When was you "Oh Hell No" Moment



  • Crimsonbutterfly74
    Crimsonbutterfly74 Posts: 5 Member
    I can relate. ..:wink: I can't wait until I'm where you are.
  • Crimsonbutterfly74
    Crimsonbutterfly74 Posts: 5 Member
    One day at a time.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    It was when a friend pointed out that I looked exactly like Sam Tarly.
  • Docsdanes
    Docsdanes Posts: 4
    The first time I had to put on a CPAP mask. It was humiliating to have my husband see that (he is great about it - it's my own issue). It was bad enough looking at ll the clothes in my closet I couldn't wear but know that I was killing myself was a wake up call bar none.
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    I have a few, including the time I saw a sneakily-taken picture (I was facing away from the camera) of me at a family get-together and realized my backside looked wider than a barn door! Another was when I actually hit 80 kg (~176 lbs) which is definitely too much for my 5'8" frame. :/
  • tar0809
    tar0809 Posts: 122 Member
    I've always been that tiny girl that weighed nothing. I was 94lbs in a size 00 pants xxs shirts. then I started having kids, after my 1st I didn't look too bad but after my 2nd I ballooned up to 145lbs, size 11 pants and xxl shirts!! I would binge eat all kinds of junk then feel bad and eat some more. after a lot of my neighbors starting losing tons of weight I was like oh hell no I need to do something as well. I ended up doing hypnosis and from there I've been eating a lot healthier and watching everything I put in my mouth and I exercise regularly. Now I'm down to 110lbs, size 2-3 pants, and small shirts. I'm almost there mostly I'm just trying to tighten, tone and gain muscle and strength!!
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    Realizing I gained 15 lbs in one year! It was my first year being married and my husband does not eat healthy - and I haven't learned to cook healthy yet. Since I started MFP I have gained 2 lbs but lost 5 since I started taking it seriously. Hoping to keep the weight off when I go back to working full time (teacher on summer break here - only tutoring).

    I know my parents both have weight-related conditions and I am terrified that I will inherit them sooner than later.
  • rubyred138
    rubyred138 Posts: 22 Member
    I had lost close to 80 lbs and over the course of 5 years it crept back up. my "oh hell no" moment was last november when I realized I was only 10 lbs away from being back to my heaviest weight ever. Nope! Never again am I going through that! I was able to get 30 lbs off but then regained 7 but so far I've lost a total of 36 and hopefully 80 more if I just keep working at it.
  • lizbrocklpl
    lizbrocklpl Posts: 4 Member
    My husband said I was getting fat and lazy, and instead of apologizing, he defended himself by saying that he was insinuating that I was lazy and thats why I am getting fat...Oh Hell No! I will show him! I have lost 3 lbs to date (one week into it) and have 57 to go. I will be a skinny person and he likes thick women. I will NEVER allow myself to feel that way by someone else's opinion. I love him to much to have him feel that way. And love myself to much to get any fatter or lazier.
  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    I moved to Sydney Australia about 5 months ago. Much longer summers than England so i need to get myself bikini ready, no hiding in winter clothes for months on end any more!
  • __hannah_
    __hannah_ Posts: 787 Member
    Combination of stepping on the scale and being 195 lbs when I never thought I'd ever be close to 200, and realizing that my family had stopped bugging me about losing weight, apparently they accepted I was just going to be fat no matter if they teased me about it.
  • atbrod
    atbrod Posts: 15 Member
  • atbrod
    atbrod Posts: 15 Member
    Pictures of me after my son was born and the fact that the scale read 200lbs. Never in a million years did I ever think I would weigh 200lbs. I did not recognize myself in pictures and that was an awful feeling. And then going to my daughters classroom for the first time (she started Kindergarten the month my son was born)...I didn't want to be that parent a kid is embarrassed of. Started shortly after...spent a year watching what I ate and lost 65lbs. Have maintained it the last 3 years give or take 5-10lbs.

    @_KrunA_ - How have you maintained it for that long? Do you follow the maintenance suggestions from MFP?
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    Great stories everyone. We got this.
  • makwich
    makwich Posts: 4
    A few weeks ago when I got my license in the mail. I couldn't tell where my face ended and my neck started. Actually I couldn't tell where my neck ended and my chest started either. I didn't use the word HELL, though. My word started with an F.
  • mommy22alyns
    mommy22alyns Posts: 25 Member
    Well, I reached my all-time high weight of 214 after a trauma set me off and I stopped caring what and how much I ate. Bad news all around. My wedding band was stuck on my finger, I got winded taking a shower, and while reading to my girls, I could see my fat cheeks just looking down at the book. Some weight came off naturally as I started to stabilize, and I spent some time dieting from 187 down to 162. I was able to wear size 12 pants after needing size 16. My Oh Hell No moment was the 12's getting snug again. Someone on a message board I frequent had lost half her body weight just by doing 1200 calories and I finally thought, "I can do this." Started Jan. 1 and down to a size 6 now!
  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member
    When I went to the beach with two of my best friends and saw the pictures that we took...I thought that a high waisted bikini would help hide what I needed to hide and it definitely didn't.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    Hoping to read a few more great stories, Bump
  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member
    My boyfriend's ex (who's as skinny as anything and that he was having an affair with for months) decided she was going to give me the nickname hippo. 1 year and 51lbs gone I'm halfway to my goal weight and she'll never be able to call me that again!
  • Bubble_Cloud
    6 months ago I was a size 10 and I rose to a 12 which I wasn't too bothered about. Now the 12s are starting to get tight and I'm not impressed!