Have you heard of Juice Plus+



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    Sorry, but this person isn't lying about a single thing. Before you start slating people please educate yourself on the product.

    Gotta love people who just join the forum to peddle their nonsense and never bother to read the terms. I'm waiting for her to come back and complain about how mean we are for reporting her spam...

    I actually get kind of excited when I see the phrase "message me for more info." My score card is getting pretty full today, and I haven't even been on the forums that much. :laugh:

    Ohhh... you should market MFP bingo cards!! :happy:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Sorry, but this person isn't lying about a single thing. Before you start slating people please educate yourself on the product.

    Gotta love people who just join the forum to peddle their nonsense and never bother to read the terms. I'm waiting for her to come back and complain about how mean we are for reporting her spam...

    I actually get kind of excited when I see the phrase "message me for more info." My score card is getting pretty full today, and I haven't even been on the forums that much. :laugh:

    Ohhh... you should market MFP bingo cards!! :happy:

    message me for info. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (total joke people...total joke...)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sorry, but this person isn't lying about a single thing. Before you start slating people please educate yourself on the product.

    Gotta love people who just join the forum to peddle their nonsense and never bother to read the terms. I'm waiting for her to come back and complain about how mean we are for reporting her spam...

    I actually get kind of excited when I see the phrase "message me for more info." My score card is getting pretty full today, and I haven't even been on the forums that much. :laugh:

    Ohhh... you should market MFP bingo cards!! :happy:



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    Sorry, but this person isn't lying about a single thing. Before you start slating people please educate yourself on the product.

    Gotta love people who just join the forum to peddle their nonsense and never bother to read the terms. I'm waiting for her to come back and complain about how mean we are for reporting her spam...

    I actually get kind of excited when I see the phrase "message me for more info." My score card is getting pretty full today, and I haven't even been on the forums that much. :laugh:

    Ohhh... you should market MFP bingo cards!! :happy:




    I..... I love you.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Sorry, but this person isn't lying about a single thing. Before you start slating people please educate yourself on the product.

    Gotta love people who just join the forum to peddle their nonsense and never bother to read the terms. I'm waiting for her to come back and complain about how mean we are for reporting her spam...

    I actually get kind of excited when I see the phrase "message me for more info." My score card is getting pretty full today, and I haven't even been on the forums that much. :laugh:

    Ohhh... you should market MFP bingo cards!! :happy:




    I :heart: you
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    Sorry, but this person isn't lying about a single thing. Before you start slating people please educate yourself on the product.

    Gotta love people who just join the forum to peddle their nonsense and never bother to read the terms. I'm waiting for her to come back and complain about how mean we are for reporting her spam...

    I actually get kind of excited when I see the phrase "message me for more info." My score card is getting pretty full today, and I haven't even been on the forums that much. :laugh:

    Ohhh... you should market MFP bingo cards!! :happy:




  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    There is NO ADDITIVES what so ever in any juice plus product

    I have already demonstrated that this is a lie. Rest of comment ignored.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    There is NO ADDITIVES what so ever in any juice plus product. everything in the product is natural and good for you. multi vitamins are not all they are cracked up too be, they are processed over and over again so that there is next to know nutrition left atall.
    The juice plus products are not processed atall, they come directly from the supplier (the people growing the fruit/veg) and from there they are compressed and dried which gives you your powder for the capsules/shakes. The product is 100% natural so before you slate it please actually research it and all the ingredients and you will see that they are all good for you.

    Why would I spend more money on this supplement than I would on buying fresh fruits and vegetables? Frozen fruits and vegetables are picked in their prime, meaning you'll get prime nutrients as well. And it's real. Don't tell me some processed pill that doesn't even resemble a fruit or vegetable is better or as good as the real thing lol. Not to mention, many studies have pretty much shown it's a garbage supplement. I've done my research :)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I have friends who swear by them. I've used them but didn't see any difference. When I start to get sick I take Echinecea (sp?) with golden seal and it really helps my immune system. Also, you may want to make sure that your vitamin has zinc in it...that's another great immune system builder.
  • jasmineredfern
    jasmineredfern Posts: 1 Member
    The main reason I have never tried juice plus, I have been thinking about it for a few months now, is what happens when you stop having the shakes or taking the supplements? If you put back on everything you lost, surely the whole thing is a waste of time as you can't drink these shakes forever. Wouldn't it be just as easy to take vitamin b tablets?

    Has anyone actually done it and after the 3 / 4 month course just stopped? Someone help me out?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)

    Wait, are you saying that the Juice Plus vitamins are NOT man made? Now I'm interested.

    Juice Plus is not man made AT ALL.
    No, Juice Plus is made from 100% fruits veg and berries, nothing added because nothing needs to be.

    All the fruit, veg and berries that goes into Juice Plus is picked at its very ripest, juiced and then dried at a very low temperature to keep all the vitamins and minerals and other nutrition all the fruits, veg and berries.

    Then the sugars, roughage and water is removed to you are left with the good stuff of the 26 fruit veg and berries! :)

    Any other questions let me know! :)
    How do they make the supplements "gummy" without adding anything?
  • it's true, Juice Plus is Organic, and GMO free...it's WHOLE FOOD nutrition.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    I'm a Juice Plus rep myself :) but more importantly I love juice plus for it's nutritional qualities...to set the record straight, it's nothing close to a Vitamin. In fact if you check the label it has a Nutritional Label, not a Supplement label. that's because it's the RAW MATERIAL of a WHOLE FOOD. The process they use is quite amazing! It's the same process used in medical labs to dehydrate cells. Juice Plus is bio-available, which means your body can readily absorb the nutrients/living enzymes easily!!! It's made from 26 varieties of fruits, veggies, grains, and berries!!! I lost weight, came out of depression, and my daughter who has Celia's disease has healed her insides, grown hair, and can finally sleep at night(with no pain!!). I LOVE the whole food capsules by Juice Plus. They're AWESOME!! They truly are the next best thing to fruits and veggies. I take them every day to bridge the gaps in my diet. here's my website if anyone's interested :D LETS GET HEALTHY TOGETHER!!! http://c-jennings.juiceplus.com/

    Reported for advertising. Do the people bumping this thread never learn?
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I LOVE the whole food capsules by Juice Plus. They're AWESOME!! They truly are the next best thing to fruits and veggies.

    Reported for advertising. Do the people bumping this thread never learn?

    But, we're bumping it, too? The next best thing to fruits and veggies? So, I'm taking the best thing, fruits and veggies? Awesome!!!! :smile:
  • I've been taking Juice Plus+ capsules for about 6 months now and I have to say I love it! After just 2 weeks of taking it I was sleeping better, had more energy, and I've barely been sick sense (a cold here and there). I'm in college and working so I'm constantly rushing around and I know I'm not getting the nutrition I need. So Juice Plus+ is the next best thing to making sure you get your fruits and veggies in the day. Just started drinking the shakes (about 16oz shake) in the morning for breakfast. I drink on it all morning and I feel full and it keeps me from snacking mid morning. Yes, its pretty expensive but the results are definitely worth it :)

    Just my two cents! :)
  • I have a friend who sells this. She is a fanatic and it is a scam. I have used it and noticed no difference in my health or energy level. I slept no better than I did without and had about the same number of colds. I have arthritis and still ached when taking. I have been told to double the amount but it didn't help. I guess it helps sell more product though. It is also very expensive.

    The protein shakes are just that protein shakes of which there are so many others. This one is expensive. I don't like the taste of any of them myself. And drinks never satisfy me, I need to chew. You can use it as a replacement meal and if you keep your daily calorie in- take down you will lose weight, just like if you keep your calorie count down and eat anything else you wish.. It's is about calories in and energy expended not the product.. Are you going to be able to keep doing the shake thing forever if not you will regain the weight.

    She has lost a lot of weight but didn't need to lose more than 5lbs so I am now getting worried about her. But seriously if you won't eat, meat, dairy, gluten most other grains and just pick at what you do eat, who wouldn't lose weight?. It isn't the product that made her lose weight. It's the not eating. Can't convince her otherwise though.