Is there an entire genre of music that you hate?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Not really...except ICP but that just feels like low hanging fruit.


    aw... I love ICP LOL

    I love death metal- and viking bands. I do love me some heavy metal- but screamo isn't really my thing- and yes- there is a difference- the world of metal is extremely varied- and unforutnately we're getting a lot of variety that they keep trying to rename- or give new names- but some of the older stuff (older- they are still out- but compared to the stuff coming out they are "old")
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Anything "christian", classical, opera, most new country (aka wanna-be rock), death metal, folk, "world", most pop.

    Love some older country, southern rock, some newer rock, hard rock/metal (from 70s/80s).
  • 19bulldog60
    19bulldog60 Posts: 96 Member
    Can't stand RAP --

    Love country --- old and new.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Nothing wrong with Scream-o/hardcore/post hardcore
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Nothing wrong with Scream-o/hardcore/post hardcore
    nope nothing wrong at all with it.
    I'm interested to see the diversity- and sometimes I get frustrated- but I like that people are just going with it- that makes me happy in a world full of Nickleback and beiber it's good to see DIFFERENT.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Dudebro country/hillbilly rap. I think it's funny how so many people used to say "I like everything *except* country and rap," and then they COMBINED FORCES. It's a dangerous world out there, kids. I will admit to knowing most of Garth Brooks's catalog by heart, though.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Not really...except ICP but that just feels like low hanging fruit.


    ^^This. X1000000000. Why is this still a thing? ICP was around when I was in high school, and it was stupid then. I don't get it, at all, and I've watched documentaries about the "juggalo" lifestyle to figure out the appeal. It's just...strange (and *I'm* strange). And it's not music.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I can't deal with rap. I don't want to hear about money and b*itches and sex on every song. While I admit I did listen to some eminem because some of his stuff is beyond funny.

    Not all rap is like that - Lupe Fiasco being a notable exception - but unfortunately most mainstream rap is =( You often have to look for the underground stuff to find the good artists.

    /\ Finally!!! There is so much good underground stuff with intellect and wit behind it. Its a shame that when people think of hiphop / rap all they think about is gunz n bichaz.
  • grumpysnail89
    grumpysnail89 Posts: 14 Member
    Christian pop
    Christian rock
    Christian alternative (WTF)

    Basically all of that, and 99% of country music after 1988.

    I totally agree.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Christian pop
    Christian rock
    Christian alternative (WTF)

    Basically all of that, and 99% of country music after 1988.

    As a Christian, I don't really like most Christian music. I mean some are really talented and all, but you really just have, like, one topic to write songs about. And you can only do that a few ways before it get mind numbing.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Oh I did forget Christian music... that just sucks
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Music is like Candy. You throw the rappers away.

    Love it! Totally agree. Rap is the only one I don't like.
    No, it isn't the words that get me, it's usually the headache first.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    Christian pop
    Christian rock
    Christian alternative (WTF)

    Basically all of that, and 99% of country music after 1988.

    As a Christian, I don't really like most Christian music. I mean some are really talented and all, but you really just have, like, one topic to write songs about. And you can only do that a few ways before it get mind numbing.

    Same. I'm a Chrsitian and I can't stand Christian music.

    ... well maybe the exception is Faith + 1 :wink:
  • CoffeeBugg
    CoffeeBugg Posts: 75 Member
    All country music? Granted most of today's stuff is terrible but...

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Christian pop
    Christian rock
    Christian alternative (WTF)

    Basically all of that, and 99% of country music after 1988.

    As a Christian, I don't really like most Christian music. I mean some are really talented and all, but you really just have, like, one topic to write songs about. And you can only do that a few ways before it get mind numbing.

    Yeah even my Christian friends don't tend to listen to that music.

    Honestly for me, when I listen to Christian contemporary radio because I am in a store or office where it's being played, I find it very depressing because the songs tend to have an overall "down" vibe. I have also noticed when listening to the lyrics they come across like songs about people who have made some really serious mistakes in life and need to be forgiven, and maybe my imagination just gets carried away but I feel like I am listening to a song about someone who has murdered, hurt children, cheated on their spouse,'s REALLY unpleasant to me. Which is kind of the opposite of what I would expect from modern Christian music. Although it's quite likely I am missing the point. Whatever! :-)

    As for the whole Christian alternative/rock scene that's just something I find cheesy and ridiculous. Rock n' roll wasn't built on VBS, sorry.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member

    I live in Texas... and unfortunately, a nearby city had a 4th of July Bluegrass festival. Seriously. Just because we are in Texas doesn't mean we have to act like it.

    Oh, and like everyone else said: Christian music...... but I'm an atheist... but even if I weren't, it still sucks.
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    80's hairbands. Who LIKES that?!!!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I used to hate rap on principal since I was close minded, then I actually listened to it. So, end result, I discovered rap after the age of 50. Drake is awesome, so is Kanye West, like some older Nelly, glad Eminem is making new stuff...etc.

    When I golf, I listen to Rap and Hip Hop or Snoop-Dog radio on Pandora. :wink: You should try it. It is a great beat for driving and irons. "Quiet please" - while putting.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Christian pop
    Christian rock
    Christian alternative (WTF)

    Basically all of that, and 99% of country music after 1988.

    As a Christian, I don't really like most Christian music. I mean some are really talented and all, but you really just have, like, one topic to write songs about. And you can only do that a few ways before it get mind numbing.

    Same. I'm a Chrsitian and I can't stand Christian music.

    ... well maybe the exception is Faith + 1 :wink:

    Good call
  • 280tofit2014
    Death metal ???? I don't mind certain screaming parts in songs but good lord those death metal bands all need an exorcism. Lol.