Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • AnnaVictorya
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous

  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    My gosh...I'd kill to have that much time on my hands.


    No time is grown up equivalent of dog ate my homework. ;)

    You MAKE time for what is important.

    That's exactly how my mom cooked - working two shifts as a surgeon with 2 kids and unhelpful brat of a husband ( glad she ditched him!). Yep. No excuses for me, I had a good example.

    *cough* Judgey...*cough*. My mom made stuff from scratch too...*may she rest in peace*...100% of everything? No...sometimes it's worthwhile to spend time on other things...you know...things other than being obsessive over how I eat...then proceeding to rub it in everyone's faces.
  • AnnaVictorya
    That is not the point-which you have, in fact, missed entirely. The point is not that you do those things-good for you that you have the time and will to do that.
    But you rub it in people's faces when you say things like "they don't care enough to make the time". Or that we feel threatened because you have a "healthy" lifestyle and we apparently don't by your standards.
    Because someone chooses not to go as far at the end of the spectrum as they can-does that mean that they do not eat healthy? Or just not healthy according to you.
    Again..."judgey Judgerson".

    You dont need to say a word, you pass as 'holier-than thou'. Just order a salad instead of a burger. :o)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous


    Of course people who can't spell stick together.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    I dont tell you to go and laze on the couch instead of lifting? I mean dude EVERYONE is lazing about and perfectly fit and healthy. What, you think you better than everyone cos you are lifting? :o)

    So why is it ok to say the same thing about food?

    I hope you do get the joke.

    Actually yes. I am better than the clean eaters who look down their noses at my bacon eating doughnut self. If you can't outlift me in a compeittion. Heck, even if you can..I love eating my nonclean food and will continue to do so. But the clean eater should be better than me in my competition lifts before they preach.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous


    Y'all are cute. So many assumptions.
  • marybeth9999
    marybeth9999 Posts: 11 Member
    I find that it is better never to bring up my eating, diet....or anything around others. I talk about other things....then if they ask me, I tell them why I do it. It was especially difficult when I was vegan for a couple years.....lots of jokes when people found that I didn't eat meat or dairy....really got sick of it.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    That is not the point-which you have, in fact, missed entirely. The point is not that you do those things-good for you that you have the time and will to do that.
    But you rub it in people's faces when you say things like "they don't care enough to make the time". Or that we feel threatened because you have a "healthy" lifestyle and we apparently don't by your standards.
    Because someone chooses not to go as far at the end of the spectrum as they can-does that mean that they do not eat healthy? Or just not healthy according to you.
    Again..."judgey Judgerson".

    You dont need to say a word, you pass as 'holier-than tough'. Just order a salad instead of a burger. :o)

    Have done it, believe it or not...in fact I was excited about a new recipe for salad that I made last week. A friend said "Your food is what my food eats for dinner"...did I say that his way of eating isn't as healthy as mine? No. I laughed it off and said that it was hitting the spot because it was so hot outside and veggies sounded good.

    *sigh*...but you'll fight tooth and nail until the end so...have at it and enjoy sitting on that high horse. Just don't stay up there too long..you know...don't wanna get saddle sore.
  • AnnaVictorya

    Actually yes. I am better than the clean eaters who look down their noses at my bacon eating doughnut self. If you can't outlift me in a compeittion..Please STFU. Heck, even if you can..I love eating my nonclean food and will continue to do so. But the clean eater better be better than me in my competition lifts before they preach.

    Sorry dude, if you with your heavy lifting cant outrun me in a long distance race... all your lifting is just meh together with bacon... LOL
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I have to go against the grain...

    ^^yes. And also the part about pretending not to notice the difference. Sometimes nowadays I have to stop myself from making the yuck face when I see a cake at the office. People need to celebrate, and we haven't figured out how to do it in a healthier way like a 5 minute disco party.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I have seen over the years clean eaters get fat. How many people who claim clean eating status also drink alcohol. Since we are all making assumptions, why do the clean eaters either have no avi, an avi with a picture of someone else and/or closed diaries? What are you hiding? Are you not proud to show off what 'clean eating' has done for your appearance.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    Actually yes. I am better than the clean eaters who look down their noses at my bacon eating doughnut self. If you can't outlift me in a compeittion..Please STFU. Heck, even if you can..I love eating my nonclean food and will continue to do so. But the clean eater better be better than me in my competition lifts before they preach.

    Sorry dude, if you with your heavy lifting cant outrun me in a long distance race... all your lifting is just meh together with bacon... LOL

    Whoa whoa, now...two different kinds of fitness here. Cardio vs. strength...you wanna get that started, open a new thread. Not all people are distance runners. I can run. Not my favorite activity (at least not until fall when it's not so humid)...I do pole. I can do things that neither of you could attempt as far as that goes...but I respect both of you in your own right with regards to fitness...you wanna argue about if you're more fit than someone else? Girl...cruisin' for a bruisin'...
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    This whole thread makes me want to eat raw bacon and burn a stack of tires. Who's with me?
  • AnnaVictorya

    Have done it, believe it or not...in fact I was excited about a new recipe for salad that I made last week. A friend said "Your food is what my food eats for dinner"...did I say that his way of eating isn't as healthy as mine? No. I laughed it off and said that it was hitting the spot because it was so hot outside and veggies sounded good.

    *sigh*...but you'll fight tooth and nail until the end so...have at it and enjoy sitting on that high horse. Just don't stay up there too long..you know...don't wanna get saddle sore.

    The problem is that people feel entitled to comment on your food, especially when you are going out - and especially if it is a bunch of friends who choose to target your eating choices as lunch time conversation every single time. I dont comment on theirs? I guess would be much worse if i was a vegetarian, THEN I would get it.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    This whole thread makes me want to eat raw bacon and burn a stack of tires. Who's with me?

    I'm in...but...only if we can toast marshmallows over the flames.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I have seen over the years clean eaters get fat. How many people who claim clean eating status also drink alcohol. Since we are all making assumptions, why do the clean eaters either have no avi, an avi with a picture of someone else and/or closed diaries? What are you hiding? Are you not proud to show off what 'clean eating' has done for your appearance.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    This whole thread makes me want to eat raw bacon and burn a stack of tires. Who's with me?

  • AnnaVictorya

    Whoa whoa, now...two different kinds of fitness here. Cardio vs. strength...you wanna get that started, open a new thread. Not all people are distance runners. I can run. Not my favorite activity (at least not until fall when it's not so humid)...I do pole. I can do things that neither of you could attempt as far as that goes...but I respect both of you in your own right with regards to fitness...you wanna argue about if you're more fit than someone else? Girl...cruisin' for a bruisin'...

    That's my point, how is strength training better than clean eating or better or worse than cardio? Just for a laugh...

    Pole dancing is cool though.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    Actually yes. I am better than the clean eaters who look down their noses at my bacon eating doughnut self. If you can't outlift me in a compeittion..Please STFU. Heck, even if you can..I love eating my nonclean food and will continue to do so. But the clean eater better be better than me in my competition lifts before they preach.

    Sorry dude, if you with your heavy lifting cant outrun me in a long distance race... all your lifting is just meh together with bacon... LOL

    Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    I find that it is better never to bring up my eating, diet....or anything around others. I talk about other things....then if they ask me, I tell them why I do it. It was especially difficult when I was vegan for a couple years.....lots of jokes when people found that I didn't eat meat or dairy....really got sick of it.

    Yes! I don't say anything unless they ask. I don't eat bread because I found I have fewer allergies and less acne and when people notice its really uncomfortable- I'd really rather not talk about my runny nose and pimples at the table- thank you haha!

    People often ask if I didn't want the cake or other goodie cause I'm trying to lose weight (and then they tell me I don't need to lose weight). Reminds me of this:


    lol. Its really better not to comment.

    Kinda off topic sorry OP