Weight loss slowing down??



  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    I don't really know lol that's just my routine, is that bad?! Xx
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    It's generally recommended that women go no lower than 1200 calories a day, as it's very difficult to get proper nutrition on even 1200 calories per day. You also exercise a good bit, so 850 is far too low!
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Oh no!! I am looking at my breakfast and it's poor!! I'm wondering whether to add 100g 0% fat Greek yoghurt and those breakfast biscuits?

    I must admit I never feel hungry though!

    Thanks for your reply x
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    Well done on your weight loss so far, 51lbs is brilliant

    If your diary is a true reflection the last few days have been very low in calories, its recommended that you should have a minimum of 1200.

    I always make my breakfast the night before, egg white frittata with chicken or ham, feta and spinach and tomato. Then eat it cold when I get to work.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member

    Frittata sounds intriguing!! I don't know what I could eG to make up the 400 cals though??!

    Would I feel any different?!
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    I just do 1 egg and 3 egg whites, 50ml of skimmed milk, 30g of feta, 30-50g of chicken and ham, handful of spinach and a tomatoe. Add the egg and milk mixture to pan, let set slightly then chuck everything else in, after a few mins put under the grill, leave to set.
    Its lovely and about 300 cals.

    Also, have you thought about a protein shake, this would add cals? Or maybe peanut butter spread on apple slices. Good ways to add cals. Weigh the peanut butter though as everyone's "teaspoon" of peanut butter is different, I weighed my "portion" once and it was nearly 30g, I was logging it as 10g....oopps!
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Haha, it's easy done!! I don't like peanut butter though. In not really a 'spread' person if you know what I mean?

    I'm being difficult now!!

    I don't really know much about protein shakes? Where do you buy the bars from?
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    Almond butter? Thats lush.

    I get my protein from myprotein.com, they do a total breakfast protein with balaced carbs and protein in it and its about 250 cals mixed with water, you have to vigerously shake it to get the lumps out but its nice. That would be a good breakfast or a snack substitute.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Oh ok, so they taste nice though? Xx
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    I love them, it depends on personal preference, they do samples of some of the stuff
  • Julesoola
    Julesoola Posts: 51 Member
    Do you really only eat like 5 grapes a day for breakfast??