H20 Seriously Sexy 7lbs of Valentine's Day Week 3

RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
*Helping out April for the week*

We would all like to invite anyone who would love to join in on this challenge. Its never too late to join!!! Just post your starting weight from either the day you join or look back 3 weeks ago. We are ALL here to support YOU! :flowerforyou: Join in on all the fun, we do new challenges weekly..


Week 3 is here already! For this week, let's try new things. It doesn't have to cost a ton, I'm sure there are plenty of things in your own home that you may not have tried.

Challenge 1: Try a new healthy recipe. It could be from a cookbook or online (try allrecipes.com , it's a good site!) It could be with new foods you haven't tried before, or the same foods you love in new ways. Feel free to share your recipes and what you thought of it! I know we are always looking for something new to try!

Challenge 2: Change up your exercise a bit with a new style. Never tried pilates or a Leslie Sansone? Do a youtube search and you won't have to go spend any money at the store on something you may not like. Let's get at least 30min of this new exercise in 2x this week.

The point of these first challenges is to break out of the normal and comfort zones a little. See what else is out there for you, if you don't like it, at least you know for sure. And if you find a new 'love', even better!

And, to keep us in some comfort zones..

Challenge 3: Do something nice for someone else, be it a friend or a stranger. Is the person in front of you at the store scrambling to find change? Give them the change in your pocket. See someone about to trip over their shoelace? Let them know. It always feels great after helping another person, whether you have know them your whole life or 30sec.

Challenge 4: Let's keep the meditate up this week at least two times again. Share your meditation methods, for those who struggle with meditation.. if you don't do meditation, maybe just take some time out for you, read a book, or heck, even take a nap!

Quote of the week:
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every
time we fall" --- Confucious

**REMINDER** Support Team H20 Contest-
Since we are “Team H20”, April has decided to do a small fun contest.. Between now and the next 4 weeks, She wants you to come up with a unique design, on our water bottles of course.. And she wants us to take a picture of our design, and post the picture. We will post our pictures on week 5.. So start thinking of a design.. The winner of the little Contest will get a little something in the mail.. =) Provided you’re willing to give put your address.. Haha.. Just something a little fun this time around.

Let's go everyone...week 3 is here!!! :drinker:


  • mimyyoung
    mimyyoung Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome! I would love to join but I will need some help with the meditation, any tips?
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Thanks for picking up the duty this week Bru. I wish I had the time to do that but my plate is kinda full.
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    Awesome! I would love to join but I will need some help with the meditation, any tips?

    I listen to a pod cast in bed at night. theyre free at the meditationpodcast.com.
  • Challenge 1-I will try to find something new to try but not making any promises.
    Challenge 2-I wont be doing this since Im doing the program Insanity. I dont want to add anything to see what kind of results I get just from it.
    Challenge 3-Ill see what happens with helping someone out. I have a sick kid at home and dont want to get her out in the cold weather being she is whizzing.
    Challenge 4-Im actually downloading some podcasts right now someone else said they were using last week. Im going to see if I can get them on my mp3 player. So I plan on doing this one.

    Thanks Bru for helping April out.

    Hoping for another week of nice weight loss. I lost 2.2 lbs from last monday.
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    thanks for the challenges this week. I tried a new recipie for tilapia it was pretty good, I will post here.

    weigh in is at 163.4 down some thats a good thing. I'll commit to doing a good deed each day.

    Everyone sounds like they are getting the winter blahs and cold season is in full swing. I hope for better days ahead to you all.

    I will be doing 3 reps of 20 pushups, 20 situps, and 20 squats as my at home workout, added to my C25K and Bobs bootcamp.

    have a great week everyone!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Adding to my topics.

    #1 is easy. I am looking for a good kale recipe. I read something that boiling/steam ing it is not as good as lightly frying it (it release more nutrition that way since some of the vitamins are oil-soluble). I'll try it this week.

    #2 I'll have to think about this one...I've tried most things and know what I can and can't do becuase of my back issues.....I'll see about it
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    DUH! Why didn't I think to go to youtube to find exercise videos? *facepalm*

    Happy Week 3, everyone! Here's the link to the H20 Weigh-In log....http://bit.ly/h2DHFP Please add and update yourself if you'd like to be a part of it. I'll update the formula at the end of the week/thread to show the loss reflected in Week 3.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thank you sooo much Bru.. I appreciate it.. Ive felt like crap.. and I was drawing a blank.. I definitely appreciate the help... still trying to fight this cold off the rest of the way..
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Doing good everyone! Good job on the progress!

    #1: This week I tried a new way to make potato soup. Less sodium, and more vegetables... and less ham. Yum! That was tonight, so hopefully that counts for this weeks challenge.

    #2: Repeating others - WHY didn't I think about youtube for videos!! STILL trying to get into the 30 day shred. What is it about doing that video that makes me procrastinate so much??

    #3: Doing something nice for others - gonna try and be especially aware of patient needs this week at work. Easy to forget that they're people with real needs - sometimes emotional ones, rather than just simply my patient.

    #4: Meditation. I do live a christian faith, so it's part of my life everyday... but here's another strange one. I've been teaching myself to sew and quilt for the last year. I just REALLY don't want the craft to die off with my grandmother (in our family), so I've been making a point to learn. For me, it's a sort of meditation because I put some headphones in with some nice music and I get lost in my project. It's great!

    CW for this week: 179
    Weight lost: 3.4/7 for valentines challenge
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm still fighting this stupid cold/flu I got... but I'm doing good with the food and exercises this week! Aunt **Flow** came for a visit yesterday so I kind of feel out of it today. I kicked myself in the butt tonight to go on the treadmill while the Biggest Losers was playing on TV. I thought it was playing for an hour... NOPE it is for 2 hours... I stayed on the treadmill for 100 minutes then I quit!!! I went for nice hot bath/shower after to relax. I'm glad I did it because usually the first day I feel like doing nothing all day...

    I will look into this challenge in the morning! Thanks for another great week!

    Good night everyone!

  • aree2525
    aree2525 Posts: 38 Member
    Challenge 1: I tried my hand at chili tonight. I started out with a recipe from a friend but then lost hers. So I made something. It turned out pretty good. Cant eat it by itself. -Too high in calories. hmmmmmmm, Maybe I'll just freeze it. Gotta get 7 lbs off !!

    By the way, Thanks to all of you who put this together, and good team work.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Hi everyone I'm in better late than never. Look like I decided to come in on a great week the challenge look very doable!!

    Challenge 1: I have begun a new eating lifestyle so trying something new this week will be easy been experimenting with new veggies and acorn or spaghetti squash has been calling me!!

    Challenge 2: I just got the set of kettlebells fome Jillian Michaels and I did a workout with those!!! Not following her video quite yet thats another challenge I'm in so can't do other videos at the moment but I will be checking her out after my 90 days.

    Challenge 3: Doing something nice for someone comes natural so I am sure I will do something before the weeks out well actually have this covered my friend lives in PA and she wants to do Jenny Craig but its not one in her area so I went to ours and got her the menus for the 4 weeks and I plan on mailing them off to her once the post office open suppose to have done it Saturday so my good deed will be done! I know I will do more this week :-)

    Challenge 4: I know I will find some time to wrap up in my Twilight book and actual meditating is a must.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I am having a hard week already, and it's only Wednesday! I was so psyched to be back down to wedding weight, and lo and behold it only lasted one day. Must've been a fluke. So for now, I am still in the same damned rut I've been in for a few weeks. Right back to 237.4. ARGH. I think this week's challenges will help, at least I hope they will. I did a new "workout for weight loss" yesterday AND walked, so that's new for me. This morning was a similar workout to what a normally do, so Friday is a new one! (Thursday is an off day for me.) I really want one of those weighted balls (kettlebells?) and I think I'm finally going to steal P90x from my dad. Either that or Jillian Michael's 30DS, since it's cheap at WalMart. :smile:

    I need to do something. I'm happy to be out of the 240s but I'm ready to say goodbye to the 230s too. Gotta get out of this rut!

    Aree, what kind of chili are you making? Most of them are worth the calories because you are getting a ton of fiber and protein from the beans and lean meat. I have a few recipes if you want to try again.

    PS Thanks Bru for putting this up! I know April was a bit overwhelmed and it was nice of you to help her out.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bru, thanks so much for helping April and putting this week up!!

    #1: I've made a new recipe every day this week so far from the Whole Foods' site. Last night, the kids and I made lasagna rolls and that's for dinner tonight with a salad on the side. Yum!

    #2: I'm going to try Just Dance 2 tonight since it's a rest day on EASA2.

    #3: I actually have two! Yesterday, while alighting the train, I saw a fellow passenger still asleep (we were at the final stop). I tapped him and woke him up. He was grateful. Also, a woman dropped one of her gloves and didn't realize it. I picked it up and ran to give it to her.

    #4: Still journaling!

    My starting weight for this week is 173.5.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    #3: I actually have two! Yesterday, while alighting the train, I saw a fellow passenger still asleep (we were at the final stop). I tapped him and woke him up. He was grateful. Also, a woman dropped one of her gloves and didn't realize it. I picked it up and ran to give it to her.

    LOVE IT!! Great job!!! It's often the little things that really make someones' day! It wasn't this week, but when I was working at Home Depot, I was on lunch break and went through Taco Bell's drive thru, and the lady in front of me paid for my lunch! The cashier told me that the lady said, 'Tell her it's Karma!' Completely true story and it made my day, so the following time at Taco Bell (a different one), I saw the total for the guy behind me in line and decided to do the same. He had the same look on his face that I did. I love helping others, whether it's big or small, and I'm looking for every opportunity to do so this week. Monday, I had my brother come over and dance with me, something he doesn't get to do too often, and yesterday I donated a hat and scarf I made to a friend of a friends benefit dinner for her mother that has recently passed away. I hope everyone continues to pamper themselves as needed, but don't forget to do good to others as well.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I'm annoyed. This past week I was doing a good amount of dance cardio, as well as a 1.5 mile hike and walking around a local beach for a few hours. I'll admit that i went over my calories a couple days this week by about 200 cals (I'm set to 1470). I hop on the scale and it is being way wonky. First it read 168.4. Twice. I was skeptical already since I fought with the scale yesterday and I had to fiddle with it to get what seemed like a number that could be true (171.8). I checked the scale's feet for fuzz and it seemed fine. Hopped on again...179.4. :/ uhhh, what? I go and put one of my 6lb. weights on the scale and it doesn't register. The scale shows zero for weight. Got the Wii Fit out and that told me I gained 2.2 pounds since last week. My weight on that thing has never been the same as my scale (usually at least 1.5 pounds heavier).

    So, that is my scale saga for the week. I just replaced the battery about 2 weeks ago, but I have noticed that since then I can hear a super high pitched squeal as the scale is turned on and thinking. Well crappie.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I REALLY need to get on the ball here. I hate winter, makes me feel blah! I just wanna go outside and ride my bike!

    Challenge #1…Have some new recipes I want to try. Found them on the Kraft website. Looking to make some swiss steak in the crock.

    Challenge #2…Going to get back with my PS3 Zumba and EA Active. I tried them both once…but I want to do it again.

    Challenge#3…This one is the easiest for me. I try to do something nice for someone EVERYDAY! My motto…think about the next guy, stop making the world all about you. I believe in human kindness and I try to be kind and helpful to others. Not hard to do in my line of work either.

    Challenge#4…I need to focus more on some meditation. I have soothing sounds…just need to take the time.

    Found this quote so true…
    What I focus on in life is what I get. And if I concentrate on how bad I am or how wrong I am or how inadequate I am, if I concentrate on what I can't do and how there's not enough time in which to do it, isn't that what I get every time? And when I think about how powerful I am, and when I think about what I have left to contribute, and when I think about the difference I can make on this planet, then that's what I get. You see, I recognize that it's not what happens to you; it's what you do about it. " W.O. Mitchell

    May you all have a beautiful week!
  • aree2525
    aree2525 Posts: 38 Member
    I am having a hard week already, and it's only Wednesday! I was so psyched to be back down to wedding weight, and lo and behold it only lasted one day. Must've been a fluke. So for now, I am still in the same damned rut I've been in for a few weeks. Right back to 237.4. ARGH. I think this week's challenges will help, at least I hope they will. I did a new "workout for weight loss" yesterday AND walked, so that's new for me. This morning was a similar workout to what a normally do, so Friday is a new one! (Thursday is an off day for me.) I really want one of those weighted balls (kettlebells?) and I think I'm finally going to steal P90x from my dad. Either that or Jillian Michael's 30DS, since it's cheap at WalMart. :smile:

    I need to do something. I'm happy to be out of the 240s but I'm ready to say goodbye to the 230s too. Gotta get out of this rut!

    Aree, what kind of chili are you making? Most of them are worth the calories because you are getting a ton of fiber and protein from the beans and lean meat. I have a few recipes if you want to try again.

    PS Thanks Bru for putting this up! I know April was a bit overwhelmed and it was nice of you to help her out.

    Like I said I went off on my own,,,,, So I don't know what kind of chili it ended up being. ;) But when I separated it into servings a cup ended up being about 240 cal,,,,, _I guess i's not so bad.
    Also How do i check out other people's recipe's?

    As far as challenges,
    #1 Made my meal last night
    #2 Did a new abb work out last night, Tonight I will do a dance video.
    #3 Mailed my little brother all my 'was gonna be' wedding stuff. They are paying for their own wedding on only one income. -You know surprisingly, I think they are doing me a favor...
    #4 I'll spend my time with God tonight and tomorrow.
    - Also finally did last weeks challenge too. All caught up on challenges. Now to loose this wight!!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thought I'd share this article I just read on SELF magazine's website:


    While I wish the writer would have realized that she was in need of making a lifestyle change, not just picking up a diet, I still like the overall idea/message. It is a quick 10 minute read, check it out. I used the "take a breath and think about your hunger level" with my dinner tonight. I'd made a box of Kraft mac 'n cheese and it is only me tonight, so that means there's a bunch leftover in the pan still. But, I *kitten* my fullness level, and I'm not going for a refill.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Aree: Yeah, I think 240 is reasonable. You could even add a whole wheat tortilla, a little low fat cheese, and some veggies on the side and still be in a good range for dinner. I love chili, it's like a complete meal in a bowl. :smile:
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