Calling all 5"3' ladies



  • mscleo1115
    mscleo1115 Posts: 42 Member
    Bumping for later
  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    Height (if not 5'3"): 5ft 2 and a half :P
    Age: 24
    Starting weight: 148
    Current weight: 112
    Goal weight: i dunno... not bothered about losing much more really. Be happy staying within a 5lb either side range
    How many calories do you eat a day? : 1400-2000+ (more atm because i'm on holiday)
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? : Generally eat back a percentage
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? : No, I fit 'cheats' in daily... but don't like to see them as 'cheats'- just a part of life (i'm not going to give up ice cream forever so why should i while I'm cutting calories?)
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? : Depends... anywhere from 150 to (rarely) 1000+
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? : Probably go to the gym once or twice a week, usually do some running and some weights while there. Also go rollerskating and (recently) climbing weekly with some cycling mixed in there. I walk anywhere that's less than like 3 miles. Try to get 4-5 days a week where I'm doing a reasonable amount of exercise
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? 6 months
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    Age: 38
    Starting weight: 165 (12/28/14), my original SW was 172 but didn't stick with it for a long time
    Current weight: 138
    Goal weight: 130, but will likely go a little lower. Really only concerned about reducing fat % and increasing muscle mass now.
    How many calories do you eat a day? I first started at 1700 to ease in, and then I did 1400 for about 6 months. Today is my firrst day upping that to 1540
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? ALWAYS, unless I've just had the occasional day with great food choices and I just can't eat more without really forcing it.
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? I didn't log or diet at all on Sundays for a long time, but once I started my progress did become more consistent. I don't believe in "cheat" anything. If I really want something, I have it.
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? About 700-800 on week mornings, 1500-2000+ on Saturdays and other days off
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I bicycle 5-6 times a week, and I supplement with weights at home
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? Today makes exactly 7 months, and I've lost 27 lbs.

    Being in a hurry is the surest way to fail, and there are no shortcuts. Make gradual changes that you can stick with, and before you know it you will have made big changes and see real progress that isn't likely to be lost when you "stop dieting". Find physical activities that you love doing, and it will be so much easier.
  • Yakelmeyer
    Yakelmeyer Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 26
    Starting weight: 140
    Current weight: 124
    Goal weight: 115-120
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1200-2000
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? Somewhat. I keep a close eye on my fitbit one which calculates my total burn. I try to stay in at least a 500 calorie deficit which includes the calories burned during workouts and from just being a human.
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? I try to balance all "cheats" or "treats" as I call them with a day where I have been very active. On days when I do not come up under my calorie limit, I accept it, analyze the day, look at where I could have made improvements (portion control, one less beer, not finishing an unsatisfactory meal, etc) and use remember what I learned for next time I face treats or temptations - often they go hand in hand since it is very easy to overindulge.
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 350ish (100-500 calories per workout)
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I workout 1-3 times a day and choose a single, low impact workout for rest days. Yoga (all types), Les Mills classes (body combat, body pump cxworx, etc), Pilates, Zumba, running, cycling outdoors, hikes, walks, weight lifting, elliptical, swimming. The more types of exercise, the better.
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? Since about March 2014.

    I have hit a couple of plateaus. Instead of feeling discouraged, I remind myself of how far I've come, how hard I work, and just because a number stays the same, my lifestyle isn't. My relationship with my body is more complicated than a number. I keep up my hard work and eventually the plateau drops. Now, I'm in a plateau but believe I'm building some serious muscle and the fat it is replacing weighs less. I feel better every day despite the stagnant number; I feel stronger, healthier, I look better and slimmer than ever before and it is empowering.

    *edited to add swimming :glasses:
  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    Height: 5'3
    Age: 18
    Starting weight: 120
    Current weight: 112
    Goal weight: 100
    How many calories do you eat a day? it varies greatly, but usually around 800
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? no
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? yes, but only on special occasions
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? around 200
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? mostly cardio like biking, walking, swimming every day as well as hot yoga once every two weeks
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? I started my weightloss journey in May 2013 and weighed 120 pounds. By September 2013 I had dropped down to 100 pounds. My weight fluctuated anywhere between 98 and 104 pounds until March 2014 when I began gaining weight again. I've maintained between 110-115 since May 2014 but hope to get back down to 100 pounds

    So much about this is unhealthy and scary. Please see a doctor.
  • Yakelmeyer
    Yakelmeyer Posts: 49 Member
    Being in a hurry is the surest way to fail, and there are no shortcuts. Make gradual changes that you can stick with, and before you know it you will have made big changes and see real progress that isn't likely to be lost when you "stop dieting". Find physical activities that you love doing, and it will be so much easier.

    This is great advice!
  • nicnz
    nicnz Posts: 159 Member
    It's interesting to see the goals of those similar in height :)

    Height (if not 5'3"): 5"4
    Age: 29
    Starting weight: 83kg/182lbs (ish - before MFP)
    Current weight: 61.7kg/136lbs
    Goal weight: 60kg
    How many calories do you eat a day? around 5,100 kj (1220 cal)
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? yes, most times I do, but try keep it under half.
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? I try and allow for a small treat, like piece or 2 of dark choc most days, i find it satisfies my cravings for sweet things instead of a large dessert for example.
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? It varies day to day, anywhere between 1,500 - 3,000
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? Cardio (spin/zumba/other dance) 5x per week, and a weekly weights and yoga classes. Most classes are an hour. Allow 2 days per week break.
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? hmmm... must be at least 2 years now, didn't record exactly when started,
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Height: I was 5'2" and after 2 pregnancies (now 3) apparently I'm 5'3"
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 157 (full term pregnant with #3)
    Current weight: 138 (2 months postpartum now)
    Goal weight: 125 (135 is my prepregnancy weight)
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1700-2000 (breastfeeding)
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? Nope. I pondered this aloud to my husband and he asked why on earth I would want to lose weight slower...
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? Yeah, holidays. And it keeps giving me set backs (4th of July weekend I gained 3 lbs - some salt - and took me a week to lose again)
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 160 ish
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I have recently started 30 day shred (I've done 8 days over the last 10 days). So I'm trying to do daily but have missed 2. Normally I just walk with the kids. My goal is 7,500-10,000 steps a day every day.
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? I'm probably losing about 0.5 lbs a week on average (see holidays and weekends as sabotage). I would like to lose faster (who wouldn't?) but I use breastfeeding as an excuse to not cut calories too much.

    Feel free to add me whoever. I am easily discouraged but would really like to get to goal someday. And someday sooner than later.
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    Being in a hurry is the surest way to fail, and there are no shortcuts. Make gradual changes that you can stick with, and before you know it you will have made big changes and see real progress that isn't likely to be lost when you "stop dieting". Find physical activities that you love doing, and it will be so much easier.

    This is great advice!

    Yes it is! I just need to *digest* it and keep in my mind. This is exactly what I'm seeing a councilor for, because (thank God) I'm at least smart enough to realize that, sometimes, issues with food have nothing to do with food at all. In my case, it's all about control. :blushing:
  • so many motivational ladies on here! keep up the good work shorties :wink:
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Height (if not 5'3"): 5'3"
    Age: 34
    Starting weight: 270
    Current weight: 177
    Goal weight: 150 to start
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1800
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? I use the TDEE method, however if one eats back their exercise calories its not much different, so yes if I did it that way I would.
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? Yes, mine turn into cheats day(s) though lol
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 400-500 for an hour
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I current JUST switched to a new gym a few days ago, but was doing HIIT before for most of my journey
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? I started in January 2013, however there are times in there that I have "cheated" for longer periods of time. The one thing I do like about it taking longer is that I don't have loose skin, so I guess take the good with the bad!


    edited as I forgot to say how often I workout, and it is 4-5 times per week
  • Height: 5'3
    Age: 18
    Starting weight: 120
    Current weight: 112
    Goal weight: 100
    How many calories do you eat a day? it varies greatly, but usually around 800
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? no
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? yes, but only on special occasions
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? around 200
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? mostly cardio like biking, walking, swimming every day as well as hot yoga once every two weeks
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? I started my weightloss journey in May 2013 and weighed 120 pounds. By September 2013 I had dropped down to 100 pounds. My weight fluctuated anywhere between 98 and 104 pounds until March 2014 when I began gaining weight again. I've maintained between 110-115 since May 2014 but hope to get back down to 100 pounds

    So much about this is unhealthy and scary. Please see a doctor.
    I have been struggling with anorexia for over a year now and am seeing both a doctor and a psychologist
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Height (5'3"):
    Age: 45
    Starting weight: 125
    Current weight: 112
    Goal weight: 112
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1500
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? No
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? Cheat meal on occasion, but I believe in flexibility so you don't binge.
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 1500-2000
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? Heavy weights 3 times a week and cardio 4-5 times a week
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? Took me 3 months
  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    Height: 5'3
    Age: 18
    Starting weight: 120
    Current weight: 112
    Goal weight: 100
    How many calories do you eat a day? it varies greatly, but usually around 800
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? no
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? yes, but only on special occasions
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? around 200
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? mostly cardio like biking, walking, swimming every day as well as hot yoga once every two weeks
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? I started my weightloss journey in May 2013 and weighed 120 pounds. By September 2013 I had dropped down to 100 pounds. My weight fluctuated anywhere between 98 and 104 pounds until March 2014 when I began gaining weight again. I've maintained between 110-115 since May 2014 but hope to get back down to 100 pounds

    So much about this is unhealthy and scary. Please see a doctor.
    I have been struggling with anorexia for over a year now and am seeing both a doctor and a psychologist

    That's good but it seems like actively trying to lose more weight is not the way to go...
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    Age: 44
    SW: 172lb
    Lowest Weight: 118lb
    CW: 135lb
    GW: 120lb
    Usually eat around 1300-1400 calories per day

    Eat back around half of my exercise calories if I eat them back at all....don't very often

    Have cheat meals and/or cheat days now and then

    HRM watch usually says that I burn anywhere between 250-350 calories, depending on the exercise but I don't trust it so I only enter about half of what it says

    Usually work out about 5-6 days per week - Brazil Butt Life, P90x, Chalean Extreme, biking, walking - 30-60 minutes depending on workout

    It took me from Jan 2012 to February 2013 to get from 172lb to 118lb - started lifting in June 2013 and the pounds have gone back on since then...was about 122lb in June 2013 and now I'm 135lb....wanting to get back down to 120lb
  • eeriesilence
    eeriesilence Posts: 73 Member
    Age: 21
    Starting weight: 188
    Current weight: 160
    Goal weight: 115
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1,000-1,200
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? Depends on if it's a "gym" day (I eat at least half back) or a "walk" day (no).
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? Only special occasions. (Birthdays, parties).
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? Depends. 250-850
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I go to the gym 3-4x a week, and I go on the Arc Trainer/Treadmill, and do weight training (which I don't log). I go for 1-2 hour walks on my "off-gym" days.
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? About three and a half months.

    Just hit a plateau, I'm trying to switch things up, so this thread has given me some ideas, cheers!
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Height (if not 5'3"): 5'3"

    Age: 29

    Starting weight: 220

    Current weight: 157

    Goal weight: 140-120 I have a feeling once I get to my current goal of 140, I'll want to go lower. I'm honestly fairly happy with the way I look now, I just want to loose a couple wobbly parts here and there.

    How many calories do you eat a day? 1100 to 2000. I loose the most when I eat around 1500 cals/day.

    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? Not really. I mostly eat if I'm hungry and it's likely I'm more hungry if I went for a long run, but I don't base my consumption on how much I've exercised.

    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? Not really, but I'm not always eating 'ideally.' 'Cheat days' make me feel guilty (and will often cause me to go overboard), while eating a cookie and not calling it 'cheating', does not. I like looking at all my food in a happy/healthy type of way.

    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? I'm not sure. Probably around 500.

    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I run 30-90 minutes 5-7 days a week. I want to start weight lifting.

    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? A couple years. I haven't gone up, just down at different rates.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Height (if not 5'3"): 5'2.5
    Age: 23
    Starting weight: 140
    Current weight: 115
    Goal weight: 105
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1200
    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? Try to avoid it
    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? Saturday is my cheat day but I think I need to change to to a cheat meal because it's really starting to hinder my progress
    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 350
    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? Used to just be HIIT cardio.. stepper, stairmaster, elliptical, rower etc + ab exercises but I've recently started to go to more classes like metafit. 5x a week
    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? a year and a half but I'll admit I haven't been giving it 100% the entire time.
  • gd09
    gd09 Posts: 9 Member
    Height (if not 5'3"): 5'3

    Age: 22

    Starting weight: 156ish

    Current weight: 148

    Goal weight: I thought around 120, but concentrating more on 'physical' results now

    How many calories do you eat a day? Varies day to day, but 1200 as a base to work from and my minimum.

    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? Some days ill have to depending on my workout but never 100%

    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? I try and work foods i like into my diet as much as poss first, then if all else fails ill write that day off, but its not common.

    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 400-1000 cals.

    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? I am doing Insanity by Shaun T.

    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? More recently about 3 weeks...
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    Height (if not 5'3"): 5' 3.5"

    Age: 57

    Starting weight: 184.8 on may 1, 242 in 2006 (so depends on which you consider my starting date)

    Current weight: 165

    Goal weight: 145

    How many calories do you eat a day? 1200 net

    Do you eat back "exercise calories"? some, if i'm hungry i eat some protein

    Do you allow yourself a cheat meal or cheat day? once a week i have a larger meal, but i skip the next one so i don't go over my daily calories.

    On average, how many calories do you burn per workout? 140 to 450 depending on what i'm doing.

    What kind of workouts are you doing? How frequently? 3 resistance days (barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands) and abs workouts per week, 3 cardio days per week. cardio is mostly walking briskly or exercise bike.

    How long has it taken you to lose your weight so far? again, depends. i slowly went from 242 to 192 over several years, from 192 to 184.8 in a year and a half. since may 1 of this year i have gone from 184.8 to 165 as i decided to change my lifestyle.