30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    L1 Day 8 complete!! Woohoo!

    Some good news: I was one of the people frustrated by my weight gain since starting 30 DS. Well, as of this morning, I am now 0.8 pounds less than my 30DS starting weight!!! It HAD to be water retention due to my sore muscles!!! I know some of you were in my situation--doing everything right and gaining or stalling. Don't give up!!! Not to give too much info, but I was running to pee constantly yesterday. Way beyond the water intake for the day. My husband kept saying, "You have to go AGAIN?!" Well, apparently, my muslces were done with all that water! :laugh: (At least, for now..... I'm sure I'll go through this again, especially when I get into Level 2.)

    Keep on shredding! :smile:
  • Wonder if I should have just done measurements instead of the darn scale. I weighed in this morning with a 3 pound gain! What the heck. I watch every calorie and am forced to look at Jillian every day. Makes me wonder why I walked past the bakery at the grocery store last night. LOL

    Make sure that you are getting at least 1200 calories a day. If you exercise that will add more to the minimum required. If you go too far under you minimum your body will go into starvation mode and cling to all the fat that it can making you gain instead of lose. Also like others have said if any muscles are sore on your body you will retain water weight. Just hand on! It will come!!
  • Missed Day6 due to unexpectedly not being home for my usual workout time which is already late. By the time I was able to do it I couldn't since everyone in the house was sleeping and our house is up on bricks. I would shake the whole house and make tons of noise. :embarassed: :laugh: :sad: But I did finish L1D7 and cardio was way easy except I still can't seem to do the jump ropes! My calves start killing me within seconds! Anyone else having this problem? I'm having to modify with jogging in place still. If I try and do the jump ropes I feel like my legs will collapse under me if I keep going.

    One other issue. When I do the dumbel rows and then go into the lung curls the arch in my foot hurts so bad that it messes me up trying to work out my legs. Any thoughts? I see they are staying on the ball of their foot as well but it just really hurts bad.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm sticking with it, whining every day! Working really hard on being able to do "real" pushups. I appreciate this challenge because I tend to be a quitter at fitness and need to find things that force me to be held accountable.
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Lvl 1 Day 8 complete! Even though my shoulder and neck muscles were sore this morning. I blame it on Jillian's yoga meltdown..yikes some of those holds are tiring and intense. It made it hard to want to workout, but once I did my muscles felt so much better. I think I just needed to warm them up and stretch them out.

    On a side note: I was in Wal-mart and they had Jillian's Whey Protein Powder on sale, so I picked up her Chocolate flavor. It's only 100cals plus whatever you mix it with. Been using it the past couple days as a recovery drink and to get in my protein :) It's pretty yummy too, just thought I'd share incase anyone was interested. :)
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    L1D9 DONE!
    Having some family issues so I flew through the workout today. Great stress reliever!
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    Thanks mishamae! Ive been looking for a good protein to drink when Im on the run :)
    @ Everyone: Ive been doing the 30DS and so far Im feeling and seeing result. lol oooooh the soreness lol Im on Lv1D3 and Im loving it. I still get out of breath from time to time but I have to push myself through. I also did a video of hers, Frontside video. Im happy Im not the only one going through this, and that we can share the good,bads and so-so moments.

    Wishing everyone luck :)
  • Lvl 1 Day 8 complete! Even though my shoulder and neck muscles were sore this morning. I blame it on Jillian's yoga meltdown..yikes some of those holds are tiring and intense. It made it hard to want to workout, but once I did my muscles felt so much better. I think I just needed to warm them up and stretch them out.

    On a side note: I was in Wal-mart and they had Jillian's Whey Protein Powder on sale, so I picked up her Chocolate flavor. It's only 100cals plus whatever you mix it with. Been using it the past couple days as a recovery drink and to get in my protein :) It's pretty yummy too, just thought I'd share incase anyone was interested. :)

    I saw the already mixed 4 packs when I went down the health supplement isle but a friend of mine recommended Six Star Whey Protein. I'm pretty sure any whey protein would be about the same. I got vanilla. I've never been a fan of chocolate. I will warn everyone it is VERY thick like a fluffy milk shake with 2%milk. I'm gonna try mixing it with water today after my workout. It seems to be pretty sweet on its on so I don't think it will taste bad with water. AND it helps repair muscles and burn calories! Can't remember exactly how it works but its something like it digest within 20-30 minutes and makes your body produce more of some chemical that helps you burn off fat. I'm so in for that! I've lost 3.2lbs. so far after week one of diet and 30DS!!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Curious about proteins shakes, etc. I am always over my protein on MFP food tracker. I don't take anything (ie supplements, etc) for working out or afterward. How many of you all are like me? And should I be doing something else?

    Thanks :)

    Btw, shredding tonight @ midnight when I get off work. I did an hour class @ the gym this morning so yay! Burn baby burn!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Curious about proteins shakes, etc. I am always over my protein on MFP food tracker. I don't take anything (ie supplements, etc) for working out or afterward. How many of you all are like me? And should I be doing something else?

    Thanks :)

    Btw, shredding tonight @ midnight when I get off work. I did an hour class @ the gym this morning so yay! Burn baby burn!

    I seem to almost always go over my MFP protein goal as well. I don't see any harm in that. I eat Greek yogurt and a good amount of chicken so I think that explains it. I'm not sure what factors MFP uses to decide goal protein amounts....

    I actually started adding protein shakes this week. At first, I was using one that my hubby uses but then I stopped and looked at the fat and calories and ACK! A couple of days ago, I got a tub of JM whey protein vanilla. (Being a former chocolate addict, I avoided her chocolate one for now.) Yummy. I wanted to raise my protein beyond what MFP states since I'm working my muscles harder than they've worked in a long time. :smile:
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    L1D8 done....seems my day off work today has sucked the life out of me. I have no energy tonight. But I did try about 10 minutes of Bob's BL Yoga video. It wasnt bad I just am exhausted tonight. Here's to hoping being back in my weekly routine tomorrow will inspire me and give me energy to get thru the last 2 days of Level 1, I think I am going to need it for level 2. Night all!
  • OKAY, imon day 2 on level one....and i think i pushed myself to much day 1...my thighs r very sore. i pushed myself to do it today..it hurts 2 sit and walk up stairs and go down. should i still continue to do the video and push myself? is that still ok?....i weigh 187...ive been exercising for a month treadmill...and wanted to boost it up....im 5'2 and 21 if u need that info:)
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Completed L1D5 (I think) for me! The 3 women that joined me after work all enjoyed it. Woot!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Yay! Just knocked out L1D6 this morning.
  • OKAY, imon day 2 on level one....and i think i pushed myself to much day 1...my thighs r very sore. i pushed myself to do it today..it hurts 2 sit and walk up stairs and go down. should i still continue to do the video and push myself? is that still ok?....i weigh 187...ive been exercising for a month treadmill...and wanted to boost it up....im 5'2 and 21 if u need that info:)

    It's completely normal! We all went through that the first 3-4 days then the soreness subsides. Keep at it! Your body is changing!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I did L1D8 yesterday afternoon. I got sent home from work due to weather- oh darn! Today is my normal weigh in day and I gained a pound. Boo to that. I guess I'll have to add more cardio throughout the week. I have an out of town wedding this weekend so I'm really nervous about getting my workouts in.
    Has anyone else traveled and brought the dvd with them?
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    L1 Day 7 completed last night. I'm noticing sooo much of a difference in my endurance! Each day I can do more and more of the workout. I've already lost inches everywhre, and 4 pounds! I did skip a couple days, because I should be on day 9, but I'm gonna try and do it every day for the rest of the time. So glad I pushed through the pain in the beginning. I'm contemplating going on to level 2 in a couple days. We'll see!!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm done with Level 1!!! I am SO happy! Actually looking forward to tomorrow:smile:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
  • L1D6 done. I was sick over the weekend and was tempted to just throw in the towel, but I'm going to stick with it.
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