New runner looking for buddies!!!!



  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hey, currently in training for my 2nd Marathon in October, only been running since Jan 2013 and completed 4 half marathons and a full. I use running as my chance to get out and forget about the world for an hour or so and just go into my own little world.

    I'm happy to be added but be warned I'm quite random haha
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello fello losers! I am looking for some people to help guide me in my efforts to start running. I want to make sure that I dont hurt myself. What things do I need (shoes, clothes, ect...) and do you use the ground or treadmill? What is more effective for a new runner?


    Hello!! I've been running since last September and I am in love with it. I only run outdoors (in winter and everything!) and I find it best because it keeps my interest...running on treadmill is dead boring. To begin with, I highly recommend a C25K app (I love RunDouble) and you don't need special shoes or clothes to start. After 3-4 weeks if you're still into it and really love it, I highly recommend getting fitted for good running sneakers. Pricey, but worth it.
  • brittaneysmith
    I started off only being able to run half a I can run up to 8 miles. Id recommend starting on a treadmill. I think it's easier on the knees and your able to pace yourself better. When I first started out and would run a trail or around my neighborhood I found it difficult to pace myself and I would run too fast at first and burn out. start at a low speed and work out. It can take time so don't get frustrated.

    Hydrate before. Be careful not to hydrate an hour or so before. I found when I drank within that hour before running I'd either get sick, or end up with bad stomach cramps that would force me to stop running. Get a good stretch routine in before you run.
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    I'd suggest outside! Its a lot less boring. I found myself bored on the treadmill. The transition from being able to run a mile on the treadmill to going outside was not easy.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I run for the pleasure of it, not a long distance runner, no plans for a marathon but I love the results I get and sleeping has never been so wonderful.

    You'll have other runners that will come along and give you their opinions and guidance that have much more experience.

    My suggestions would be get well fitting shoes, I know when I slide my feet into a pair if they're right others need to go to a running shoe store which I would recommend, doesn't mean you have to buy the shoes there but it's a good place to start out. For clothes I highly recommend moisture wicking clothing and avoid black or dark colors if you're running outside they lock in the heat. I gave up my gym membership a few years ago and only run outside unless I happen to tag along with a friend to the gym or stay in a hotel with a nice fitness center.

    I would probably say running outside to start with because you have markers like telephone poles. That's how I started running, I'd run from one pole to the next then I upped it to 2 poles and so on and now I'm running 5k's without stopping to walk. Mostly don't rush it, listen to your body, if you feel the need to stop and walk do it. Perhaps just start with lightly jogging, get the feel of your body in movement and see where you go from there.

    Good luck! Oh yeah and I always forget, there are tons of Couch 2 5K programs out there, might be a local running group you could join or hook up with a group online. You see them here on MFP from time to time.

    this is a fantastic post!!!!
    I am a runner - I only run for speed when I am actually running a race... but try to run a bit every day -
    Most important is a good running shoe! I have not yet been professionally fitted for running shoes although it is on my list. I did however just buy a Garmin GPS watch - i love it.

    Just dont try to go to fast - baby steps -

    I find that I run slower on the treadmill (dreadmill) vs running outside - and I run outside every chance I get. The dreadmill is great for intervals especially if you live somewhere flat like I am in Illinois. adding hills helps with speed ( good to know for future :) )

    anyone can feel free to add me - the more friends the merrier. I am part of a group of facebook Run JunkeEs - the people there are so motivating and understanding just like they are here on MFP>
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    another great piece of advice my friends gave me when i started running is to sign up for a race - 5k or whatever a couple months down the road so you have something to work towards... after you get your first on under your belt you will be HOOKED
  • Dirty30dutch
    Wow! Thank you so much guys for all the feed back ! You guys gave great advice and I am starting tomorrow. I live in the central valley in california so it's like 106 degrees when I get off so most likely I'll be running in the mornings around fresno state university. Thanks again!