2 weeks in and not losing weight - disheartened



  • PK0993
    PK0993 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for the constructive comments and advice! I will keep an eye on portions and just keep going at it, then re-evaluate in 2 weeks time and see what's happened. Will take some measurements too :)

    Thank you again!
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Stop counting calories. Google "A calorie is not a calorie."

    If you are eating garbage, you will not lose weight, even if you are restricting calories.

    Avoid most "no-fat" and "low fat" foods. Fat doesn't make you fat. Carbs and sugar make you fat. You and most American have been misinformed by our government.

    Burn the USDA's "My Plate." The USDA is the Department of Agriculture, not the Department of Nutrition. It represents grain growers, not you.

    So don't eat any refined carbs - breads, pasta, breakfast cereals (pay no attention to the "heart healthy" and "good source of vitamins" labels), and rice.

    Don't eat any sugar - including all fruit juices and fruit yogurt. Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy. Repeat - Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy.

    Have an egg and cheese for breakfast (and a slice of bacon won't kill you), or plain Greek yogurt (the 2% tastes better than the 0%) and add berries (but not too many). The rest of the day eat fish, poultry, red meat, avocados and all vegetables (except corn and potatoes). Eat nuts (not peanuts) and sunflower seeds instead of chips, pretzels and all that other garbage for snacks.

    Avoid alcohol.

    You can eat fast food, but throw out the bun and don't order French fries.

    The weight will melt off you whether you exercise or not. However, exercise is great for your mind, body and sprit.

    Get a scale. Weigh yourself everyday.

    Once you hit your ideal weight, eat whatever you want, but keep weighing yourself. If you gain a few pounds, go back to what I told you to do and get back to that ideal weight.

    Try it for two weeks and see what happens. It can't hurt you.

    Good luck.

    Yes, disregard. In terms of weight loss, calories absolutely matter. You wouldn't be here if you were aware and honest with yourself about your intake/output and the tools here, while not necessary for everyone's success, are extremely valuable if you were not having success on your own without counting.

    Remember that you get can fat from a surplus of any calories, even from healthy/"clean"/"Insert-BS-label-here" foods. Our ancestors certainly weren't fattening up for harsh winters on burger combos and milkshakes.

    Also, not everyone here is losing weight for "health." Losing weight is a personal experience. Losing weight to land an acting job, to be in a certain weight class for MMA, or for a summer vacation's "vanity" pounds are legitimate reasons. Spare me your healthist preaching.

    You should see what I lose weight on, my diary is open. I was 190lbs in June of last year, about 136lbs now. Also, I don't appreciate strangers telling me how my individual body works, how the "junk" food that is keeping me alive is killing me. Because maybe not everyone has a heart and blood disorder that makes them hypotensive and unable to absorb vital nutrients. Maybe not everyone can eat full fat foods and lots of salt, iron, magnesium (dark chocolate!), potassium, and iodine. As for me, I prefer my heart staying beating and not getting tunnel vision and weakness when I stand up.

    If health is your ultimate goal, it's important to highlight how very individual health/function is. There is no one and only "right way."

    As for me, I train like a beast, eat a feast, and lose weight steady, # week at least. For weight loss, calories in/out absolutely matters, and there isn't enough research to support the scare propaganda that processed foods are the absolute worst thing you can do to your body. Moderation seems to be key here.
  • Liz07122014
    Liz07122014 Posts: 2 Member
    Track. Track. And then track some more.
    Track every bite, every mint.
    Track water intake.
    Track your exercise.
    Track your weight. The program suggests once/week. In the beginning try twice/week. It may not give a perfect picture, but it will start to make sense to YOU what causes weight fluctuations. I've been weight watching for years, but only recently started using this program (about the same time as you). It has taken me this long to get familiar with the program and sharpen up my entries so they are more and more accurate. I was excited to see that I can type in Brand names and get 100% accurate results. Whooo hooo! This is soooo easy! It may seem like work, but on the flip side it's really quite a lot of fun being in this community and making entries. I expect to start losing weight right about now - because now I know what I'm doing. Don't give up. We're all cheering for you.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    give it time
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    Okay, I follow a mix of the two camps espoused here. Track everything for a while to see what you are really eating. When I was successful losing weight, I restricted high glycemic index (GI) foods (high sugar, high starch - "white" food) because when I ate lower GI foods I felt more satiated on the same number of calories. It's all about making your brain think you are full, because your brain is what has been trained to eat more than your body needs because it "wants" it. If you can make your brain feel full, then that's most of the battle if you are an overeater (most here are, or we wouldn't be here). I usually don't eat back my exercise calories but on days I eat more than my limit, I use it to counterbalance. Good luck. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.

    I never could eliminate the white stuff, but reduced my consumption significantly and could eat more to hit my daily calorie goal.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    The OP thread got hijacked into the battle of ages of how we lose weight:
    Calories In/Calories out = weigh loss, versus Carbs and sugar make you fat so eliminate/reduce them to = weight loss.

    They are both acceptable methods which work. For those who stay in the healthy lifestlye, they maintain their weight loss.
    If they log or know from experience what to eat to stay at their ideal weight, calories in/calorie sout works and they understand
    macros and how they can enjoy pizza and ice cream in their life.

    Those who hit their ideal weight and then stop tracking fall easily back into their old habits. They often easily gain their weight back. within 3-6 months. They are comfortable at their goal weight and think they're eating ok and have a grasp of it all.
    They slip back to eating the convenience/already made foods which are generally higher in carbs and sugars. They reach for the bag of pretzels instead of the bag of lettuce. They do dinner through the drive by and have a whopper over grilled chicken & green beans for supper.

    Carbs and sugar produce lots of fat in our body because of the spike in the body's sugar levels. The fat just gets stored.
    The body loves the sugar rush so we respond by eating the same kinds of foods that continually produce fat.

    People falling back into the pizza, pasta, ice cream pattern of life who are not tracking, easily put the fat right back onto and around their organs and body. They never learned that lean body mass does comes from eating low fat producing foods.

    I don't have all the answers but erickeesin has valid points that everyone should think about. I just started reading,
    "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. It's giving me much to consider and think about.

    One of the reasons I joined MFP was because people normally can exchange ideas and opinions about nutrition, fitness, and health without acting and sounding like a bunch of politicians. Let's all be respectful to one another's thoughts.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    The OP thread got hijacked into the battle of ages of how we lose weight:
    Calories In/Calories out = weigh loss, versus Carbs and sugar make you fat so eliminate/reduce them to = weight loss.

    They are both acceptable methods which work. For those who stay in the healthy lifestlye, they maintain their weight loss.
    If they log or know from experience what to eat to stay at their ideal weight, calories in/calorie sout works and they understand
    macros and how they can enjoy pizza and ice cream in their life.

    Those who hit their ideal weight and then stop tracking fall easily back into their old habits. They often easily gain their weight back. within 3-6 months. They are comfortable at their goal weight and think they're eating ok and have a grasp of it all.
    They slip back to eating the convenience/already made foods which are generally higher in carbs and sugars. They reach for the bag of pretzels instead of the bag of lettuce. They do dinner through the drive by and have a whopper over grilled chicken & green beans for supper.

    Carbs and sugar produce lots of fat in our body because of the spike in the body's sugar levels. The fat just gets stored.
    The body loves the sugar rush so we respond by eating the same kinds of foods that continually produce fat.

    People falling back into the pizza, pasta, ice cream pattern of life who are not tracking, easily put the fat right back onto and around their organs and body. They never learned that lean body mass does comes from eating low fat producing foods.

    I don't have all the answers but erickeesin has valid points that everyone should think about. I just started reading,
    "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. It's giving me much to consider and think about.

    One of the reasons I joined MFP was because people normally can exchange ideas and opinions about nutrition, fitness, and health without acting and sounding like a bunch of politicians. Let's all be respectful to one another's thoughts.
    Nope. You might need to study up on insulin and stop listening to zealots like Taubes
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Stop counting calories. Google "A calorie is not a calorie." If you are eating garbage, you will not lose weight, even if you are restricting calories.

    Avoid most "no-fat" and "low fat" foods. Fat doesn't make you fat. Carbs and sugar make you fat. You and most American have been misinformed by our government.

    Burn the USDA's "My Plate." The USDA is the Department of Agriculture, not the Department of Nutrition. It represents grain growers, not you.

    So don't eat any refined carbs - breads, pasta, breakfast cereals (pay no attention to the "heart healthy" and "good source of vitamins" labels), and rice.

    Don't eat any sugar - including all fruit juices and fruit yogurt. Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy. Repeat - Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy.

    Have an egg and cheese for breakfast (and a slice of bacon won't kill you), or plain Greek yogurt (the 2% tastes better than the 0%) and add berries (but not too many). The rest of the day eat fish, poultry, red meat, avocados and all vegetables (except corn and potatoes). Eat nuts (not peanuts) and sunflower seeds instead of chips, pretzels and all that other garbage for snacks.

    Avoid alcohol.

    You can eat fast food, but throw out the bun and don't order French fries.

    The weight will melt off you whether you exercise or not. However, exercise is great for your mind, body and sprit.

    Get a scale. Weigh yourself everyday.

    Once you hit your ideal weight, eat whatever you want, but keep weighing yourself. If you gain a few pounds, go back to what I told you to do and get back to that ideal weight.

    Try it for two weeks and see what happens. It can't hurt you.

    Good luck.
    This is bull. Weight loss is calories in/calories out.


    So say you take 100 people who need to lose weight. Divide them into two groups of 50. Both groups eat 2,000 calories a day.

    The first group eats donuts and bagels and orange juice for breakfast, and pasta for lunch and dinner, washed down with Coke and complimented with nacho chips.

    The second group has an egg and cheese or Greek Yogurt for breakfast, eats grilled chicken for lunch with avocado and lots of veggies for lunch, and fish with salad for dinner. No Coke. Snacks are almonds and cashews.

    So you would have to be a complete idiot to think that the bagel/donut group is going to have the same results as the fish/chicken group after a couple of weeks, wouldn't you? It's called common sense.


    1) strawman is strawman

    2) not having same results =/= not able to lose any weight eating some 'garbage' as you call it. You absolutely can.

    3) what negative health results do you have if you eat a yoplait yogurt?

    Also, carbs and sugar (btw, sugar is a carb) does not make you fat - eating more calories than you burn does.

    Also, please learn what a calorie is.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OP: when did you start exercising?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And please pay no attention to this logging nonsense. You can lose weight without logging. Just eat the good food and avoid the bad.

    Why are you even here?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Stop counting calories. Google "A calorie is not a calorie." If you are eating garbage, you will not lose weight, even if you are restricting calories.

    Avoid most "no-fat" and "low fat" foods. Fat doesn't make you fat. Carbs and sugar make you fat. You and most American have been misinformed by our government.

    Burn the USDA's "My Plate." The USDA is the Department of Agriculture, not the Department of Nutrition. It represents grain growers, not you.

    So don't eat any refined carbs - breads, pasta, breakfast cereals (pay no attention to the "heart healthy" and "good source of vitamins" labels), and rice.

    Don't eat any sugar - including all fruit juices and fruit yogurt. Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy. Repeat - Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy.

    Have an egg and cheese for breakfast (and a slice of bacon won't kill you), or plain Greek yogurt (the 2% tastes better than the 0%) and add berries (but not too many). The rest of the day eat fish, poultry, red meat, avocados and all vegetables (except corn and potatoes). Eat nuts (not peanuts) and sunflower seeds instead of chips, pretzels and all that other garbage for snacks.

    Avoid alcohol.

    You can eat fast food, but throw out the bun and don't order French fries.

    The weight will melt off you whether you exercise or not. However, exercise is great for your mind, body and sprit.

    Get a scale. Weigh yourself everyday.

    Once you hit your ideal weight, eat whatever you want, but keep weighing yourself. If you gain a few pounds, go back to what I told you to do and get back to that ideal weight.

    Try it for two weeks and see what happens. It can't hurt you.

    Good luck.
    This is bull. Weight loss is calories in/calories out.


    So say you take 100 people who need to lose weight. Divide them into two groups of 50. Both groups eat 2,000 calories a day.

    The first group eats donuts and bagels and orange juice for breakfast, and pasta for lunch and dinner, washed down with Coke and complimented with nacho chips.

    The second group has an egg and cheese or Greek Yogurt for breakfast, eats grilled chicken for lunch with avocado and lots of veggies for lunch, and fish with salad for dinner. No Coke. Snacks are almonds and cashews.

    So you would have to be a complete idiot to think that the bagel/donut group is going to have the same results as the fish/chicken group after a couple of weeks, wouldn't you? It's called common sense.


    Google "Moon landing a hoax." Just cause you can google it doesn't mean it's true. A K-state professor made the twinkie diet famous by eating only candy and twinkies and loss a considerable amount of weight. Now it harmed is health but that's not the question. He still lost weight by eating at a calorie deficit.

    Dude, you are living in the stone ages. I lost 20 pounds in four months doing what I recommend.

    I just got onto this site today, and it is a shame that is advocating such BS as calorie counting.

    And who the hell has the time and patience to count calories? And what happens if you reach your calorie limit for the day, and you are very hungry?

    You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that eating two 200-calorie sugar-laded, carb-laden donuts is not the same as eating 400 calories of grilled fish.

    What on earth are you doing on site where the main function is calorie counting?

    A lot of people have the time and patience.

    Who said that two donuts and grilled fish were the same thing?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    lol - no-where does it show that a calorie is not a calorie.

    What it does explain (although some of the claims are iffy and/or incorrect) is that not all calories are created equal - and I doubt anyone would argue with that.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member

    lol - no-where does it show that a calorie is not a calorie.

    What it does explain (although some of the claims are iffy and/or incorrect) is that not all calories are created equal - and I doubt anyone would argue with that.

    "A Calorie is not a Calorie"


    "It is true that all “calories” have the same amount of energy. One dietary Calorie contains 4184 Joules of energy. In that respect, a calorie IS a calorie."

    Except when it's a calorie...? This is mostly just tabloid article on nutrition, not on weight loss. The above quote is entirely irrelevant to calorie trackers because by default, moderation and responsibility for intake means we are finding ways to eat to sustain ourselves which include the "good" (oh barf, food morality) options and not just treats.

    It's not encouraging that calorie trackers should attempt lose weight eating your target calories worth of candy bars each day. It's just reiterating that, for weight loss, you could eat your calories in candy and still lose weight if you stay on track. As it is, most people here aren't that dumb because they don't enjoy being hungry all day for the sake of living off a vending machine menu. Eat whatever you want in moderation and lose weight.
  • bcanderson123456
    bcanderson123456 Posts: 45 Member
    Stop counting calories. Google "A calorie is not a calorie."

    If you are eating garbage, you will not lose weight, even if you are restricting calories.

    Avoid most "no-fat" and "low fat" foods. Fat doesn't make you fat. Carbs and sugar make you fat. You and most American have been misinformed by our government.

    Burn the USDA's "My Plate." The USDA is the Department of Agriculture, not the Department of Nutrition. It represents grain growers, not you.

    So don't eat any refined carbs - breads, pasta, breakfast cereals (pay no attention to the "heart healthy" and "good source of vitamins" labels), and rice.

    Don't eat any sugar - including all fruit juices and fruit yogurt. Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy. Repeat - Yoplait yogurt is unhealthy.

    Have an egg and cheese for breakfast (and a slice of bacon won't kill you), or plain Greek yogurt (the 2% tastes better than the 0%) and add berries (but not too many). The rest of the day eat fish, poultry, red meat, avocados and all vegetables (except corn and potatoes). Eat nuts (not peanuts) and sunflower seeds instead of chips, pretzels and all that other garbage for snacks.

    Avoid alcohol.

    You can eat fast food, but throw out the bun and don't order French fries.

    The weight will melt off you whether you exercise or not. However, exercise is great for your mind, body and sprit.

    Get a scale. Weigh yourself everyday.

    Once you hit your ideal weight, eat whatever you want, but keep weighing yourself. If you gain a few pounds, go back to what I told you to do and get back to that ideal weight.

    Try it for two weeks and see what happens. It can't hurt you.

    Good luck.

    You are so full of s.... carbs and sugars don't make you "fat". A calorie is a calorie. Cite a scientific study that proves what you say is true. Oh wait you can't because it doesn't exist. Quit giving people bad advice.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    And please pay no attention to this logging nonsense. You can lose weight without logging. Just eat the good food and avoid the bad.

    i guess you don't realize that sumo wrestlers get very big eating "good food and avoid[ing] the bad"?
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Hey feel free to message me if you want some friendly advice :) I hate posting on the discussion boards.