what do you eat for breakfast?!



  • Oikos Caramel greek yogurt!
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Toasted bagelthin with a laughing cow cheese or two slices of ham and 25 calories hot chocolate
    A smoothie
    Peanut butter toast with a coffe or oj
    It all depends on how much time I have in the morning
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    This morning I had Source Cherry Yogurt and Psyllium Fibre cereal. Yum! :)
  • i tend to be the same way.
    i have to be at work by 8 so im up quarter till 7.
    ive never liked eggs till now, turns out poached eggs are my friend!
    when i take the pups out, i boil some water.
    and about 10 min before i leave throw an egg in it
    and toast some sarah lee 45 cal wheat bread.
    when the egg is done i throw the yoke out and eat the whites on my toast.
    holds me over till i can stomache something a bit more filling.
    this totals about 60 cal.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Breakfast and Lunch

    Sliced apple, 1 tbs melted peanut butter
    1/2 cup honeydew melon
    1/2 cup pineapple
    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
    3 cups coffee (non-fat creamer)
    7 cups water
  • Breakfast is my favorite meal on the weekends, but I just can't make time for it during the week. The past couple of weekends I have made eatingwell.com's waffles. The recipe makes 6 large waffles (1 per serving) which is too many for me and my husband so I have been breaking them into fourths and freezing them. I pop two pieces in the toaster in the morning and eat them w/o syrup or butter (trust me, they don't need any) while I'm getting ready or driving to work. Then I'll eat fruit once I get to my office.

    Here's the link to the recipe: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/eatingwell_waffles.html. Also, as I was doing a search I saw they have chocolate waffles. I'm so making those next weekend!
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    I take branflakes and yoghurt to work with me and eat breakfast at my desk.
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    When I'm really hungry in the morning, I eat 2 pieces of fruit first. That way, I don't overeat whatever else I am having.

    I keep Quaker 1-minute oatmeal at the office for when I go to workout before work. I use a little coffee creamer instead of milk because that's what is available. Some of the flavored creamers taste really good in oatmeal: pumpkin spice and, surprisingly, french vanilla are good and don't add too many calories. Oatmeal can get boring, so I'm always looking for ways to keep it interesting: fresh fruit, yogurt, maple flavoring, cinnamon, honey, brown sugar, raisins, etc...

    Whole wheat (deli or homemade style) toast with peanut butter and sliced banana is also good. Simple breakfast tacos with corn tortillas, scrambled egg, and just enough jimmy dean sausage to add flavor are good, too. Pickled jalapeno slices top them off well.

    I always drink several glasses of water with breakfast to make it easier to make it to lunch without having the munchies.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    This morning I had peanut butter and honey oatmeal. I used quick 1 minute oats, and added a tbsp of Natural Balance Crunchy Peanut Butter w/Flaxseed, and 1 tbsp of honey (and a couple of packets of artificial sweetener). It was SO yummy and kept me full til lunch.
  • I'm not much of a breakfast girl myself. Smoothies have worked well. And I don't try to eat breakfast foods if I don't feel like it. Eat what sounds good. When my stomach is really nasty, I start with a Pepsi - the sryup calms my stomach...and I only allow myself one Pepsi a day.
  • I found bagel thins and they are great with some spray butter once toasted!
  • lucylorelei
    lucylorelei Posts: 46 Member
    Oatmeal with all natural peanut butter - so yummy and a little sweet (w/o sugar!)
    or oatmeal with a turkey sausage patty crumbled in it - also yummy, but for when I want salty

    and of course, 3 cups of coffee w/skim :tongue:
  • onondagamom
    onondagamom Posts: 2 Member
    Tosca Reno (Eat Clean books) suggests a big breakfast if you can. Portion out oatmeal in baggies and eat when you get to work. If you are really nauseous maybe mix some Chia seeds with water (2 tbs) to about 12 ounces and drink. Chia seeds are a natural filler and should get you to work without feeling ill. Good luck!
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    New yummy breakfast-
    Yoplait Smoothie Mix with Nuteva Hemp Protein Plus Fiber :)
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    I used to have the same problem. I had to "train" myself to eat in the morning by starting really slowly. I find toast to be very easy to eat. You can use whole wheat/ double fiber bread and some low fat spread or jam of your choice. Start by eating 1 or 2 bites, then increase the amount in a few days and so on.

    same here, I started with a glass of milk or cup of tea, and gradually added solid food.
  • I have been stuck on eating English Muffins. I toast them and add a little butter and sometimes I'll splurge and put a little peanut butter on them.
  • I love Choclate Chip Muffin Tops by Vita. They are full of fiber, which decreases my hunger and I feel like I am getting something sweet and choclate at the same time. The banana nut ones are great too. They are only 100 calories, so I eat a banana or unsweetened grapefuit sections after I get to work.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    12 grain bread with natrual peanut butter - and coffee, of course!
  • Protein vegan smoothie: Brown rice protein powder, unsweetened almond milk, ice and a banana. I make it just before leaving the house and drink it on the way to work.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    coffee and oatmeal with vanilla protein powder and some cinammon. It fills me up and gives me enough energy for my run in the morning.
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