Feeling like "screw it."



  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I allow myself a cheat day every 2-4 weeks where I can have pizza or Dairy Queen or something else I am craving. That way I don't end up sitting on the kitchen floor eating a large pizza every night for a week. It's crazy how many calories are in the foods that actually taste good.
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    Just remember why you are doing this. Why you want to reach your goal? Then that answer read it ever single day. From there you will start to notice that it will not be hard to get through these cravings. IMO

    Heh. What goal? I'm at maintenance. :ohwell:
  • DeWitch
    DeWitch Posts: 34 Member
    Every once in a while like today I just feel like gorging down everything in site and not stopping. I feel like not caring about my weight anymore, not caring if I gain, and just eat whatever the hell I'd like and how much I'd like.

    Anyone else feel like this sometimes?

    That is one of the reasons I really love the EODD
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    that is one reason I really enjoy the EODD

    EODD? What's that?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I have been here for 540 days straight, and to be perfectly honest, no, I don't get those feelings. I don't feel the compulsion to binge or "gorge" myself. Sometimes (2-3x/mo) I do eat at maintenance rather than at a caloric deficit, but my progress has been so promising that I find it difficult to stop the momentum.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Just remember why you are doing this. Why you want to reach your goal? Then that answer read it ever single day. From there you will start to notice that it will not be hard to get through these cravings. IMO

    Heh. What goal? I'm at maintenance. :ohwell:

    Your goal is to maintain. That is still a goal. Especially when you feel like throwing in the towel.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I'm there right now as well. I've been telling myself "that no matter how well i eat my weight isn't moving anyways." So now I'm up 2 pounds - lol. Told myself this morning that I'm back on it today. I know how to do this I really need to get my excuses under control.
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    I have been here for 540 days straight, and to be perfectly honest, no, I don't get those feelings. I don't feel the compulsion to binge or "gorge" myself. Sometimes (2-3x/mo) I do eat at maintenance rather than at a caloric deficit, but my progress has been so promising that I find it difficult to stop the momentum.

    Okay. Maybe I don't feel like binging or gorging. I've also been here a while. A year and a half to be exact. But I'm getting tired of watching what I eat all the time to maintain my weight. It feels like I'm on a "diet" forever. :ohwell: lifestyle change yes. But meeeh.
  • DeWitch
    DeWitch Posts: 34 Member
    that is one reason I really enjoy the EODD

    EODD? What's that?

    Every Other Day Diet
    Wonderful intermittent fasting/eating plan
    Fast Day = 500 calories - 1 meal lunch/brunch or dinner & 1 snack
    Feast Day = whatever you want to eat (within reason) I usually do 1500+/- calories
    I eat lots of healthy foods both days and I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water both days
    Have lost 15+/- pounds in 4 weeks
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    that is one reason I really enjoy the EODD

    EODD? What's that?

    Every Other Day Diet
    Wonderful intermittent fasting/eating plan
    Fast Day = 500 calories - 1 meal lunch/brunch or dinner & 1 snack
    Feast Day = whatever you want to eat (within reason) I usually do 1500+/- calories
    I eat lots of healthy foods both days and I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water both days
    Have lost 15+/- pounds in 4 weeks

    Oh yeah. I did 5:2 for a while. Sorry, blonde moment. :wink:

    But yeah feast day > WITHIN REASON....< That's my problem. I don't want to eat within reason anymore. I want to eat what I want when I want and how much ever I want and not ever worry about staying within reason. So yeah. But hey. Reality check. Lol
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Every once in a while like today I just feel like gorging down everything in site and not stopping. I feel like not caring about my weight anymore, not caring if I gain, and just eat whatever the hell I'd like and how much I'd like.

    Anyone else feel like this sometimes?

    But why?

    I don't know haha. You tell me. Me? Might be because I did this for all the wrong reasons from the beginning. I did it for other people and not for me. Even so, I do feel better about myself with my new look. It's very confusing. :ohwell:

    So do it! But plan it out. Ive done the same thing, but never had a plan so one cheat day easily turns into 10.

    Take a break for awhile, but have a plan to get back into it when you are feeling better about the whole meeeeeh thing?
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member


    Why? It's because I truly eat what I choose because I've built a way of eating for LIFE. it's not a diet or something I'm " doing" - it's simply my habits. No deprivation. It's a mindset and it's about not depriving yourself of enjoying your food.

    If you are feeling this way - do a gut check then a mindset check. Are you being too restrictive? Have you built a lifestyle plan that allows for treats ( treats vs food) in your life? Part of my plan was resistance training to build and maintain LBM which needs more calories. More cals means more breathing space to be less obsessive and restrictive. Always mindful, never obsessive. Mindfulness is that middle ground of obsessiveness /restriction and all out free for all.

    I'm finally at the mindset that THIS is my life and no food eaten in excess w/ abandon is worth it to me. Scoring single digit junior size cargo pants off the clearance rack is wayyy better than a bag of doughnuts and a cheesecake. One slice of cheesecake once in a while that I enjoy the hell out of every single bite is WAY better!

    Good luck !! Drill down and work on your lifestyle plan.

    Peace out.

    P.s. Just saw a " I love my food too much comment. LOL. Here you go! http://www.getwithitforlife.com/love-food-much/
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    that is one reason I really enjoy the EODD

    EODD? What's that?

    Every Other Day Diet
    Wonderful intermittent fasting/eating plan
    Fast Day = 500 calories - 1 meal lunch/brunch or dinner & 1 snack
    Feast Day = whatever you want to eat (within reason) I usually do 1500+/- calories
    I eat lots of healthy foods both days and I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water both days
    Have lost 15+/- pounds in 4 weeks

    This would lead me to binge.
    So not necessarily the best plan...

    Also, if you've been losing that fast and don't have a lot to lose aren't you concerned about the lean body mass you are letting go?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I have done that in the past and gained back all I lost. So I'm probably not going to do that now...

    Except for maybe once in a while when I need to just enjoy without thinking. Last night I did that - I had a delicious guacamole bacon burger from Red Robin followed by 2 scoops of ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery. I went WAY over my allotted calories for the day. I still logged it. In big red numbers it accused me, telling me I was almost 500 cals over.

    In the past I would have not logged it, and gotten up the next morning and known I hadn't logged the day before, so I would skip MFP today. Then tomorrow, then the next, and then before I knew it, I would be gaining 5 lbs back, 15lbs back, 20 lbs back.

    I will not do that anymore. I ate what I did last night, and do not regret it. I did not go over my weekly calorie total. Today is a new day, start of a new week. I'm refreshed and energized after my "splurge" last night and ready to go again being mindful of what I eat.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    That is exactly it, it's a daily battle. The struggle is real!!!
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    Ooooooh yes. In fact that's what made me fail last time (and the time before, and the time before).

    I don't know what changed, or how I've managed to avoid it this time.
  • 8helli
    8helli Posts: 4
    Hi Gypsy, I know how you feel...I've been there on and off over of my 10 years of being overweight!

    Please, don't "screw it". Why did you start your weight loss journey? Do you still have the same reasons / goals? Are they realistic?

    What types of foods are you eating?

    Many times of my past 'attempts' at weight loss I thought I was eating more healthfully, and I was, but I didn't cut out pop and some processed foods that I Thought were healthy.

    This time I feel great! I am eating lots of fresh fruits and vegies and whole grains and fat free dairy. I don't crave any of the 'yuck' I use to. And I am doing a lot of strength training and already see my body shrinking in my hips, legs. arms. 'They' say cardio is a huge part to losing weight...do something fun!

    Please make this your last BIG hurdle and focus on your goals and reasons to reach for them! Do it for the 'Health' of it!

    I've only lost 3 lbs so far, but I am feeling muscles that are forming and I am happy about that!

    Let me know how you are doing!
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162


    Why? It's because I truly eat what I choose because I've built a way of eating for LIFE. it's not a diet or something I'm " doing" - it's simply my habits. No deprivation. It's a mindset and it's about not depriving yourself of enjoying your food.

    If you are feeling this way - do a gut check then a mindset check. Are you being too restrictive? Have you built a lifestyle plan that allows for treats ( treats vs food) in your life? Part of my plan was resistance training to build and maintain LBM which needs more calories. More cals means more breathing space to be less obsessive and restrictive. Always mindful, never obsessive. Mindfulness is that middle ground of obsessiveness /restriction and all out free for all.

    I'm finally at the mindset that THIS is my life and no food eaten in excess w/ abandon is worth it to me. Scoring single digit junior size cargo pants off the clearance rack is wayyy better than a bag of doughnuts and a cheesecake. One slice of cheesecake once in a while that I enjoy the hell out of every single bite is WAY better!

    Good luck !! Drill down and work on your lifestyle plan.

    Peace out.

    P.s. Just saw a " I love my food too much comment. LOL. Here you go! http://www.getwithitforlife.com/love-food-much/

    I want to just eat candy and cake everyday for the rest of my life. Lol
  • 8helli
    8helli Posts: 4
    Maybe you are building more muscle than you realize...muscle weighs more than fat and you look kinda buff in your profile pic!
  • 8helli
    8helli Posts: 4
    Just saying...not flirting. LOL