50 lbs or more to lose?



  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 928 Member
    WOWt lot of interest!!

    I have 125lbs to lose, a whole person!!

    I have lost the same lbs over and over.

    I meed to break the cycle!

    Best to you all!
  • amyjay1973
    amyjay1973 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah for you. Keep going!
  • Livingfreetoday
    Livingfreetoday Posts: 35 Member
    Hi. I am new to MFP and I have more than fifty pounds to lose. Definitely looking for someone/s to connect with.
  • I have seen a bit a progress, but still have a lot to lose. I log everyday, eat anything I want as long as it fits in my calorie goal, exercise often, and keep a positive outlook. I did not pile this lard onto my body overnight and I will have to work hard to get it melted away. I focus on reteaching myself to see food as fuel and look for new ways to get my body in motion. I am making lifestyle changes that are reasonable, healthy, and sustainable.

    I would love to offer you support and motivation. I wish you great success on your journey!
  • granwillis4
    granwillis4 Posts: 1 Member
    I loved reading this! Great encouragement to start the day! I have over 100 pounds to lose and I'm about in the same place on my journey; day by day; minute by minute; just gotta stay focused:smile:
  • cr120mfp
    cr120mfp Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and have over 50 pounds to lose. They keep saying weightloss is better, easier, more successful when you do it with a friend, so maybe it's time to give this a try. The goal is to lose it by June 2015 - or just to lose it!
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm not new per se, but I am looking for ladies with similar stats to mine. I'm 26, 5'9, SW 260, CW 231.2.

    My first goal is 199 before the end of 2014, and an UGW of 169. I'd love to have more active posters on my friends list!
  • varula
    varula Posts: 13
    You should make a group instead of posting in a forum, I'd join it!!

    I'd join it too. Here are my stats:

    Age: 47
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight: 225
    Highest weight: 225
    Goal weight: 150. That's a size 10 on me and just perfect! Haven't seen it since I was 27....
    Current weight: no idea

    I've only weighed once in the month I've been back on MFP. I don't plan to weigh often as I'm in this for the long haul. Making permanent changes is my real goal. I am one of those....how did someone word it?.....who has fallen into the 1200 calorie/day trap. But to be honest, even if I eat 1400/day, I just don't lose. And at least 1200 gives me some wiggle room for the inevitable inaccuracy of counting, which is probably my biggest problem. I eat 6 small meals a day and am very comfortable!

    I'm not exercising right now, but plan to get back to it asap. When I do, I walk and hike in my favorite canyon in Tucson, AZ - usually at sunrise because it's the coolest time of day.

    If there's a group for losing 50+, sign me up!
  • dkuzinich
    dkuzinich Posts: 2
    Hello I am new to this site as well. I have 100lbs to lose.
    Current Weight 270 lbs
    Goal Weight 170lbs
    Age 38 years

    I am super determined and would love support on this journey! I am starting off with cutting my diet soda to one a day ( I used to drink at least 4) and drinking 2 gallons of water a day, cutting out fast food and processed foods, and starting to cook as healthy as possible for myself and my family!! I can do it!!!
  • Hello I have 100 lbs. to lose. I am currently using MFP to track calories and working out three times per week. Congrats on your success.
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    I still have almost 50 to lose. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • chefkryia
    chefkryia Posts: 25 Member
    I have about 100 to lose. Would love more friends and encouragement, and I will try to encourage you as well. :)

    My stats:

    Highest weight recorded 280
    Current weight 258
    Height 5'2
    Age 35
    Starting size 24/26
    Current size 22/24
    Plan - more veggies, less refined crap, no sodas (on week 2 !!) a LOT more exercise.
  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member
    | would like to lose 50 pounds...

    My stats:

    Highest weight recorded: 250ish
    Current weight:175
    Height 5'4
    Age: 45
    Starting size:12/14
    Current size: no change yet
    Dream size:8/10
    Plan - Is to eat everything in moderation but frequently so I won't binge, EXERCISE, watch my calorie intake, be patient and DON'T BEAT MYSELF UP!
  • I have about 132 lbs to lose. I am currently 292. This is my highest weight recorded. I want to lose it by winter of 2015. Reason for my weight loss is health of being able to interact more with my children and I am in a relationship that is moving toward marriage and I don't want to be a fat bride.
  • Hi,

    This is my very first post in MFP. I'm wanting to loose a total of 82 lbs. Sounds like so much...I have PCOS which makes loosing weight very challenging. Though, I'm working towards making some major lifestyle changes with hopes of reaching my goals. Looking for some MFP as support.

    I have PCOS as well and even after making some significant changes in my lifestyle I was still gaining. Have you found some tricks that help?
  • AmberMojo
    AmberMojo Posts: 1 Member
    I have close to 200 to lose. Would love more friends and encouragement, and would love sharing milestones along the way !

    My stats:
    Highest weight recorded 401
    Current weight 364
    Height 5'3"
    Age 31
    Starting size 30/32
    Current size is snug 28
    Plan - Slim4Life and being more active
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    Yes, I am looking to lose at least 60 lbs. I recently had a death in my family and found that over the past fifteen years have gained so much weight and had poor eating habits and no exercise to speak of. Have been trying to walk twice a day with my dogs for at least 30-40 minutes and am planning to do a light weight routine that I found online, with tomato cans. I have always wanted more shapely arms, I am motivated right now and have gotten good support from a good friend. I think that talking to her and having her inquire how my excercise and food intake are helps me stay in some semblence of order. It is hard, but since she is a vegetarian, I think that she is a good influence nutrition wise. There is a good web site The 100 Healthiest Foods, that has provided me with a lot of information and motivation. And I am finding that trying new healthy recipes shows me that I like them just as well as my fattening comfort foods. I will look for your posts. I also need some encouragement. I am so looking forward to being closer to 200 lbs so that I can get some more attractive clothes. That is one thing that gives me motivation now, caring for myself, make up, hair just for me, instead of sweats and oversized shirts.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    your plan is pretty much what i've been doing for the last year and a half..good luck!
  • I would also join the group :tongue:
  • plan to lose 50 pounds cw 184 height 5'4 size- 14/16 goal size 9/10