desperate need of support.



  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I can't post the link because I am on an iPad.
    Here is where you can find info to get started.
    Go to the message boards> getting started, at the top is:
    "A guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants".
    See where 500 folks have responded to it? It's because this is great info.

    Weigh, measure and log everything you put in your mouth.
    If you don't know what to do to exercise, do something you like. You will stick to that. I walk and swim.

    Be honest with yourself, the folks here will be honest with you. We will be your support.
    You can do all this tonight and be ready to start tomorrow. Send me a friend request if you'd like then you can see my diaries.
    Best of luck. You are in the right place!:flowerforyou:
  • ZhaoWei76
    ZhaoWei76 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, a lot of people have already said what I would say (great advice, words of encouragement, etc).

    I will say that although older than you (37), I started in January at 5'2" and 242 pounds, and I am now down to 198.0 (as of last Tuesday, which is also the start day for my week, so we have that in common)...

    I've pretty much been counting calories, and logging everything I eat every day.... I don't limit myself to "clean" eating, but I have noticed that while counting calories, it's pretty hard to JUST eat bad food, so in a way, you end up eating cleaner than you were before...

    Even if you have a bad day, don't let it get to you... Tomorrow is another day, and as long as you're trying, you'll keep losing... Keep your goals realistic, and just know that it takes time and effort... But it doesn't have to be a miserable thing...

    You can add me as a Friend if you want...

    We're all here to help and encourage each other, and I've found my MFP friends to be very helpful, supportive, and motivating... So make sure you pick up some people who can encourage you along the way, or listen to your tale when you're having an off day... It helps...

    EDITED TO ADD: As for breakfast, I was not much of a breakfast eater in the past... But I eat breakfast now... a fellow MFP turned me on to Quest Bars... They have different flavors, and they're good for Protein and Fiber... I tried them all, but now my breakfast is usually a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bar every morning (190 calories)... Just an option... There's also a Bob Evan's Breakfast Bake (sausage or bacon), which is like a mix of hash browns, cheese, and either sausage/bacon, and it's 160 calories... That was a big one for me when I first started... Again, just suggestions...
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    it's "tomorrow", did you start?
  • krmthomas
    krmthomas Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. You were looking for meal and snack ideas. My favorite place to get ideas is pintrest. There's a few pins I've found that show 99 100 calorie snack ideas or meals under 300. I don't stick on only what they list but it gives me ideas so i can very my snacks week to week and not get bored. I'm not perfect and recently have been eating over and above my calories but I make no excuses for my faults and do my best to get in 60 minutes of walking daily and 45 minutes of running 3 times weekly. I want over night results but I remind myself that the gaining of those pounds weren't overnight therefore why should losing them be any different. Congrats for making a step in the right direction.
  • bygonezunthi
    bygonezunthi Posts: 17 Member
    My favorite breakfasts:
    1/4 avocado sliced, sliced fruit, olives and 1 serving canned trout/fish
    1 boiled 100 calorie sausage, sliced fruit, 1 cube inch of cheese
    2 boiled eggs, sliced fruit, 1 portion smoked salmon

    My favorite lunches:
    Baked salmon & a salad (tomatoes, radishes, bell peppers, sliced avocado w/ homemade mustard, olive oil & lemon juice dressing)
    Sauteed veggies in olive oil with soy sauce (mushrooms, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, eggplant, frozen okra) with baked chicken
    40 calorie low carb bread w/ mustard and all of my favorite sandwich trimmings (turkey or chicken breast, cheese OR avocado, tomato, sprouts)

    My favorite dinners:
    Roasted squash with baked cod coated with lemon and pepper
    Asian style egg drop soup (chicken broth, shrimp, lemon juice, vegetables, 1 egg, trader joe's yellow curry sauce & trader joes soyaki sauce)
    baked rack of lamb portion (2 chops for me) and boiled green beans topped with a homemade mustard and olive oil sauce

    My favorite guilt free desserts
    1/2 cup greek yogurt with sliced fruit
    1/2 cup greek yogurt with sliced almonds and honey drizzled on top
    Baked apples, figs, or peaches with 1/2 cup cottage cheese
  • rubyred138
    rubyred138 Posts: 22 Member
    my nutritionist told me to make sure I was eating enough, 1500 was my calories for the day. Each meal was 1 carb, 1 fruit or veggie, 1 meat/ meat substitute, 1 fat, and 1 dairy/ dairy substitute. With that it is soooooo easy to make meal plans. I had 3 meals and 3 snacks per day and was able to lose 30 lbs. I went off my diet and regained 10 lbs in 2 weeks! if you stick to that plan it is easy for planning, not just for you but for your family as well. My husband's calories were 2000 per day and he had the same meal plan but he got 2 carbs per meal instead. He was also able to lose weight and it made planning our meals a lot easier. Since you're just getting started, start off with something kind of easy because you don't want to injure yourself. I started off by walking a mile, then up to 2 miles, eventually I was up to 5 miles per day 6 days a week. Good luck :) I am here to support you!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    You can do this!!!!!!!! Stick to your plan of starting tomorrow!! Its a wonderful journey ahead!!!:drinker:
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    " Whoa..slow down..and quiet that mind first." Good for you taking the first step..Now one step at a time. Breathe..Log & listen. 123 and never forget to research what does not make sense to you.. Google google google : )
  • granadan
    granadan Posts: 5 Member
    Get a good honest before picture and take weekly ones - once you are able to exercise, you'll change your body composition and the scales can slow down at that point and feel depressing - but those pictures of what you have achieved will spur you on. You can do this - I know how easy it is to slide with young kids - I have four and taking it off was a lot harder than putting it on was, but you'll love yourself for it :) Keep moving, even if you are just tapping a foot or swinging a leg, if its constant it'll help speed up your metabolism.

    You can So do this - and once you get into the habit of logging everything, it gets second nature - the phone app has nutritional stuff and the ability to let you scan the barcode of things for easier use. My fall down has always been alcohol. one G&T and I eat the entire contents of the fridge.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Start with your favorite foods and make a "Healthier version 2.0" by using natural ingredients as much as possible.

    Slow and steady wins the race

    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • jstockler
    jstockler Posts: 15 Member
    In the winter, I eat oatmeal (1/2 cup raw oats) with 5-6 the summer, I eat 1/2 cup yogurt or low fat cottage cheese, with 1/2 cup berries. I measure it all and I think that's been key for me. Occasionally, I will even up it a full cup of yogurt/cottage cheese and then just make sure I log it that way.

    When we go out (and we have really cut it way back because breakfasts in restaurants explode with calories), I get an egg white omelet with veggies fillings but no cheese.

    The logging itself helps with your question (what do I eat?) because you will get answers in the calories per each item.