What food can't you stop eating once you start?



  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    also trader joes 3 layer hummus
  • glorie2013
    glorie2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, costco had samples of popcorn/carmel corn, so I bought a bag, and so far have eaten 2 cups, it is so good. I am hooked. How do I stop. Dinner is rolling in, so maybe I will forget about the popcorn. I flossed my teeth and drank a :explode: big glassof water. I hope this works.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Natural Confectionary Company jellies. I'm not sure what's in them, but its clearly too good to be legal! lol

    Milk chocolate can be difficult too, think its the sugar in it that its very difficult to stop at just a square. I usually eat dark chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa, and don't have any problem at all stopping at one square.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Honey roasted cashews are "serving size: 1 container" as far as I am concerned.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Lays potato chips and homemade onion dip. Yum!
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Potato chips

    This. Any chips. I never crave them (except flaming hot cheetos lol), but if they are here, I'll eat them. So my solution: sometimes I'll get the single serving packets or none at all. I prefer not to keep them in the house.
  • bangbangchoochootrain
    bangbangchoochootrain Posts: 118 Member
    French fries. If they're offered to me, it's almost physically impossible to turn down, ESPECIALLY McDonalds. I will be steering waaaay clear of that place for now.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Lately it's trail-mix. Really body? Really? Now I can't even feed you hiker fuel without you going all ravenous on me?
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Lay's original potato chips.

    I know I will eat the whole bag so I need to be prepared for that. Once every few months after I've had a craving for a solid 2 weeks I'll give in.
  • dancergirl1969
    Chocolate ice cream
  • theapphaniaa
    Ranch Doritos, French Fries, and Moose Tracks Ice Cream.
  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member
    I unfortunately have a few, which make me weak....CHEESE, PEANUT BUTTER, NUTS, AND CHIPS!!:sad:
  • CMarieVirginia
    Chinese Food
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
  • Sincerely_Brea
    Sincerely_Brea Posts: 8 Member
    ice cream.
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    Alcohol, though that's probably not a good thing to share XD One turns to 10 very easily.
  • Jenny45683
    Honey cashews are just too amazing, I feel disappointed just eating the recommended serving size. Any crisps especially doritos, mcoys and pringles. I still eat them but tend not to buy them too often. My favourite foods are savoury, I can usually eat a small amount of chocolate or ice-cream and be completely satisfied but crisps are something else. I weigh out a portion and then keep going back for more.
  • ImAnuk
    ImAnuk Posts: 6
    because you will die if you stopped..... lol ok but really some times we crave what were allergic they have also doen a stydy that shows how the brain literally changes its chemistry. dopimene d 3 is levels in the brain drop when you feel good, by eating a food you enjoy aor addicted to causes the dopimene d 3 level to drop. when you eat the food again yiu eat more because the dopimene level no longer is effected by the amount of comfort food you dont feel satisfied so you eat more and more as the level drops . another words your brain sends happy excited feelings to the body and every time you eat that comfort food the brain over time adjusts so you eat more to have that happy feeling and the dopimene level continues to drop .. this is a cycle and can be ended by avoiding the food you crave, obiously this doesnt apply to everyone some people crave spinach because their body needs iron or chlorophyll.
    you also may be dehyraded are you drinking half your body weight in oz? if you weighed 100 pounds you should drink 50 oz water min a day.

    also lok at this http://www.healthyonraw.com/the-science-and-nature-of-food-addiction/
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I could live in here...

  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    SUBWAY Cookies I can't pick them down I love cookies and chocolate bad!