squeezing into size 10 short shorts... :sick: The number on the tag meant SO much to me, a bunch of "skinny" or "normal" girls at school wore size 10's, 12's, 8's and such and such. So I figured if I could wear those sizes, then I was normal. Too bad I only realized this once I left school.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    When I was 2 lbs short of 200 .. actually it was the mirror. I just was not happy with what I saw. It was time for a change.

    That was last August .. and I am happy to be in maintenance now but my fitness goals will continue.
  • YvonneBerdkan
    YvonneBerdkan Posts: 58 Member
    i know they are joke photos my friend took when we where fooling around but man when i saw them i knew i should start losing weight

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,577 Member
    No one single moment. Just a lot of moments over time that finally added up to "I have to do something about this." I was frequently in pain (knees and ankles). One flight of stairs took my breath away. Fat clothes getting too tight. Pictures of me appearing on Facebook. The fear of ending up crippled by arthritis...or getting diabetes.

    Now I'm not motivated by fear - I'm motivated by my desire to succeed. Which I think will make a difference.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    I have struggled with my weight through adult-hood, but 5 years ago I lost 30 lbs really easily.... theeeeen I was diagnosed with cancer. During chemo I was put on massive doses of steroids - like, 200 mg/day. I was an eating MACHINE. My Drs were ecstatic that I was gaining, rather than losing weight. Great... until treatment is over and you look in the mirror all bald AND fat. Gah!!!!
    Then, I was warned that the late-term effects of my treatment greatly increased my risk of heart attack and stroke.

    I looked in the mirror and said: OH HELL NO!!! I didn't just beat this crap only to die of a coronary!!!!

    That was it. I have slowly, but surely, lost the chemo weight & then some over the past 5 years. There were a few hiccups, but overall I am about 65 lbs lighter than I was at that ugly point. I am now within 25 lbs of my ideal weight and I couldn't be prouder of the fact that I am not only feeling great, but my more active, healthier life style is a great example for my beautiful kids... and my chances of seeing them grow up stay higher the healthier I remain.
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    It was the picture on the left of my profile. It made me depressed and also the fact that I am only 33 years old and had to have back surgery.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    There's a few. But the flight attendant asked me to move to the back of the plane due to a weight imbalance. I was most definitely the fattest one in my area and she picked me and I had to be separated from my family...it was like a walk of shame. Of course I understand it's crucial to balance the weight of the plane but I took it super personally because I was already self conscious
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    When I read 220lbs on the scale.....
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    When i realized that 350lbs is the weight limit for most computer chairs, digital scales and the treadmill.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    In some ways very similar OP. I've always avoided pictures, but I was participating in a program last summer that forced me to pose for pictures often. This one got posted to FB. Absolutely miserable, I was hiding in the very back of the group, but was still shocked when I saw it, didn't even recognize myself. I'm used to thinking of myself as being fairly athletic, sure I knew I had put on a few pounds, but there was nothing athletic in that photo.

  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    After 15 friends and colleagues died in 2012 and people I knew started to say they were "concerned" for me in a tone that cut to my very core. I realized my quality of life was pretty much crap and it was time to get busy living or get busy dying.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I worked in an office where they took a LOT of photos of all staff...especially at big events. I normally hated full length photos of myself, but did not mind face & shoulders type pics. One day right after a huge dinner, for which I'd dressed up and felt great, my supervisor gave me a print of a photo taken of me with my ex at the dinner. It was from the waist up, pretty much, and I had this horrible spare tire thing that was much more visible than I would have dreamed, AND my normally not-that-fat face (even at 270+) looked ruddy and like I had the beginnings of a double chin. Oh hell no...

  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Mine was Christmas eve family party 2012. I am pretty good at hiding behind people in pics and holding my head at the "right angle" to reduce the double chin, and at home I don't have any mirrors that go to my belly area (no full length mirrors at the time, just my bathroom one and I'm a shorty at 5' 1.5") but my cousin put up candid pics from the party and I saw one of me where I was sitting on the floor, and I was literally ROUND with little legs jutting out, I looked like Jabba the friggin Hutt!!! A few days later I ordered my first DVD set so I could workout from home and I had lost as far as 33.6 lbs, then I got bored of doing the same videos, stopped logging as often and worked out less often, and well just kinda fell off the wagon (ok no kinda about it, over the last 8 months I gained back 18 of those pounds!!!) and my newest "oh hell no" moment was when my sister visited over the 4th weekend from another state, lots of pics taken, and the realization that once again I let myself go! I got comfortable and stopped stepping on the scale and didn't realize I was starting to look bad again, not that I had even reached goal yet (not even close), but starting to look like I did the first "oh hell no" moment, so back at it starting this week!!
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    Getting haemorrhoids and acid reflux at the ripe old age of 26!
    I still have a long way to go but I'm getting better at healthy eating every day.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I began losing weight due to not eating properly from a divorce and realized that I needed to workout and do this the healthy way. It took a little while and am still working on it...
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    When someone thought I was pregnant... but my son was already 9 months old. And feeling my back rolls rub together :noway:
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    My 6yr old said that I had the same body shape as his toddler sister...
    In reality though its a series of things
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Also waking up and taking like 5 medications....no thanks,not forever
    And every day if something happens
    Like if I get dizzy,
    My first though is ive finally developed diabetes havent I?