Feeling like "screw it."



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Every once in a while like today I just feel like gorging down everything in site and not stopping. I feel like not caring about my weight anymore, not caring if I gain, and just eat whatever the hell I'd like and how much I'd like.

    Anyone else feel like this sometimes?

    I get this way on the days I don't preplan my day. I find that planning out your meals and snacks for the day including how many glasses of water you will be drinking helps me a lot. I write it in my journal and log it on here then I just put a check mark next to it when its in my stomach. Keeps it easy for me. I go way over caloreis and don't seem to feel satisfied when I just eat like nothing has calories or consequences. Just plan yummy snacks and meals. We all get this way sometimes. Push through it. YOur life and healthy depends on it.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    P.s. Just saw a " I love my food too much comment. LOL. Here you go! http://www.domainremoved.com/love-food-much/
    Two things I got from the article above...
    1. There are tater tot bars? Where? I'm missing out.
    2. Poster is selling something.
  • ShannonS921
    ShannonS921 Posts: 194
    Yes, I feel that way a lot. But, as this is the beginning (again) of this journey for me I try not to act on it...because I know it could lead to giving up entirely, which I have done too many times already. I do think that once you've been on this path for a while that it's ok to have a day of *kitten*-it eating, but only if you're able to get yourself right back on track the next day.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I guess some days I just feel like eating an entire tub of ice cream and not feeling an ounce of guilt for it. And those days happen to be every second or third day these days. I want to feed my inner child not my body :laugh:

    I felt that way after I got to my first goal. Stayed in maintenance for a bit, and still felt that way. It was worse, because I was hungry all the time while I was adjusting to the higher calories. Decided to do a short bulk as a break - it was really nice eating more, and for a good reason. It was enough of a break that I didn't have any trouble going back to cutting (until now - I started running, which makes me hungry and causes water retention so my cut has stalled for the last several weeks).

    If you're willing to put some work in with weights, you can eat more and improve yourself at the same time. Even a short bulk takes months. Might give you enough of a break to get over this feeling?
  • patriciapowerswilliamson
    I do and yesterday, I did nothing. I still logged calories but I didn't care. I am so frustrated. Being over 50 is a horrible time to try to lose 20 pounds. I am eating less, weighing and measuring everything yet my metabolism just isn't working.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I'm actually feeling like this now. The calorie counting is driving me a little nuts, and I haven't lost anything in almost 2 weeks. I know it isn't that long, but OMG! It FEELS long when you're ALWAYS hungry. :sad:
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    All the time. And I never tell myself no, I just tell myself I have to eat my snacks, tub of icecream ect in front of a mirror. Very humbling and usually I put it back. Sometimes the calories are worth it sometimes not so much. Every day I want to give up but where the hell has that gotten me so far? Surely not where I want to be.
  • Conlestelle
    I feel like this a lot, I'm a female and around that time of the month its so hard. I have lost 30 pounds, but now I cant get the weight off and its so frustrating, there's barely any healthy food in my house and I can't go buy my own. I'm ready to stop counting calories because I will eat ice cream almost all week and lose 2 pounds, but then I try to stop and I gain 3. I'm just about done counting and I don't want to count. At this point I don't know what to do.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    For SURE. I'm studying for the LSAT right now and I feel like this a lot.
    And also, at that time of the month, of course.
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    I feel that way on a weekly basis. Sometimes I give in and sometimes I don't. Sometimes you just need a **** it day or else everything just gets so mundane and routine. Dieting and exercise can get real old, real quick. Sometimes I feel weighed down by having to think about it all the time....
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    Every once in a while like today I just feel like gorging down everything in site and not stopping. I feel like not caring about my weight anymore, not caring if I gain, and just eat whatever the hell I'd like and how much I'd like.

    Anyone else feel like this sometimes?
    That would be a bit daft wouldn't it, after all the hard work. Congrats on maintaining. Instead of binging, go out and treat yourself, NOT chocolates! etc. Depending on what you can afford, flowers to put on your table, a new shirt in your new size, nails done etc. Good luck.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Yup. That's why I'm here. I felt that way for 10 years and gained back a good portion of the 70 pounds I had lost. I got fat again by doing that and now have to lose it all over again.
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    Every once in a while like today I just feel like gorging down everything in site and not stopping. I feel like not caring about my weight anymore, not caring if I gain, and just eat whatever the hell I'd like and how much I'd like.

    Anyone else feel like this sometimes?

    Yes. Most days.
    I took a 2 month break from logging my food, and it was really a stress relief for me. May not be for everyone but something to consider.

    This ^^^^. I took two months off and gained seven pounds. It's a tough pill to swallow, stepping on the scale again. But I really do think I needed that release, and that freedom for those eight weeks. Mental health is important too.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I recently had mouth surgery and was forced to eat soft-only foods. Unfortunately, most of that stuff consisted of carby things that pack on pounds. (Think mashed potatoes, pudding, etc.)

    I put back on 9 pounds in the course of 2 weeks. And when I went back to the gym for the first time after the surgery, my entire body HURT - it was like I'd started all over again! I was shocked.

    It only took 2 weeks for me to "undo" nearly a year and a half of progress (at least, exercise-wise). So ... I just worked out that much harder and started over again. I'm back on track now, but it was like having cold water thrown over me. Even 2 weeks without being on plan is a bad, bad thing for me.

    One day, no big deal. But more than that and.... well, you know.
  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    I think everyone goes trough that while on this journey. I think what is key when you feel this way is to stop...and ask yourself...why are you doing this? The real motivator for me is when I can get through that moment by NOT giving in. I will stand in front of the mirror and give myself a pep talk. I CAN do this.....I am doing this for ME and no one else.

    Your family and friends will love you no matter what you do...so the real motivation is doing it for yourself. If you can get replace that negative voice in your head with one that tells you that YOU are worth the struggle and you will WIN the fight.....it will happen.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    I really feel like this new.

    The first lbs went off easily, but the last vanity pounds are just...stuck. As I'm not big now my TDEE is low and I've been on 1200-1300 calories the past week, plus been walking a lot.

    Today: 200 grams lighter - less than half a pound.

    The scale might as well not be moving at all. I feel hopeless and just ate a Milky Way.o
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    Okay so I feel a bit better. I had my ice cream. Not the whole 2litre tub, but a good quarter of it :blushing:

    Now there's another problem. I'm struggling with the idea of whether or not I should or should not count. I posted a post yesterday saying that I want my intuitive eating back, and now I want to count again. :-/

    I'm having some trouble making up my mind. How can I not obsess over food if I'm counting??... :ohwell:
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162

    Adding - I've tried quitting counting quite a few times...and I ALWAYS come back before ever giving the other strategy enough time.

    Feels like I'm tied to it. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Work your favorites into your diet.

    I'm having a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich for dinner... :tongue:

    Channeling Elvis? :laugh:
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    Work your favorites into your diet.

    I'm having a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich for dinner... :tongue:

    Channeling Elvis? :laugh:

    Lol! Nah, I like my bacon with eggs and ketchup :wink: