Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Hmmm, yeah I think a lot of people feel threatened by someone actually having healthy eating habits and so they say that they eat what they want and drink and smoke and never see a doctor and that i will die healthy while they are having all the fun. I normally say that it is the same as their driving without a seat belt and saying they have not died in an accident.

    I dont buy any food with ingredients of which I dont know - no Es no artificial stuff no enhancers no flavourants, so ready made stuff, no mayo and no ketchup ( I make my own of tom paste, made own mayo before but alas too fattening lol)

    Everything cooked from scratch - fruit veg and whole grains, if I buy meat - i buy cuts and make my own mince, no sweets, chips or anything in a 'packet'. I bake own bread too, when I can make preserves, etc.

    I live in my comfort zone, I do things that make me happy, and I wont have some smoker telling me that I am a health freak, just because I eat and cook like my great grandma did.

    ETA And NO the food lectures do not come from ME but from those who hate see someone order salad while they have a burger. I had someone of less perfect lifestyle brag how she tricked her vegetarian friend into eating meat. Apparently her friends wanting to live cruelty free did not let her sleep at night, cos SHE did not feel sorry for poor little lambs.

    Yes you do get these aggressive junk eaters/smokers/drinkers who will treat you like $£$"&^ cos you dont want to eat takeaways. I respect their choices but they feel free to ridicule mine?

    This is why...

    Yes, I will have an issue with this. Why? Not because of how you eat, but because of how you SAY how you eat. You come off as rude and condescending to anyone who doesn't follow the same mindset as you do. It has NOTHING to do with the food. It has to do with how you act towards other people. In other words, get off the high horse and treat people will a bit more respect then you are showing in this post.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    There is more than one way to skin a cat

    This causes me to wonder.... why would anyone want to skin a cat? Are we talking domestic cat, here? I mean, I have no love for cats, but I'd never consider skinning one. Google seems to be of little help in this matter.
  • AnnaVictorya

    My gosh...I'd kill to have that much time on my hands.


    No time is grown up equivalent of dog ate my homework. ;)

    You MAKE time for what is important.

    That's exactly how my mom cooked - working two shifts as a surgeon with 2 kids and unhelpful brat of a husband ( glad she ditched him!). Yep. No excuses for me, I had a good example.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Hmmm, yeah I think a lot of people feel threatened by someone actually having healthy eating habits and so they say that they eat what they want and drink and smoke and never see a doctor and that i will die healthy while they are having all the fun. I normally say that it is the same as their driving without a seat belt and saying they have not died in an accident.

    I dont buy any food with ingredients of which I dont know - no Es no artificial stuff no enhancers no flavourants, so ready made stuff, no mayo and no ketchup ( I make my own of tom paste, made own mayo before but alas too fattening lol)

    Everything cooked from scratch - fruit veg and whole grains, if I buy meat - i buy cuts and make my own mince, no sweets, chips or anything in a 'packet'. I bake own bread too, when I can make preserves, etc.

    I live in my comfort zone, I do things that make me happy, and I wont have some smoker telling me that I am a health freak, just because I eat and cook like my great grandma did.

    ETA And NO the food lectures do not come from ME but from those who hate see someone order salad while they have a burger. I had someone of less perfect lifestyle brag how she tricked her vegetarian friend into eating meat. Apparently her friends wanting to live cruelty free did not let her sleep at night, cos SHE did not feel sorry for poor little lambs.

    Yes you do get these aggressive junk eaters/smokers/drinkers who will treat you like $£$"&^ cos you dont want to eat takeaways. I respect their choices but they feel free to ridicule mine?

    This is why...

    Yes, I will have an issue with this. Why? Not because of how you eat, but because of how you SAY how you eat. You come off as rude and condescending to anyone who doesn't follow the same mindset as you do. It has NOTHING to do with the food. It has to do with how you act towards other people. In other words, get off the high horse and treat people will a bit more respect then you are showing in this post.


    Such wisdom...
  • AnnaVictorya

    This is why...

    Yes, I will have an issue with this. Why? Not because of how you eat, but because of how you SAY how you eat. You come off as rude and condescending to anyone who doesn't follow the same mindset as you do. It has NOTHING to do with the food. It has to do with how you act towards other people. In other words, get off the high horse and treat people will a bit more respect then you are showing in this post.

    The problem is that I do not SAY how I eat - when me and friends go out they see what I order and just comment in a nasty way.

    I have posted here to give an example.

    I obviously do not lecture on THEIR choices they are grown up people - smokers also know it is bad to smoke. Like Doh!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Hmmm, yeah I think a lot of people feel threatened by someone actually having healthy eating habits and so they say that they eat what they want and drink and smoke and never see a doctor and that i will die healthy while they are having all the fun. I normally say that it is the same as their driving without a seat belt and saying they have not died in an accident.

    I dont buy any food with ingredients of which I dont know - no Es no artificial stuff no enhancers no flavourants, so ready made stuff, no mayo and no ketchup ( I make my own of tom paste, made own mayo before but alas too fattening lol)

    Everything cooked from scratch - fruit veg and whole grains, if I buy meat - i buy cuts and make my own mince, no sweets, chips or anything in a 'packet'. I bake own bread too, when I can make preserves, etc.

    I live in my comfort zone, I do things that make me happy, and I wont have some smoker telling me that I am a health freak, just because I eat and cook like my great grandma did.

    ETA And NO the food lectures do not come from ME but from those who hate see someone order salad while they have a burger. I had someone of less perfect lifestyle brag how she tricked her vegetarian friend into eating meat. Apparently her friends wanting to live cruelty free did not let her sleep at night, cos SHE did not feel sorry for poor little lambs.

    Yes you do get these aggressive junk eaters/smokers/drinkers who will treat you like $£$"&^ cos you dont want to eat takeaways. I respect their choices but they feel free to ridicule mine?

    Your attitude is the reason people criticize clean eaters. Congratulations.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    My gosh...I'd kill to have that much time on my hands.


    No time is grown up equivalent of dog ate my homework. ;)

    You MAKE time for what is important.

    That's exactly how my mom cooked - working two shifts as a surgeon with 2 kids and unhelpful brat of a husband ( glad she ditched him!). Yep. No excuses for me, I had a good example.

    I make time for what is important to me. But maybe my set of values is different from yours...I eat healthy most of the time...allow myself treats occasionally? Make my own bread? I've tried...I'm not good at it. But I do make soups and roast our veggies and cook our dinners...You are a walking example of why people criticize and are upset with people who choose this way of eating...because of the way you act...judgmental and "holier than thou".
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous

    Please learn to spell.

    Dedication not dectiction.
  • octhawk
    octhawk Posts: 51 Member
    If it's an issue of friends and family who want to hang with you and grab a bite and then complain that you ate too difficult, can you explain that you do this to control or counter your IBS and you'd hate spending the rest of your time with them feeling too sick to enjoy their company. Or can you find activities that don't revolve around food. I'll even warn certain friends, diabetic friends, that they should eat beforehand. I think i do this in a friendly way. I hope I do, at least
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous

    Another fine example...
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Hmmm, yeah I think a lot of people feel threatened by someone actually having healthy eating habits and so they say that they eat what they want and drink and smoke and never see a doctor and that i will die healthy while they are having all the fun. I normally say that it is the same as their driving without a seat belt and saying they have not died in an accident.

    I dont buy any food with ingredients of which I dont know - no Es no artificial stuff no enhancers no flavourants, so ready made stuff, no mayo and no ketchup ( I make my own of tom paste, made own mayo before but alas too fattening lol)

    Everything cooked from scratch - fruit veg and whole grains, if I buy meat - i buy cuts and make my own mince, no sweets, chips or anything in a 'packet'. I bake own bread too, when I can make preserves, etc.

    I live in my comfort zone, I do things that make me happy, and I wont have some smoker telling me that I am a health freak, just because I eat and cook like my great grandma did.

    ETA And NO the food lectures do not come from ME but from those who hate see someone order salad while they have a burger. I had someone of less perfect lifestyle brag how she tricked her vegetarian friend into eating meat. Apparently her friends wanting to live cruelty free did not let her sleep at night, cos SHE did not feel sorry for poor little lambs.

    Yes you do get these aggressive junk eaters/smokers/drinkers who will treat you like $£$"&^ cos you dont want to eat takeaways. I respect their choices but they feel free to ridicule mine?

    *psst* Cos is not a word. It's technically "because"... 'cause for short.
  • mshannond
    mshannond Posts: 60
    I don't. My friends at lunch all eat sandwiches crisps etc and were curious as to why I suddenly changed so much.
    Why are you so quick to judge that I must be flaunting my awesome lifestyle? I don't exactly sit and go 'look kale I'm so clean and healthy'
    No different is saying I eat 90% clean or whole foods to saying that you eat low carb, paleo, vegan etc.
    OP, why does anyone even know how you eat? I eat food around people and they never ask, "what kind of diet do you follow?" Do you know why they don't ask? Because they don't give a crap. The only way people would know if I had certain dietary protocol is if I TOLD them. Stop telling people how "awesome" your personal dietary choices are and they'll stop commenting.

    This thread is an excellent example of your perceived persecution. No one knew you were a "clean" eater until you started a thread about it and proclaimed it to the forums.

    Additionally, this is one of the few diets where you can say, "I eat clean xx% of the time."

    You can't say that if you're vegan, vegetarian, IIFYM, paleo, primal, gluten free, breathtarian, nutrarian and all the other diverse 'arians'. Because once you give a percentage, you're not really a vegan or vegetarian or (insert any other here) dieter anymore.

    You eat clean 90% of the time? Okay, so you eat food 100% of the time. Big deal. You're not superior for your wishy washy dietary whims.


    Why do people assign so much ego to the types of foods they eat?

    Friends: Why aren't you eating the same things we are anymore?

    You: I felt like eating this.

    Friends: Okay.

    I have a feeling you didn't handle that conversation in the above manner but instead took the opportunity to wax poetic about the virtues of your new way of life.

    Why are you so incredibly judgemental? I explained to my friends I am eating this way to help various illnesses. However when we go to the cinema or sleepovers they do not grasp that I do not want to eat that way, so it becomes a topic because I unfortunately stick out. They never say okay. You know nothing of the situation to be fair so stop assuming.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous

    Another fine example...

    But not a fine example of the English language. *SMH*
  • AnnaVictorya

    I make time for what is important to me. But maybe my set of values is different from yours...I eat healthy most of the time...allow myself treats occasionally? Make my own bread? I've tried...I'm not good at it. But I do make soups and roast our veggies and cook our dinners...You are a walking example of why people criticize and are upset with people who choose this way of eating...because of the way you act...judgmental and "holier than thou".

    That's the wholepoint? Do you feel you have less perfect lifestyle when someone says they make own bread??

    Obviously one does not NEED to do all this to make healthy choices in life.

    But the people feel they are ENTITLED to actually jump on someone and say they are conescending, arrogant, etc because you dont order a pizza instead.

    My point I do it MY way, you do it YOURS, everyone happy.

    As soon as you say you do something they dont care about you are a freak.
  • wildberger7
    wildberger7 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you. Good response!!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Hmmm, yeah I think a lot of people feel threatened by someone actually having healthy eating habits and so they say that they eat what they want and drink and smoke and never see a doctor and that i will die healthy while they are having all the fun. I normally say that it is the same as their driving without a seat belt and saying they have not died in an accident.

    I dont buy any food with ingredients of which I dont know - no Es no artificial stuff no enhancers no flavourants, so ready made stuff, no mayo and no ketchup ( I make my own of tom paste, made own mayo before but alas too fattening lol)

    Everything cooked from scratch - fruit veg and whole grains, if I buy meat - i buy cuts and make my own mince, no sweets, chips or anything in a 'packet'. I bake own bread too, when I can make preserves, etc.

    I live in my comfort zone, I do things that make me happy, and I wont have some smoker telling me that I am a health freak, just because I eat and cook like my great grandma did.

    ETA And NO the food lectures do not come from ME but from those who hate see someone order salad while they have a burger. I had someone of less perfect lifestyle brag how she tricked her vegetarian friend into eating meat. Apparently her friends wanting to live cruelty free did not let her sleep at night, cos SHE did not feel sorry for poor little lambs.

    Yes you do get these aggressive junk eaters/smokers/drinkers who will treat you like $£$"&^ cos you dont want to eat takeaways. I respect their choices but they feel free to ridicule mine?

    Well what is important for me is to lift heavy things in front of crowds. That;s HEALTHY for me. And for clean eaters to tell me I am going to keel over and be holier than thou?

    And that I'm somehow threatened because of someone's eating habits? Uh, no. Now if you tell me you are Master of Sport in snatching and clean&jerking in kb lifts, or you deadlift over 300 lbs at a bodyweight of 120..Yeah, I am not threatened, I am Jealous. But nope..not threatened at all by you baking and cooking from scratch. cool for you..but those of us who don't , we are still in GREAT SHAPE and are strong to boot!

    For some people, healthy is "clean eating" for some of us..it' s lifting. For some it's both or whatever suits our fancy.

    I eat dirty as all get out but I am still healthy and stronger than many my age. I get up in front of crowds and LIFT in competitions. That is also healthy.

    I could criticize people all day about it. I really could. When I have clean eaters preach to me..please also add your squat and deadlift numbers to that as well as letting me know how your last competition time on the kettlebell platform was.

    What-What..you aren't going to compete for me? Keep cutting up your vegetables and eating organic, and I will keep going on the platform and lifting in front of people . Excuse me while I go eat some full of preservative bacon. YUM!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    I make time for what is important to me. But maybe my set of values is different from yours...I eat healthy most of the time...allow myself treats occasionally? Make my own bread? I've tried...I'm not good at it. But I do make soups and roast our veggies and cook our dinners...You are a walking example of why people criticize and are upset with people who choose this way of eating...because of the way you act...judgmental and "holier than thou".

    That's the wholepoint? Do you feel you have less perfect lifestyle when someone says they make own bread??

    Obviously one does not NEED to do all this to make healthy choices in life.

    But the people feel they are ENTITLED to actually jump on someone and say they are conescending, arrogant, etc because you dont order a pizza instead.

    My point I do it MY way, you do it YOURS, everyone happy.

    As soon as you say you do something they dont care about you are a freak.

    That is not the point-which you have, in fact, missed entirely. The point is not that you do those things-good for you that you have the time and will to do that.
    But you rub it in people's faces when you say things like "they don't care enough to make the time". Or that we feel threatened because you have a "healthy" lifestyle and we apparently don't by your standards.
    Because someone chooses not to go as far at the end of the spectrum as they can-does that mean that they do not eat healthy? Or just not healthy according to you.
    Again..."judgey Judgerson".
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't. My friends at lunch all eat sandwiches crisps etc and were curious as to why I suddenly changed so much.
    Why are you so quick to judge that I must be flaunting my awesome lifestyle? I don't exactly sit and go 'look kale I'm so clean and healthy'
    No different is saying I eat 90% clean or whole foods to saying that you eat low carb, paleo, vegan etc.
    OP, why does anyone even know how you eat? I eat food around people and they never ask, "what kind of diet do you follow?" Do you know why they don't ask? Because they don't give a crap. The only way people would know if I had certain dietary protocol is if I TOLD them. Stop telling people how "awesome" your personal dietary choices are and they'll stop commenting.

    This thread is an excellent example of your perceived persecution. No one knew you were a "clean" eater until you started a thread about it and proclaimed it to the forums.

    Additionally, this is one of the few diets where you can say, "I eat clean xx% of the time."

    You can't say that if you're vegan, vegetarian, IIFYM, paleo, primal, gluten free, breathtarian, nutrarian and all the other diverse 'arians'. Because once you give a percentage, you're not really a vegan or vegetarian or (insert any other here) dieter anymore.

    You eat clean 90% of the time? Okay, so you eat food 100% of the time. Big deal. You're not superior for your wishy washy dietary whims.


    Why do people assign so much ego to the types of foods they eat?

    Friends: Why aren't you eating the same things we are anymore?

    You: I felt like eating this.

    Friends: Okay.

    I have a feeling you didn't handle that conversation in the above manner but instead took the opportunity to wax poetic about the virtues of your new way of life.


    You say you've told them countless times-- why? Just say "this is how I want to eat" and leave it at that.
  • AnnaVictorya

    I dont tell you to go and laze on the couch instead of lifting? I mean dude EVERYONE is lazing about and perfectly fit and healthy. What, you think you better than everyone cos you are lifting? :o)

    So why is it ok to say the same thing about food?

    I hope you do get the joke.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous


    Wonders why people criticize. Says the above.