Looking for fitness buddies, women over 50



  • pennyo140
    pennyo140 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I'm Penny, 50 years of age. I lost 28# on weight watchers and maintained for several years. With perimenopause, I am on zoloft and have re-gained 20 :-( I am back on myfitnesspal and am committed to keeping under calorie goal, reaching exercise goal and eating healthy, nutritious foods. When I did WW I ate fake foods without any nutrition.

    Let's friend each other!

  • Keasteregg
    Keasteregg Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 50 in February and would LOVE to join this group!:smile:
  • GrandmaJackee
    GrandmaJackee Posts: 46 Member
    Hi I'm Jackie, I'm 50 and just started this month. I love to eat so I exercise more so I can eat more :laugh:
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    I am turning 49 in August (but feel much older!). I have fibromyalgia and osteo-arthritis so it's like my body is definitely over 50. Please add me if you'd like! I'm here every day...
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Please count me in. I am learning to love the way exercise makes me feel, FINALLY after 50+ years. So far it hasn't shown that much on the scale but it has improved mood and sleep. Treadmill (barefoot), aerobics videos, pilates, light weights, weekend hikes are my things. Trying to do 150+ mins a week without inducing day after soreness too often, or otherwise do damage.
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,310 Member
    Anyone here can send me a friend request.

    Hello Stephanie,
    I am 51 and freshly menopausal- yay? I am a type 2 diabetic who embarked on a low carb, moderate protein and high fat protocol to gain control over my diabetes, prevent complications and get off of my meds about 6 months ago after receiving my worst blood glucose test results ever thanks to the whole grains that I had focused specifically upon in 2013. After dropping those and most dairy, my two worst glucose offenders, I have almost normal glucose, no medication, endless energy, no more IBS or GERD and I sleep normally now. I was a chronic night owl who could not fall asleep until 3-4 am and would awake around noon the next day feeling draggy and awful which persisted throughout the day. Now I naturally am relaxed and ready for sleep around 10-11 pm and wake easily around 6:30-7 am feeling fully rested. That alone has been amazing and my entire family would confirm this. I always said that the world ran on Early Bird time and that I would love to participate in that and was convinced that I was a perpetual night owl. I got my wish :D. My diary is always open to friends and I am a daily participant.
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,310 Member
    Just started us a group ladies: Over 50 Women's Club
  • fitnessmare
    fitnessmare Posts: 117
    I am Mary and I'm 52. I have been going about this for over a year... derailed a couple of times but I'm back better than ever. I cut calories, it worked for a little while. Then I went Paleo. That worked too but I found myself at a standstill again. Silly hormones! :) Now I have gone super low carb, super high fat, and moderate protein (aiming for ketosis). As soon as I did that, I started on my way again! I like to stay healthy so I always "try" to eat healthy but I grew up eating everything and anything. But now I've found I can no longer do that!! I like how clear-headed and better I feel. I'm working on getting my energy levels up. My diary is open to everyone. Good luck to you all!
  • jacq0220
    jacq0220 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm Jacqueline,

    I've been on this journey my entire life! My weight has fluctuated to over the years. I finally lost my baby weight when my kids became adults with a weigh loss of 107#. Over the last couple years 30# has crept back on. But I'd really like to get in control again.

    I have always enjoyed being active, walking, bicycling, swimming, and weigh lifting. But the last two years had me down with a bad knee. Also I seem to be really tired these days. After a full day of work I have such mental exhaustion.

    I've got a new knee and am ready to get back on my A game! As I read through the Bios I see many of us struggle with the same problem. Getting started and then falling off. I'm hoping I, and we can move through it!

    I remind myself that when I get a flat tire - I don't get rid of my car. It takes persistence over time to achieve your goals. Sometimes they don't happen as quickly as we like, but we gotta keep on trying!
  • cak2011
    cak2011 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello there!

    I'll be 54 next month. Feel free to add me! I am a daily logger and even make my food diary available. I try to work out 3-4 times a week and am really trying hard to eat only "whole foods" and then allow 1 or sometimes 2 days of eating whatever I want. I found that weight training is the key to everything!
  • Pamelawagg
    Pamelawagg Posts: 29 Member
    Hello...I'm pam 61 looking for weight loss buddies. I also use a fitbit to track my exercise. I keep gaining and losing the last 10 pds.
    Please add me if you like????
  • LULU4178
    LULU4178 Posts: 69 Member
    I am 48 and trying to get in shape before i turn 50. Haven't figured out how to have one of those trackers at the bottom of my post. I have lost 45 pounds so far. I put on weight after a car accident 2 1/2 years ago. Looking to lose 10 more. I was an "open weight" rower in college (more than 135 pounds). My goal is to get down to 135 so I would qualify as a "lightweight." I am a new vegan and mostly run, bike, and hike for my cardio. Want to have tank top arms for my daughter's high school graduation next year!
  • pdawson05
    pdawson05 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 51 and have has a roller coaster ride with my weight over the duration of my life. I seem to loose then find it and more attaches along the way. I was real diligent in hitting the gym up till thanksgiving last year. the funny part is that I still have the membership, I just can't seem to get there, I am back now and journal more than ever, I still need to get in the routine of going to the gym after work. When I get home the night just seems to go by with preparing dinner and then whatever else comes up. I have a desk job so I really need to get some exercise in. I am committed to start going on a regular basis beginning on Monday, I am determined to get back in to the swing of things!!!!!
  • NY_Tigress
    NY_Tigress Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Stephanie and Everyone =0) I'm 54 and on a personal journey this time in my life =0) Looking for friends for motivation and such also. It's more fun when you have someone to share your experiences and such with =0)
  • terihalsey62
    terihalsey62 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey 52 here. I would love to have a fitness buddy too. I have just started again. I had been doing really well but I had some personal issues and just stopped.

    I am ready to go now. 2 days in a row of exercise. :)
  • janrosedon
    I would love to join a 50's group here , been on mfp for about 2 wks now , if anyone can help me navigate so I can respond to friend requests , or receive them I would appreciate it ,
    I have about 40lbs. to lose , am walking everyday , and with mfp am starting to understand the foods I eat and how to start making changes , any advice would be welcomed , thanks and gl to all of us ,
  • terrsuz
    terrsuz Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all,
    My name is Sue and I am 51 years young!! I have about 70 pounds to lose and have been trying so hard but am not very good at keeping me in check!!
    Just starting a new job tomorrow as a Registered Nurse and want to be healthy to be able to help others and feel like crap at the end of a 12 hour shift.....

    Not sure how these blogs work so if anyone can give me some insight I would really appreciate it!!

  • dmcghie3
    Hi! My name is Deborah (Deb) and I my calendar reports I am quickly approaching 65. My goal, retire then at my high school weight. (need to lose another 32 pounds to get there!). Like Sue, I am a Registered Nurse, but i do telephonic education and support to people with diabetes and heart disease. I GET how important healthy choices are. I do. But support really helps! (as I tell my patients). This group sounds PERFECT for me, thanks for creating it!
  • fifty6ford
    fifty6ford Posts: 59 Member
    I'm Jan and 58 is approaching in a couple of months! Will be glad to add friends!
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Please add me too. I could use some friends closer to my age. I started back last month and lost 10 pounds and still need to lose more. I have a cruise in 5 weeks so I will be working hard to drop another 10 pounds before my cruise. We can do it!