Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous

    That is such a horrible quote.
    the whole post is.:indifferent:
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Some people maybe will do this, especially if all they ever know is "normal" foods like for example, my coworker--the average American as she likes to call herself. She likes quick and easy meals like hamburger helper, canned vegetables and fast food. I eat very different from her and whenever she looks at my food, she'll shake her head in disagreement and tell me I need to eat "normal people's food." But I equate her criticism to her personality since she's stubborn and pretty much disagrees with anything that is not considered "normal" or "logical" to her; she's very ethnocentric too. Those type of people, they'll always criticize if something strays from the "norm" however, for the most part, in general, I don't think most people would criticize in the first place unless you give off a I'm better than you vibe when you talk about your food habits or you consistently make comments about nutrition or calorie content, etc. Most people don't think about all that and they probably don't care either.
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    I think some of us critique others lifestyle choices because us 'clean' eaters know how much better our lives and health are now that we have become 'clean' and we wonder why others don't wanna feel the same.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Have done it, believe it or not...in fact I was excited about a new recipe for salad that I made last week. A friend said "Your food is what my food eats for dinner"...did I say that his way of eating isn't as healthy as mine? No. I laughed it off and said that it was hitting the spot because it was so hot outside and veggies sounded good.

    *sigh*...but you'll fight tooth and nail until the end so...have at it and enjoy sitting on that high horse. Just don't stay up there too long..you know...don't wanna get saddle sore.

    The problem is that people feel entitled to comment on your food, especially when you are going out - and especially if it is a bunch of friends who choose to target your eating choices as lunch time conversation every single time. I dont comment on theirs? I guess would be much worse if i was a vegetarian, THEN I would get it.

    Only if you act in a way to encourage people to do it. And it they do, tell them to stfu and mind their own business. If they do not, get new lunch dates.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think some of us critique others lifestyle choices because us 'clean' eaters know how much better our lives and health are now that we have become 'clean' and we wonder why others don't wanna feel the same.

    We do feel the same-- at least I do. We just do it without the "clean" part.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Because a lot of clean eaters come of as being smug and looking down on everyone. They remind us of the people trying to ban stuff all the time by invading our rights.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    When I read your post this is what stuck out...

    "I personally argue that I'm not obsessive, just educated. Fussy? Well I'm allowed to be fussy about what I put in my body. Extreme? Extreme is obesity rates, diabetes & being addicted to sugar & fast food. And diet? I eat in a way that gives me clear skin, energy, balanced blood sugar levels, great weight, energy & concentration sustained all day until bed, no more ibs and overall happiness."

    If this is what you argue about...well...it sounds a little condescending.

    "educated"...as if the person you are speaking to is not
    "fussy about what goes in to your body"...as if the person doesn't care about his

    Your attitude whether intended or not comes across as...superior to those that don't "eat clean".
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    DEFINITELY because they wish they had a healthy person's willpower and motivation. The only reason I can think of as to why people interfere or criticise is because they feel threatened by their success or feel guilty about their own lifestyle.

    However, there is an exception for the stuck-up and judgemental "clean eaters", and yes there are many of them. The ones who look down on others for choosing to not follow the same lifestyle as them. Tbh they p*ss me off just as much.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    Maybe you just need new friends?

    Sometimes I'll order a burger. Sometimes I'll order a salad. I've never gotten a reaction on way or another from anyone.

    And quite often I'll have a burger with a salad on the side. :drinker:

    I love a well made salad. So long as they don't overdo the lettuce. I don't want to eat a crap ton of lettuce. I like variety and protein in my salads.
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    No one in my real life has ever said a peep about my eating habits if I don't mention it first.

    This, because except maybe for our mothers, 100% of the world has more to think about than what other people put in their mouths. Reminds me of that old saying, "You wouldn't worry so much about what other people think of you if you realized how seldom they do."
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Because they think they are automagically 'healthy'

    'Automagically' :heart: :love: :heart:

    I WILL find a way to use this word in a sentence at some point today.
  • patriciapowerswilliamson
    To each their own. Seems to be a lot of drama and judgement on this blog most of the time. If something is working well for you, who cares what anyone thinks. My Doctor suggested that I "eat clean", I do 50% of the time, and do at least one Vegan meal a day, but due to time, the amount of hours I work per day and the fact that I have to buy groceries plus cook for another person doesn't always make it practical. This is another reason I am using a tracker, so that I can watch how many calories I am taking in per day regardless of where they come from.

    Keep on keeping on.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    DEFINITELY because they wish they had a healthy person's willpower and motivation. The only reason I can think of as to why people interfere or criticise is because they feel threatened by their success or feel guilty about their own lifestyle.

    However, there is an exception for the stuck-up and judgemental "clean eaters", and yes there are many of them. The ones who look down on others for choosing to not follow the same lifestyle as them. Tbh they p*ss me off just as much.

    That is exactly why you get criticized> I am better than you and I know better BS>

    I could not care less if you are a vegan, a vegetarian or a meat eater. But if all the table need to adapt because of your "needs" then you will hear it.

    Personnaly I find a lot of preaching "clean eater" to not be healthy at all. And to start with, define healthy? I am overweighted and I know it and i know why. I do not have diabetis, no cholesterol, not diseases of any kind. I can do lasting efforts without problem (2h tennis or soccer games). I consider muself healthy. If people do not like the way I look, I could not care less.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    Haven't read all the replies. No time. Probably repeating something that's already been said.

    The title of your post is inherently inflammatory:
    Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles

    So if I'm not eating clean, I don't have a healthy lifestyle? That's why I criticize and judge clean eaters. They look down on those of us who enjoy a burger or other unclean food and are still healthy.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have been reading through the thread and really have no idea what you must be doing to receive such reactions.

    I eat as I choose, have never been obese and maintain a healthy weight 95% of my adult life. If I want a salad I eat it, seafood....I love . Nobody ever says anything....ever.

    I have seen bashing from both sides here but I will say it normally starts with someone believing their way is the only way and that they are better than someone else. In just this thread, multiple people state.....no will power, no dedication, its healthier....blah, blah, blah. They are full of it. I have many on my friends list that have diets that I would criticize if they started spouting off that their way was the only way or that somehow it made them better than others but the people I surround myself with respect others and if their diet is brought up it is only if a question is asked or for cause, like looking for a special recipe or advice within their restrictions. Be respectful of others and they will be of you.

    Also for all those spouting lack of will power, kiss off. Without medical reason limiting my sugar is up to personal discretion. I found out by logging that I eat relatively low carb...40-50 grams on most days. I don't mean too, I don't restrict....I am just not really a fan. Should I be condescending and look down on others for what comes naturally for me? :noway:

    No matter your diet or mine....neither makes either of us a better person.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    I eat the exact same way and I feel good about myself as well! People are just jealous or insecure about their own bad eating habits so they may make comments or not understand or try to persuade you to eat the crap they are eating. Misery loves company! Be strong and just ignore them or distance yourselves from negative people.

    I try not to talk about my healthy eating habits or persuade others to eat that way unless they ask and genuinely want to know. There's no reason to. I feel happy, healthy, more balanced, and in control of my eating which is a good thing! You are putting nutritious foods into your body! No need to be ashamed of that! Just smile and know that you are doing something right. You don't need other's approval.

    I agree with you and the OP.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    For starters.... Nobody really knows what "clean" is. It means something different to everyone. But the criticism is usually about the attitude behind it. Assuming that those who don't (according to their definition of clean) is uneducated, uncommitted, not serious about their health or losing weight, jealous, or are lacking in willpower. The attitude of "the reason you're fat is because you eat xxxx. If you just ate clean you wouldn't have this problem." It's the same reason low-carbers, juicers, etc get criticized. It's the vague air of superiority around it. I won't comment on your way of eating... So long as you afford me the same courtesy.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    What? Ordering a salad is not normal? And people think that ordering a salad somehow makes them more healthy than someone ordering a burger?

    Is this a joke?

    I like salad. In a lot of restaurants though salads are more calories than burgers.

    The only comments I've ever gotten about my restaurant habits have been positive: "I wish I had enough self-control to only eat one piece of bread." or "You're so good cutting your entree in half! I can never do that."

    No one has ever given me a hard time over it.

    Well, from what I've come to know of you, you aren't pretentious nor would you make a huge deal out of someone asking you why only half or a salad.

    And my experience is the same. There are times I'll order a salad or only eat half of the meal. If anyone asks, I'll just say because I feel like a salad or just can't finish the whole thing and they leave it. I really think that a lot of the times when people complain about criticism, being "harassed", etc isn't because of what they are doing, but because they either are exaggerating the scenario into a drama scene that never happened, or because of how they reacted when a simple question was asked.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I've explained to people countless times that I do this for my health.
    Having bloating due to ibs, a string of re occurring illnesses, pcos, constant tiredness at a young age isn't normal.
    I do not care how others eat, I simply get annoyed when I'm criticised for doing something to help myself no longer be sick.

    Issue is, you did not mention this in your OP - and the fact that you have found a way to help your health problems is great....but, see all the condescending (and inaccurate) comments that your post has brought about. All the people throwing the words 'jealous' and 'can't stick with it' and 'educated' and concepts that people who do not 'eat clean' eat junk and garbage.

    You eat like you do as it helps you. Others do not need to do that, yet all of these responses assume that people are 'lacking' somehow...when it may be as simple as the fact that they just do not need to do it to be healthy and feel good.

    I cannot see that people would criticize the way someone eats if it improves their health - it's all about the way that you address the topic.

    Regarding threads here - there are as many threads where people call what I eat 'crap' and 'junk' as there are ones where 'clean eaters' are being ribbed. If people stopped calling other people's food cr@p, their diet unhealthy and that they lack willpower just because they do not 'eat clean' and eat some fast food, then others will be less likely to diss clean eaters.
