Fitness Blender 8 Week Program



  • rooshie1
    rooshie1 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone, I randomly came upon this post while searching the net for fitness blender weight loss plans. I also don't have a credit card, so cannot purchase the 8 week fat loss plan. May I kindly ask those of you who are more experienced, and have actually achieved results, for suggestions as to how to combine fitness blender youtube videos for optimum weight loss? My goal is to lose at least 16 lbs in the next 2.5 months (I hope that is not too unrealistic a goal). Any advice anyone has for me would be most appreciated. Thank you
  • SugahShellz
    SugahShellz Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all,

    I just downloaded Fitness Blender's 8-Week Fat Loss Program (Round 1) and did the Personal Fit Test. I'm looking to lose 40lbs and hoping that this structured program can help with that. I've done their HIIT videos in the past and always found them challenging. Add me as a friend if you're also doing the program and we can support each other! :happy:

  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I just use the ones on youtube, i love them. I have my music going in the background and do as much as i can. Love their kettle bell workout too :)
  • mountain_dog
    mountain_dog Posts: 10 Member
    rooshie1 -

    Just look for the videos that have the biggest calorie burn - the HIIT ones are great for this.

    16 lbs in 10 weeks sounds too aggressive if your photo is accurate.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I want to purchase this program does anyone know if the sheets you download tell you which videos to do online or are the workouts written out on pages.
  • rr_ee108
    rr_ee108 Posts: 2
    hey hun do you think you could email it to me ? i cant purchase it and it would be great if someone sent it to me !
    im trying to lose some weight so it would mean a lot ! my email is
  • rr_ee108
    rr_ee108 Posts: 2
    if anyone could please email it to me it would be great bc i cant purchase it ! my email is thank you so much !
  • Hey guys ,
    I am new to this site
    I checked out fitness blender seems wonderful and ur reviews helped me motivated.

  • Ngm100
    Ngm100 Posts: 1

    rr_ee108, I'm not from the US and I have been perfectly able to purchase any of FitnessBlender programs. These guys have put too much effort on this project and it is one of the best websites with plenty of workouts for free. So please, try to purchase them again and if you can't, you can contact directly to Daniel & Kelly at:

    Guys, it's less than $10 and you'll want to keep purchasing more Fat Loss Programs, believe me! How much does it cost to join a gym?? Think about it...

    And please, read this before VIOLATING THE COPYRIGHT::

    Fitness Blender facebook page: "It has come to our attention that there are a number of companies and individuals who are abusing and stealing our work; our videos, our business logo, our words, our business and personal names, faces, and images to try and promote their own agendas or products. We have never aligned ourselves with anyone, any company, or any app; if you see a Fitness Blender image, video, or ebook in an app, or anywhere online aside from or on our YouTube Channel, it has been stolen and our work and likeness is being used without our permission. Fitness Blender has been built off of 5 years of very hard work from just two people; if the pattern continued it would eventually become difficult for us to offer our content for free (our ongoing, ultimate goal). The entire Fitness Blender Family knows that cheating gets you nowhere - hard work is the only way; somehow, these people missed that message! In an effort to keep our workout videos free for everyone, we ask that you only use our workout videos from or on our YouTube Channel. Thank you Fitness Blender Family! K&D"
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Just curious, is there a way to save your favorite videos to create a plan rather than purchasing the 8 week program? I guess you could on YouTube, but it would be awesome to have this functionality on their actual site. I just came across Fitness Blender today and I'm in shock of how incredible these workouts are.

    I'm seriously considering purchasing the 8 week program, would love to hear others feedback first.

    I asked them this on their FB page and they may be adding this feature shorly

    but there is a way around this, if you add a comment to the videos you like, then if you go to account management you can view your comments on those videos. So that is what I do, add a random comment to the workouts so I know which ones to come back later

    that is kinda my main and only gripe with fitnessblender, it is kinda disorganised . Their search function isn't the best. Love their workouts. their short ones are still pretty intense !

    On fitness blender if you create an account you can save the workouts to your favorites. The playlist function would be great though. I have just had to write out my own 4 week plan myself.
  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    i am coming to an end to round 1 and the busy people programs and wondering if anyone has tried the other rounds and which one they would recommend
  • lbishop232
    lbishop232 Posts: 21 Member
    I love fitness blender workouts! I just do ransom videos, and it's awesome because there are so many to choose from! I'll never get bored. How does everyone log HIIT workouts?
  • newtattie
    newtattie Posts: 47 Member
    I have just found fitness blender and have been looking into saving the videos so I can take them to the gym etc..

    I did the 1000 calorie burn last night which was excellent.

    I am now creating a You Tube playlist just for fitness blender videos. From this I can save the two 1000 Calorie burns AND list specific routines for abs/strength/HIIT etc to pick from dependent upon the amount of time I have or the specific bodypart I want to work that session.

    I am using my ipad to play the videos - this way going into my playlist I don't need wifi and can do it anywhere.
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I am a huge fan of Fitness Blender. I just finished round 1, which took me 3.5 months, due to me being out of the country for 4 weeks, and then quite ill for a while.
    The scale didn't move that much, but I lost a total of 16 inches off my body. Round 2 starts tomorrow.

    I just wanted to share my excitement with someone.
  • Jric3r
    Jric3r Posts: 1
    @milesaway61- Great job!! I just completed week 2 of the 8 week program and it is tough!! I hope round 2 goes well for you!! 16 inches is awesome!!
  • zbriceno
    zbriceno Posts: 3
    I started round 1 yesterday! I'm
    Excited ! Did u loose any weight?
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I did the program for busy people (as a mom of 2, full-time student, and full-time employee, I qualify as busy!) and had great results.
  • theCaityCat
    theCaityCat Posts: 84 Member
    I'm another FitnessBlender fan! I've been using their workout videos for almost a month, now, and I really enjoy them. Kelli and Daniel are both super encouraging and I like that they give ideas for making the workouts either easier or more difficult.

    I just started the 4 week program for beginners (I'm enough of a beginner to benefit from this). This will bring me up to the beginning of the school year (back to work for me), at which point I want to try the programs for busy people.
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I have lost about 8 lbs so far, or just under 4 kgs.

    Round 2 is off to a bit of a rough start. The weather has been quite hot here, and a/c does not exist where I live. But, I'm still plugging away. I'll post again when I finish the first month of round 2, let you guys know if the scale has continued to move and how the measurements are looking.

    I own all 4 rounds as well as the low impact program. I also have the vegetarian food plan, which I have not followed at all, since most of the foods mentioned are not available where I live, or are insanely expensive. I am not vegetarian, but my spouse is, so I was looking for some new ideas and options for us.
  • lochibisne
    lochibisne Posts: 1 Member
    i am not able to purchase any of their program.. feeling helpless :\:'(