Bad weekend! Help :(



  • sarahrachel90
    sarahrachel90 Posts: 49 Member
    Ok the best calculator I can find puts your BMR as 1250 ish and your TDEE at about 1500. Not including exercise.

    This means you are eating under your BMR at 1200. Which is probably why you are ravenous. Losing those last few lbs can be very tricky and the only real way to do it without hurting yourself is to do it slowly. Personally I would aim for about 1300 - 1400 a day if you are usually sedentary and about 1500 - 1600 a day if you exercise a lot. Eating under your BMR can be a big problem.

    Thank you for your help. However, don't people normally eat under their BMR to lose weight??
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Ok the best calculator I can find puts your BMR as 1250 ish and your TDEE at about 1500. Not including exercise.

    This means you are eating under your BMR at 1200. Which is probably why you are ravenous. Losing those last few lbs can be very tricky and the only real way to do it without hurting yourself is to do it slowly. Personally I would aim for about 1300 - 1400 a day if you are usually sedentary and about 1500 - 1600 a day if you exercise a lot. Eating under your BMR can be a big problem.

    Thank you for your help. However, don't people normally eat under their BMR to lose weight??

    Nah they eat under their TDEE to lose weight. Your BMR is the energy your body would use if you where in a full body cast. It's the basic energy your body needs to live. So when you eat under your BMR those functions inevitably become compromised. And if you keep that up for a while your body will bombard you with hunger cravings. TDEE is an estimation of all the energy you actually burn throught the day. Eating somewhere between your bmr and your tdee is the safe and accepted way to lose weight.

    You aren't much under your bmr though which is probably why it took your body a little while before it stood up and shouted FOR PETE'S SAKE EAT SOMETHING!

    It's also why weight loss at a healthy weight like yours is tricky because your bmr and sedentary tdee are quite close together. Oh and TDEE can increase dramatically with exercise. Which is why I suggested 1500 - 1600 if you where typically active.
  • sarahrachel90
    sarahrachel90 Posts: 49 Member
    Okay, so, is increasing to 1300 a better idea?
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    lol, i ate half of angel food cake, not half a slice, HALF A CAKE yesterday, I'm wallowing, but not much i can do about it now. best to move on! it was good though :)
  • sarahrachel90
    sarahrachel90 Posts: 49 Member
    lol, i ate half of angel food cake, not half a slice, HALF A CAKE yesterday, I'm wallowing, but not much i can do about it now. best to move on! it was good though :)

    Yes, very true :) nothing worth having will come easy!!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Okay, so, is increasing to 1300 a better idea?

    Since you are playing with sensitive numbers here yes slow increments is better. Increase by 100 for a couple of weeks. And if you are still having trouble increase by 100 again. Keep going till you find a point where you are still losing weight but don't feel like your going to go honey monster on the desserts the minute you see em.

    In the mean time remember as long as you don't make a habit of going over 1500 you will probably only slow your weight loss not stall it. So the occasional 300 odd calorie desert will not wreck all your hard work. Try not to beat yourself up. And play with the numbers until they fit you. Because the final arbiter in this isn't the calculator I used that only estimates things. Your body will tell you whats up.
  • sarahrachel90
    sarahrachel90 Posts: 49 Member
    Okay, so, is increasing to 1300 a better idea?

    Since you are playing with sensitive numbers here yes slow increments is better. Increase by 100 for a couple of weeks. And if you are still having trouble increase by 100 again. Keep going till you find a point where you are still losing weight but don't feel like your going to go honey monster on the desserts the minute you see em.

    In the mean time remember as long as you don't make a habit of going over 1500 you will probably only slow your weight loss not stall it. So the occasional 300 odd calorie desert will not wreck all your hard work. Try not to beat yourself up. And play with the numbers until they fit you. Because the final arbiter in this isn't the calculator I used that only estimates things. Your body will tell you whats up.

    Okay, will do! Thanks for the help :D
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    First calm down, take a deep breath. Angel food is not chocolate covered cheesecake, in fact if you are going to eat cake its prolly one of the least calorically dense cakes you could have (most are under 1K cals total for a WHOLE cake).

    You are still in control, you arent' "slipping" and you haven't committed a cardinal sin. Don't let a bunch of negative guilt come in. Just resolve yourself to be more on point moving forward and realize that weight loss / healthy eating and indeed anything worth committing to for the long term is a journey and not a destination in itself. You will be just fine, I promise ;-)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    This is a lifestyle will have these times..

    Log it....
    Own it...
    Move on...

    I actually plan for days like that.

    Tonight I am having ribeye steak and Mac and cheese....
    I have logged it and I will enjoy every bit of it

    If you deny yourself things you enjoy you are setting yourself up to binge and fail.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Look what your Profile Pic says: Strike for progress not perfection. Listen to that!

    So you ate some pie. No biggie! And it was probably delicious too. Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE not something temporary; There are going to be those days where you have a slice a pie, or cake or those chicken wings or fries or WHATEVER. Enjoy it, and don't sweat it. Food is there to fuel us, not to make us feel guilty. You should never feel guilty about eating something. If you do, then evaluate your relationship with food.
  • cpslacker
    cpslacker Posts: 2
    My advice...Don't dwell on it. It happened. You can't undo it, but you can learn from it. Try and figure out what happened to make that choice easier than what you know you should've done and in the future you'll be better equipped. And don't "exercise" it. If you start down that path, it become so easy to justify any future slips, because you can tell yourself, "Meh, no big deal, I'll just work it off".
    Breathe in, Breathe out, Move On...
    We've all been there (or will be).