is fruit bad?

Hi everyone! Been on this journey awhile but keep falling off the wagon. This time I have a bestie tattoo and a trip to Cancun to look forward to as a reward so I'm a bit more motivated! Lol. My best friend and I are doing this together and disagree on several points. She wants to go the no-carb route while I prefer the clean eating, low calorie approach which I feel is more if a lifestyle than a diet (how I see low carb). So I bought lots of fruits and veggies. She says fruits are bad... Too much sugar. What do y'all think? I think fruits are great as a snack or a treat or in a smoothie with spinach and Greek yogurt. I'm not trying to diet, I'm trying to change my whole perspective on food and eating!


  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    Nothing wrong with fruit. There's a bazillion articles out there as to the science why eating an apple isn't as 'omg sugar' as eating a bag of sweets but I can't remember it all now. You need sugar. You also need carbs. She'll probably feel crap and quit before you do :)
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    I look at it like this--If I'm going to stay away from processed sweets, I'm going to have fruit to replace it! END OF STORY:laugh:

    I'm sure if fruit were the only thing you eat, then you'd have some issues, but incorporating it into your daily balanced diet- it is wonderful!

    Eat On:happy:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you are basically both wrong.
    She wants to go the no-carb route while I prefer the clean eating, low calorie approach which I feel is more if a lifestyle than a diet (how I see low carb).

    Eliminating food groups, specific types of foods is not required...

    Clean eating...too fuzzy of a definition..and define "low calorie"...

    Eating all foods in moderation in a reasonable calorie deficit is what is required to lose weight.

    Oh and since you are a diabetic you actually have a reason to watch your sugars...might want to consider that when you are ingesting the natural ones as well.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Fruit most def. isn't bad - I eat a banana & white grapes everyday with my lunch and have managed to lose 49lbs over the course of my weight loss, roughly 9.5 months.

    That being said, your sugar goal will show over if you eat just the bare minimum amount of fruit (as I have noticed in my journal) because of the natural sugars in the fruit.

    But honestly it's a nice treat to have instead of loading up on candy, cakes, brownies, ice cream, etc.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    If fruit was bad it wouldn't be recommended in the food guide...
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Only blackberries. I hate those damned seeds.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    If fruit was bad it wouldn't be recommended in the food guide...

    What food guide?

    I should probably take a look at this thing.
  • meltoine
    meltoine Posts: 46 Member
    No, fruit is not bad. As long as everything you eat fits within your calorie allowance you will lose weight.

    Yes, fruit has sugar. The good thing about the sugar in fruit is that it's contained within fiber, so your body has to digest the fiber first, before it gets to the sugar. The prevents the high and crash that you get from processed, sugary foods that do not have the fiber content.
  • jwchappel
    jwchappel Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a low carb guy. Fruit causes insulin response which causes fat storage and hunger. Granted fruit is better than a cookie but it can still slow down weight loss.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Fruit is not bad, and even a lot of the low carb'ers can't agree on this. Because there is so much healthy fibre in fruit some of the low carb folks say its ok because they say it should go through your system faster. I do try and limit my fruit intake to max 2-3 servings a day but thats more just to force me to eat veggies cuz I don't like them as much haha. Fruit is higher in calories (and carbs) though so you will be able to have less fruit than veggies.

    I've done clean eating and low carb and low carb sent me into a binging spiral that lasted 6 months. I'm back on the clean eating and couldn't be happier. I agree with you, its definitely more of a liveable lifestyle.
  • TLJackson
    TLJackson Posts: 7 Member
    Guess I should have been a bit clearer. I didn't really mean BAD. I know fruit isn't bad and unless a food is so highly processed as to be nearly unrecognizable as food, I don't usually call food bad. I was really thinking more of does it hinder in weight loss or are the sugars in fruit considered bad when trying to lose weight. Of course as a diabetic I realize I need to watch my consumption, but I've lowered my A1C 5 points in less than a year so not really concerned about that.

    My current calorie goal is 1500 but I'm wondering if that's too low. I'm 5'2 and my current weight is 218. I want to lose weight but in a healthy and sustainable way!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I know fruit isn't bad and unless a food is so highly processed as to be nearly unrecognizable as food, I don't usually call food bad.
    You mean something like protein powder? :wink:

    I'm 6' 9" and 288 and my goal is 1700. 1500 doesn't seem low to me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't to you. Other than medical issues, sugar isn't going to slow down weight loss any more than any other calories.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Guess I should have been a bit clearer. I didn't really mean BAD. I know fruit isn't bad and unless a food is so highly processed as to be nearly unrecognizable as food, I don't usually call food bad. I was really thinking more of does it hinder in weight loss or are the sugars in fruit considered bad when trying to lose weight. Of course as a diabetic I realize I need to watch my consumption, but I've lowered my A1C 5 points in less than a year so not really concerned about that.

    My current calorie goal is 1500 but I'm wondering if that's too low. I'm 5'2 and my current weight is 218. I want to lose weight but in a healthy and sustainable way!

    That depends on a whole lot of 5 ft 7 I lost on 1750 and I was aiming for about worked well for me as I lost on average 3/4lb a week.

    You could probably eat a bit more and if you exercise make sure you eat some of them back...but if it's working for you I say stick with it.

    @DeguelloTex yours is probably way too low...esp since you have about 60lbs left to lose.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    No, fruit is not bad.

    What is bad is labeling food "good or bad"


    ETA: fix photo
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    @DeguelloTex yours is probably way too low...esp since you have about 60lbs left to lose.
    Why so? (Other than a paste of the "If you have X pounds to lose then Y per week" thing.)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My current calorie goal is 1500 but I'm wondering if that's too low. I'm 5'2 and my current weight is 218. I want to lose weight but in a healthy and sustainable way!

    Fruit doesn't hinder weight loss unless you eat so much that you go over your calories or possibly if one find that eating low carb suppresses the appetite and fruit like other carbs messes with that. I'm not sure if the latter is a realistic possibility, however, since I have never bothered with low carb. For me fruit is quite satiating (and tasty), so I'm reasonably sure that it's helped me lose rather than the opposite.

    I started at 5'3 and 220, and was eating 1250. I also ate back exercise calories, though. I am much more active now (at 160) and eat 1400 + some exercise calories (I consider walking as part of daily activity and I only eat back exercise calories after I meet my daily activity goals, but I make sure I do).

    I'm not recommending that people start as low as I did--it just happened to work for me at the time--but I don't think 1500 is likely to be too low unless you are exercising significantly and not eating it back. On the other hand, you might be able to lose on more, so if you want to experiment that wouldn't hurt. People often suggest that if you start low you are stuck there, and that's not been my experience, since if you start with lots to lose you quite often get more active, which counteracts the fact that you will need fewer calories to lose at lower weights, all else equal. All else is not equal.