50 lbs or more to lose?



  • singlemom73
    singlemom73 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on your amazing success!!! I started off at 309 but started logging here at 299 and lost 11lbs so far. Your success is definitely an inspiration!
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    I need to drop 100 and I'm restarting for the last time:). Anyone can add me
  • singlemom73
    singlemom73 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I am trying this again. I really need to lose about 100lbs. It's beyond depressing. I am the largest I have ever been. My daughter is getting married in January and I would really like to down atleast 50lbs. I know that's aggressive but it can be done if I put my mind to it. I am going to cut out Dr. Pepper, (Oh, how I hate to even say that), sugar, white bread, and drink a lot of water. This week I am cleaning our my cupboards and will start fresh Aug. 1. I need all of the encouragement and help I can get. Thanks!!:smile:

    You can do it, add me if you need support :)
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    I would love to be a part of this. I have lost 12 lbs and have about 90 lbs to go. I am eating fairly low carb and 1200 to 1400 calories a day. Lots of veggies and lean protein. I am strength training 3 - 4 times a week and doing cardio about 5 times a week. :smile: We will all conquer this!
  • pammclean61
    pammclean61 Posts: 16 Member
    Yes!!!!! l have 50lbs or more to lose . Now....if I could just get started. I have a really hard time sticking to this whole lose weight thing because I never had to attempt before. Getting older sucks!! But, I am determined to do this and one thing I know-I did not gain this weight overnight and there is no miracle that will allow me to go to sleep and wake up 50lbs lighter!!!! Any support will be appreciated. :bigsmile:
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    Hello all! Congrats to all too!! this is my3nd week.. so far bout10lbs down whew who!! my goal is100lbs or if not more.. seems like a long ways of my journey.. for once in my life id love to get there.. show my kids I can do it.. &be healthy.. feel great,look great&so on.. im told by dr. watch my sodium so that & low fat combination.. this weeks goal is 7days of some kindof excerise&of45mins.. I want to get it off.. now tonite I didn't feellike going for a walk after working a 12 hrs day.. but did go for few mins.. id walked this a.m.@4am.. soo im tired.. goal also is to get more sleep in.. lol
    &yes I'd like to be your friend on here.. soo we can motivate ea.other or whoever else wants to climb on board! :)
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    I have 67 left to lose!

    Highest: 313
    When I started: 296 (12-25-13)
    Currently: 227.4
  • TannaBanana27
    TannaBanana27 Posts: 18 Member
    First congratulations on your weight loss so far! I'm just starting out and hope to get down 66 pounds.....easy to say at this point so any motivational friends are a plus! :)
  • Hi I am over weight by several pounds like 100 I am 5 11 and I weigh 190 pounds if I am honest with myself. I want and need to be with a group of people who are honest and true with themselves as well as helping me to face the reality that I have a problem. Hopefully this will work
  • TheFrugalFatass
    TheFrugalFatass Posts: 58 Member
    I'm looking to lose 50. I do not eat potato chips or sugar/dessert foods because I cannot stop once I start. Otherwise, I don't have a restrictive diet. I walk for exercise with a goal of at least 20 minutes per day, seven days per week.
  • Hi. Just joined. I'm looking to lose at least 50 lbs. Would love some friends to share support and encouragement!
  • andlynjon
    andlynjon Posts: 1 Member
    Over years of taking psych meds for bipolar disorder, my weight increased from 130 pounds to 278 pounds. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and sleep apnea and found a psychiatrist who would work on adjusting my medication to facilitate weight loss. I am on a combination of medication now that has allowed me to lose weight. I've lost 55 pounds over 2 years and I would like to lose 84 more pounds. I've been using myfitnesspal and have been doing cardio exercises and also strength training. I am steadily losing weight and my symptoms of bipolar disorder are under control. I just need to keep doing what I'm doing until I reach my goal. I reached a plateau when I was doing cardio exercises only and when I added strength training I lost weight faster and also felt much better.
  • laura_happy
    laura_happy Posts: 24 Member
    I am trying to lose about 75. I can't believe I have that much to lose, and I could probably lose more than that too. Love this post and all the motivation contained in the the replies!
  • I am new to this posting thing so I have a post that is from an earlier time. I want and need to lose 75 pounds or more I want to be able to correspond with persons who are serious about motivation and honesty. I am weak when it comes to exercising/ I can eat correctly sometimes but most times not. Exercise is not my most favorite pastime. H E L P
  • I would like to lose 50 by next spring. I'm new to posting in the message boards but I feel encouragement is always helpful! Please feel free to add me ????????
  • Hey Everyone! I have at least 85 lbs to lose and want it gone before I take a trip to Hawaii for my 30th birthday next May! Anyone who wants to add me feel free, I am around here most every day.
  • Cindyloo01
    Cindyloo01 Posts: 94 Member
    I have over 50 more to lose. I am trying to stay with it and make sure I get there. Hopefully I can lose most of it this year.
    LSP2PBG Posts: 2 Member
    My stats:

    Highest weight recorded 323.1 (probably more like 330 at my highest)
    Current weight 280.7
    Height 5'8
    Age 31
    Starting size 24/26
    Current size 22/24
    Plan - I eat everything in moderation, haven't eliminated anything, just watching calories and getting 10k steps per day.

    Your stats are super close to mine. I wouldn't mind having a few more friends on here as well. I'm 8 days into my start over, but I feel like this is the time I am going to actually stick to it. I am getting too old to stay unhealthy.

    Highest weight recorded: 325 lbs
    Current weight: 316 lbs
    Goal weight: ~180 lbs
    Height: 5'8.5"
    Age: 26
  • DenaC3
    DenaC3 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey all! Feel free to send over a friend request, I have a long road ahead of me as well and could always use some more folks on this journey :)
  • amyjay1973
    amyjay1973 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose at least 95 pounds. It seems so overwhelming. Have tried several "diets" but am more focused on being healthy and feeling good. Am an emotional eater so looking for positive and realistic support.
    My stats:
    Highest weight 274.5
    Goal weight 180
    Current size 20/22
    Plan: significantly cut out sugar, reduced diet soda intake, increase in veggies and decreased meat, exercise more frequently. Started couch to 5K