Brides on a Mission: Week 3



  • Brides on a Mission: week 3 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost: 3 pounds thus far! =D
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Recieved my invitations,flowers done, and looking at wedding bands! <3
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Jack N Jill turning sour!
    4. Show me your bling! What type of engagement ring do you have and who picked it out: three stone diamond, the hubby picked it out.
    5. What has been the hardest part in wedding planning so far: Stress with bridemaids which i didnt do any to be honest lol.
    6. Any wedding news updates: Again picking out weding bands
    7. What is your guilty pleasure food: OooO Chocolate <3
    8. How did you do with the week 2 challenge (adding more fruits and veggies to your diet): Eating salad for lunch was a bit much lol. Im glad im creative enough to make it delicious! =D
    9. Weekly wrap up: So far so good!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I noticed that wannabrn10, besides myself, also does fitness assessments at the gym. Do you guys do it too? I don't do the fitness assessment part as often as the weigh-ins, but I figure some sort of gain has to be made in six months. That's usually when I do them. Does anyone else take part in this at your gym?

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 3
    1. Weight loss/inches lost: none
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My fiance was home
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I got seriously p!ssed off at my MOH
    4. Show me your bling! What type of engagement ring do you have and who picked it out: Dave designed it himself...we've never gone looking for rings before, he just knew what he's a thick. white gold band, with two pear shaped diamonds and in the middle is a large Canadian's absolutely stunning. And definitely made with love. We just designed my wedding and 1 year anniversary bands to be images of the engagement, but the center diamond is going to be inset insted of raised like the engagement ring...
    5. What has been the hardest part in wedding planning so far: I haven't really started planning
    6. Any wedding news updates: nope
    7. What is your guilty pleasure food: Chips
    8. How did you do with the week 2 challenge (adding more fruits and veggies to your diet): I did well...piece of fruit for breakfast, one for snack, always veggies for supper...
    9. Weekly wrap up: No More Beer! I had pizza and beer this weekend...and I didn't lose a thing...I haven't had beer since I started on this whole life style change, and I admit it didn't taste all that good lol
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Wedding date August 27, 2011
    Southport, NC

    Brides on a Mission: week 3
    1. Weight loss/inches lost: none (haven't weighed myself but don't think it was a good week)
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I BOUGHT MY DRESS!!!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Getting off track on my diet and beating myself up about it.
    4. Show me your bling! What type of engagement ring do you have and who picked it out: My ring was a total surprise. I never even mentioned what I liked to my FI. He did it all himself and it is perfect. Round cut diamond set in plantinum band with pave diamonds on each side.
    5. What has been the hardest part in wedding planning so far: Planning a wedding in NC from MD
    6. Any wedding news updates: See #2 :)
    7. What is your guilty pleasure food: Chocolate and peanut buter
    8. How did you do with the week 2 challenge (adding more fruits and veggies to your diet): Had lots of fruits but still could stand to add more veggies
    9. Weekly wrap up: I still feel off track, so to get back on it I'm challenging myself to go every day for the rest of this week logging everything and ending under my calorie goal each day
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member

    7. What is your guilty pleasure food: Ice cream I love ice cream and if someone offers me some there is an almost 100% that i will eat it. :blushing: Needless to say, the ice cream stays at the store now instead of going home with me.

    I soooo agree with the ice cream! :love: I could it everyday! I normally do lol! I get a lot of pre-packaged ice cream from the store (mini drumsticks, 100 cal ice cream sandwhiches, ect) and when I get ice cream out I always get a small or a kid size if they let me. What is your fav kind? I love vanilla with carmel and nuts on top or toasted coconut! YUMM! I really want to register for an ice cream machine so I can make it with 2% and any flavor I want!

    I don't think I have met an ice cream that I didn't love. But I am with you on the praline pecan. yumm

    Your need of an ice cream maker is like my future hub's need for an espresso machine. He is obsessed with coffee.. :happy: Of course he blames it on me for making him that way. I was a barista for a while and got him hooked on snobby coffee. hehe.
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks everyone for the complements on my ring. Everyone else has such nice pictures! haha Mine was taken just on the fly!

    Well I would have to say that your pictures are amazing too. And I love your ring!

    I was trying to post a clearer picture of mine but for some reason photobucket / mfp doesn't like me and wouldnt post them properly. :ohwell: So i posted the one i did.
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member

    4. Show me your bling! What type of engagement ring do you have and who picked it out:
    I had told him NO DIAMONDS- I think they're a boring waste of money as I can't tell the difference between a real diamond and a fake, and I always enjoy being different (though no hate to diamond lovers- if you love your rock, that's all that matters). He also knew I like clauddagh rings (the Irish ring with the crowned heart)- so he found me a sapphire clauddagh ring (we're both September babies, so it's our birth stone). I love it.

    6. Any wedding news updates: I think we found a venue! My fiance's band played at a wedding that was held at the Omaha Healing Arts Center and thought it was so beautiful he brought home their event info. I knew it was an awesome place where they have yoga classes and stuff, but I didn't know they rented out their space. It's a great spiritual and unique place!

    Do you have any pictures of your ring? It sounds gorgeous!

    And, Is your fiance's band going to play at your wedding?
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everybody! I am going to post tomorrow because that is my weigh in day. I have a question for you guys on flowers? Are you going with real flowers or fake flowers? We each have 6 attendants so I was initially thinking that one way to cut costs would be to go with fake flowers, but now I am not sure because I think real flowers are soooo pretty. Is it less expensive to just buy real flowers and arrange them yourself? I LOVE to do that kind of thing....I just feel lost on this! What are you guys doing for flowers?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    So, I know a few of you posted about wedding favors before. I've been a HUGE Yankee Candle user/collector for a while. What I decided to do? Rather than let all of my votives sit in a drawer, I decided to use them as the wedding favors. I got on clearance from Michael's chocolate brown organza favor bags and I'm going to stuff each with a different flavored candle. I bought 22 additional Wedding Day scented candles and will put one on each table. Whoever gets it (seat is by table, not by chair) gets the centerpieces a souvenir. I thought it was a neat little game to do at the wedding.*LOL* Best of all, since I pretty much owned all of the favors, I didn't spend much!:-D

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    I saw that you wanted to work white, black and hunter green into your wedding, but were concerned the zebra print would be tacky. My fiance also felt the same about my brown and purple paisley pattern. We've worked it into the stationary, napkin rings, paper candle rings, and as the center tier of the wedding cake. Just an idea, but you could do the same. I also know some linen rental places offer zebra print. Maybe you could do the napkins with them? You'd get your print, but it wouldn't be overwhelming.

    Hope that helps!:-D

  • agoessli

    If you have a costco or a sams club you are a member of or you know someone who is you can buy their flowers in bulk and assemble them yourself......My sister did this and they were gorgeous and a lot cheaper than a florist
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member

    I saw that you wanted to work white, black and hunter green into your wedding, but were concerned the zebra print would be tacky. My fiance also felt the same about my brown and purple paisley pattern. We've worked it into the stationary, napkin rings, paper candle rings, and as the center tier of the wedding cake. Just an idea, but you could do the same. I also know some linen rental places offer zebra print. Maybe you could do the napkins with them? You'd get your print, but it wouldn't be overwhelming.

    Hope that helps!:-D


    Hey Shannon,

    Thanks for the ideas...we are working the zebra into the favors as well as into one or two tiers of our cake. I hadn't thought about napkin rings! That's a great idea. Our linens are going to be black, with white napkins and white ostrich feather centerpieces so I think if we just do that little bit of zebra...the rest of the black and white will kind of take that effect without it specifically being least I hope so. :-) Thanks a BUNCH!

    They are Glenny's brownies and the are 100 calories, 7 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. My favorite flavor is the chocolate peanut butter. I can really control my cravings with a night as a treat and I don't fall of the wagon......;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_content=13256849&amp;utm_campaign=Introducing the New Glenny's Starter Package
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member

    If you have a costco or a sams club you are a member of or you know someone who is you can buy their flowers in bulk and assemble them yourself......My sister did this and they were gorgeous and a lot cheaper than a florist

    I had never thought of a Sam's Club...that is an AWESOME idea! Thank you!
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Brides,

    What a great way to stay motivated!

    1. Name: Sarah
    2. Age: 31
    3. City: Vero Beach
    4. Occupation: Marine Biologist; Teacher; Student
    5. Wedding date: 5.6.11
    6. Fiancés name: Derek
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 1.5 yrs
    8. Heaviest weight: 154
    9. Goal weight and date: 129 ASAP!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: running
    11. Favorite healthy food: bananas
  • Hey everybody! I am going to post tomorrow because that is my weigh in day. I have a question for you guys on flowers? Are you going with real flowers or fake flowers? We each have 6 attendants so I was initially thinking that one way to cut costs would be to go with fake flowers, but now I am not sure because I think real flowers are soooo pretty. Is it less expensive to just buy real flowers and arrange them yourself? I LOVE to do that kind of thing....I just feel lost on this! What are you guys doing for flowers?

    I am going with real flowers, no question about it! We will be having a professional putting everything together.I think the biggest tips that I have read to keep costs down are: using seasonal flowers, smaller bunches vs huge bunches, using leaves/twigs/berries as fillers, re-use the flowers from the ceromony at the reception. I think we will be using candles and small flower arrangements for the centerpices....that will save too!

    Good luck!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Sorry if I'm posting so much today. We had a snow day, so I'm off of school and trying to catch up on the thread.:-)

    Brides on a Mission: week 3 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost: Next weigh-in isn't until the first week in February.
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): A blazer jacket I purchased last summer, that I couldn't button at all, fit me perfectly yesterday. No gapping over the chest, either! Whoo hoo!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My best friend from CO won't be able to be my MOH in the wedding. Her work wouldn't give her the time off. I'm definately sad about this one and I cried a little last night about it. I haven' t seen her in eight years! It means I'll only have one gal on my side, as I only have two really close girlfriends. I can deal with that. It's just a real bummer she can't make it in. I miss her!!!
    4. Show me your bling! What type of engagement ring do you have and who picked it out: My fiance talked about getting engaged for a while. I had a pretty design idea in my head, but I knew it was going to be a custom order. Dan, my fiance, was a real sweetheart about it. We went last February and design this together. The proposal didn't come until May... I was wondering if he was getting cold feet!*LOL* Here it is:
    5. What has been the hardest part in wedding planning so far: Trying to create a balance between what I want and what the family wants. I want to make people happy, but it's MY wedding too.
    6. Any wedding news updates: Booked the makeup artist and the salon that will do our nails and hair.
    7. What is your guilty pleasure food: Sugar Free Mouse Pies. I've been experimenting with these. There's a great recipe on here for a Pumpkin Mouse pie that is simply delicious!
    8. How did you do with the week 2 challenge (adding more fruits and veggies to your diet): No problem. I made that Knorr Spinach Dip off of the back of their Vegetable Soup Packet. I love the stuff, plus it's low calorie. Then I cut up veggies and made a veggie tray. I had a little of it each day, plus a side salad at lunch.
    9. Weekly wrap up: I got to the gym five out of the seven days, plus my clothes are fitting nicer. Great week!
  • Hey everybody! I am going to post tomorrow because that is my weigh in day. I have a question for you guys on flowers? Are you going with real flowers or fake flowers? We each have 6 attendants so I was initially thinking that one way to cut costs would be to go with fake flowers, but now I am not sure because I think real flowers are soooo pretty. Is it less expensive to just buy real flowers and arrange them yourself? I LOVE to do that kind of thing....I just feel lost on this! What are you guys doing for flowers?

    I am going with real flowers, no question about it! We will be having a professional putting everything together.I think the biggest tips that I have read to keep costs down are: using seasonal flowers, smaller bunches vs huge bunches, using leaves/twigs/berries as fillers, re-use the flowers from the ceromony at the reception. I think we will be using candles and small flower arrangements for the centerpices....that will save too!

    Good luck!

    That was our idea too! we are getting married outside during the fall. My bouquet and the girls will have some flowers, but also some non-flower components - ferns, wheat, berries, etc. For our centerpieces, the florist is using some pumpkins from my local farmer, and a lot more earthy tones. Works great for our fall wedding.

    I had seen an idea about a summer wedding, and I thought it was natural and cute, but wouldn't work for us due to the time of year. Find a local farmer who has a flower garden, and the day or two before the wedding you and the bridesmaids/moms go out and pick your own bouquet. Would work especially well if you like the natural/wildflower look. May be easiest if your centerpieces are non-floral so you don't have to worry too much about anything else.

    Last fall, since I knew I'd be getting married this fall, I kept an eye on the clearance for the fake flowers. I picked up a few bunches (will probably decorate gift table/sign in table/bathrooms with them) for an insanely cheap amount. If you buy something from Michael's, a lot of times there will be a coupon on your receipt for 40% an item the following week. May be tough to use since you'll be picking up a lot of cheaper items, but you may be able to save some money there.

    And last but not least.... Martha Stewart Living has some really nice ideas in their wedding section that may help inspire you!

    Best of luck!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    since my wedding will be in a backyard I don't have to worry about flowers centerpieces are the flowers you buy for bedding plants, we're stuffing a box full of no flowers there...and my BM and I are carrying bouquets of flowers from Cosco, the ones you buy for $20...I'll have two bunches and the girls will have 1...the boys don't want to wear aren't my main centerpieces and party favors are...
  • We are buying our flowers from costco, the centerpieces at least. They are $19.99/piece. Message me if you'd like me to email you a picture.
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