PiYo anyone??



  • I'm in. I've been looking at this for awhile and trying to convince myself to give it a shot. I am currently doing 30ds every other day and doing c25k on the other days, so not sure where I'd fit it in. I'd love to add flexibility and toning to my routine though and it looks really fun!
  • kershaann
    kershaann Posts: 1,824 Member
    I just got mine about a week ago. Can't wait to start it. I have a month left of my Turbofire, then will be starting Piyo!
  • tblackwell1234
    tblackwell1234 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm loving my PiYo :) Feel free to Friend me or let me know if you don't have a BB coach yet. Hugs!
  • pinkzinnia716
    pinkzinnia716 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    Just wondering how everyone's doing with PiYo? I had two great weeks of it and was down four pounds -- then I had an insanely stressful week and was at my desk 12-14 hours/day and it was all I could do to get dog walks in...and, of course, I ate at my desk and essentially ate anything that wasn't glued to my desk...so with no PiYo and bad stress-snacks, I'm up to where I started from.

    Today's a new day, though, and I'm back in the game...doubling up my PiYo's to catch up, too. I have to say, I was feeling really great after the first couple of weeks -- stronger, calmer, more flexible, more confident. I look forward to getting there again!
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    What is PiYo? Very interested to know. Thank you.
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I'm interested in the group although I plan on starting Body Revolution next but that could change if there was a PiYo challenge group.
  • sstermole
    sstermole Posts: 37 Member
    PiYo is a combination of Pilates and Yoga, but at a faster speed so as to get in cardio too. It's a great workout! Chalene Johnson is a fantastic instructor!
  • Wrightamber19
    Wrightamber19 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just started PiYo tonight. I need to lose about 70 lbs so I needed something low impact to start with. I'm excited to find a group to share this topic with. Please friend me if anyone needs extra encouragement, I know I do.
  • achampan
    achampan Posts: 5 Member
    PiYo is a high intensity, low impact workout inspired by both pliates and yoga. The workouts range from 25-45 minutes and while you will FEEL IT and you WILL SWEAT you won't be completely worn out when the workout ends. It's a great program if you're looking for weight loss PLUS strength and flexibility training! Being a certified PiYo LIVE instructor and BB Coach I'm happy to answer any additional questions you may have about PiYo :smile: I've done several BB programs and this is my favorite!
  • LizStarkk
    LizStarkk Posts: 1
    I just started PiYo about a week and a half ago! I'm doing it along with Insanity. PiYo is super fun! I have a challenge group on Facebook, if anyone is willing to join! We love to encourage each other a lot! What I personally like about PiYo is that I am paying so much attention to Chalene that the time passes by! I get a workout and it's fun :)
  • I just started PiYo last week (and got back on track with eating clean and tracking on MFP). Lost 3.2 pounds in my first week! I had a baby 4 months ago and am soooo out of shape. This workout is great and really makes me sweat and work for it. I have to do the modifiers sometimes because I just do not have the strength and flexibility yet, but I will get there! I think this will really help my core strength, which is like nonexistent after having a baby. I did turbo fire last year, before I got pregnant, and liked it, but wanted something different this time. I'm not a fan of 50 min long pure cardio sessions anymore, I just like this type of workout better, where I am definitely breathing heavy and sweating, but not jumping around hurting my joints.
  • amca44057
    amca44057 Posts: 1
    Taking my second PiYo class tonight and I love it. I've never sweated so much. I you don't think you can do it, you can! I just started last week at 296 pounds and bad knees. I won't lie, I hurt everywhere and my knees hurt, but I'm folding two bath towels and kneeling on them to help. I just don't know how many calories you burn doing it. Also, how do I put my weight loss in MyFitnessPal? I can't seen to find it anywhere? Thanks
  • leilanitalexander
    leilanitalexander Posts: 1 Member
    I'm interested in joining a group! How do I sign up?? I'm training for my first full marathon and I think this would be a good complement to my running. Thanks so much and I'm very excited!!
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    I'd like to join this group as well! I've been doing PiYO for 20 min every other day and it's great. I can only do 20min at a time before I am soaked with sweat and my body is shaking. I'm new to the exercise thing. So jealous of all you gals who say it isn't enough!!! LOL! I'll get there one day. I don't want to step on any BeachBody coaches here but there are youtube videos of PiYO classes online. I watch these as I can't afford to purchase it. They definitely work my body out as I've said. I look forward to getting fitter, stronger, more flexible, and gaining more balance! I have the hardest time standing on my right leg! My left is better, difficult but I can do it. My right is a BIG struggle. I'll get there though!
  • Dvh72
    Dvh72 Posts: 1
    I should be receiving my PiYo DVDs tomorrow! I'd love to join this group! I'm also a runner. Well, I've been running fo almost 3 months.
  • If anyone is looking to join a challange group message me at www.facebook.com/ShakeitUpWithSuzanne
  • If anyone is looking to join a challange group message me at www.facebook.com/ShakeitUpWithSuzanne
  • Has PiYo helped with your running? I am a new runner and i also want to start PiYo.
  • LaVie13
    LaVie13 Posts: 143 Member
    I ordered piyo and it should be here soon. what are your all thoughts or suggestions when first starting this program?
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    Liking it so far! Day 3 tonight. I'll be running at the gym M/W/F too... I'm excited to see the changes in my running and weight loss.