What happens on that day?



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    If you are asking what YOU should do on that day you hit goal weight, and the days that follow, then other than celebrate with a new par of jeans and take some goal pics, there shouldn't be any major changes in your daily life.

    It sounds like you are losing very slowly at this point already, so by the time you hit your goal weight, you will be very near your maintenance level on calories. So no major upping of your daily calorie level, or big slacking off of your exercise level. You don't suddenly stop logging, and go back to eating the way you did before, for that is a sure-fire way of gaining your weight back very quickly.

    Mentally I have accepted the fact that I will be 'on a diet' the rest of my life. A 'diet' doesn't necessarily mean you are losing weight, it just means the way you eat daily. Eating within maintenance will be your way of life, and to do that, you will need to continue logging, at least for a while, until you find the calorie level where you maintain long term. For some, that might mean staying at the level they have been losing on, but having a treat meal or day every so often. You just figure out what works for you.

    I think I get what you are asking. Altho the goal number can be a great motivation, I think it can also be a bit of a let-down when you reach that number and ask, "now what?" Your world didn't drastically change when you finally saw that magical number on the scale. So I think you must continue to have other goals to hit so you don't become complacent and end up gaining the weight back.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Mentally I have accepted the fact that I will be 'on a diet' the rest of my life. A 'diet' doesn't necessarily mean you are losing weight, it just means the way you eat daily.
    I'm sorry but this part makes me cringe. Can't you just call it being in maintenance and making healthy nutritional choices? A diet really means something else. "Eating at maintenance" covers eating a calorie amount that causes neither increase nor decrease in body mass.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I think that is what I don't know. I still swim that day and the next because I feel better when I swim. It clears my head. I won't be eating breads etc because of the CD and the people who said mean nasty things when I gained are just going to continue to say mean nasty things about some other part of me because that's who they are so I don't know and I can't see what makes that day any different. Maybe I don't obsess on the weight so much ?

    To answer part of this yes...people who said means things will continue to say mean things why cause they are mean...

    As for the rest...hitting goal weight is not the end...it's the start of something new...maitenance.

    As mentioned earlier set new goals, maybe fitness goals, career goals, family goals etc...all the while living life at this new weight.

    Eating the foods you can...want/crave all while staying on goal...but goal now is maitenance not a deficit...

    And to be frank...very frank...this is from what I can see ...the hard part...there are too many people "starting over", or starting threads "it's me again" or posts about oh I slipped and gained 1/2 or all the weight back...

    People lose sight of what they are doing and fall back into the habits they had before for whatever reason..not sure if they forgot what they were doing or did it in such a way they weren't prepared for maitenance etc..

    So maybe your new goal should be not one of those people....that's one of mine.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I reached my goal today. This was actually the 4th time since joining MFP because I lowered my weightloss goal 4 times! All along, I've had my calories set to lose 1/2 pound per week. I'm going to continue eating to my current TDEE minus 250 for the next couple of weeks because my granddaughter will be staying with me, and I will not be able to continue my normal exercise schedule while she is here. After that, I plan on slowly increasing my calories until I figure out my maintenance number, while continuing my current weight lifting program. My new goal will be to build some more muscle while losing a little more fat (slow recomp) and continue to get stronger. And I will reward myself with some new clothes since most of my existing ones are getting on the baggy side!
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    Treat yourself to clothes shopping, buy a sharp new suit or someghing to show off your rocking new bod. And for Gods sakes, have some cake! You've earned it!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It won't be any different than any other day, why should it?
    Because you've reached a goal you worked hard to reach; it's an accomplishment. Losing 112 pounds will take far more consistent effort from me than finishing college or law school did and I was pretty pleased with both of those.

    When I reach that number, I'll start adding calories to maintenance and then start adding calories to bulk.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The one thing I really wish I could make everyone trying to lose weight understand is this, if you think hitting a number on a scale is going to make you happy all the time and fix all your problems in life, you're doomed. Absolutely doomed.

  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Well for me it will just mean transitioning to maintenance level calories and starting body re-composition. I know that no matter what, I'm most likely going to need to do body re-comp once I get to my "goal" weight and then there is even the possibility of bulking for a bit.

    Will I probably have cake? Nah, just not that big of a cake fan. Not that cake isn't yummy, but I'd rather have something else. Will I possibly go out for sushi? That is totally a possibility. I don't eat sushi often (all the good sushi places are at least an hours drive away), so it would be an amazing treat. It's not like I'm going to start eating it everyday and one day isn't going to undo all the progress I've made. I know myself well enough that 1 day isn't going to turn into a week, etc.

    I will also probably go shopping for some new clothes. I need a swim suit. So I definitely plan to buy a nice one when I get to my goal weight (currently anything that will fit my boobs is well out of my price range).
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I hadn't thought about "that day" really. I've been thinking about "after that day". I'm already very slowly increasing calories, so that part will be underway. I plan to join my local Y, get some personal training sessions and set some fitness goals, though. I thought long and hard about the fitness goals but they're still vague, so something around increasing strength to protect my joints and increasing muscle mass. After a bit of figuring out that, I may do a cut to get rid of body fat, just depends.

    I guess on "that day" I'll buy the winter coat I've been promising myself, after ending up with the coldest butt and thighs this side of the Arctic last winter.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I made sure I was going to stay at or near that number for about a month. Once I was comfortable that I was going to be able to keep the pounds off, I loaded up on a couple of new suits, some new jeans and some nice shirts. And set a new goal, which included more pounds off, as well as body recomposition.

    But the actual day I hit my number? Not the reaction I expected. It turned out to be just another day, because I knew I would keep my exercise program and I had changed my whole attitude about food. I had days when I went over and days when I went under. I learned to look at these things over a longer horizon than just a day. And that to me is the biggest victory of all.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i hit a long-term weight goal a couple days ago - one that had great significance to me. i thought about it for a while - what it meant to me, how i got down to it, how i felt about it, how i can keep it going. i emailed my husband and received a wonderful, supportive reply. i shared about it here on MFP and got some very kind and supportive responses that felt great. then i went and worked out, as always, because i like to and because i want to keep my momentum going for a healthier life.

    because while hitting the number felt amazing and i got sort of choked up for a while, my real goal isn't a number - it's the lifestyle changes i've been making, and that's something i work at every day :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I wouldn't eat sushi or cake because I guess I think those are things that are high in calories(for me . I don't eat 1 Ca. roll) I guess what I am saying is I wouldn't go out and change everything I have been doing or have done in one night. Sorry if I said it in an awkward way.
    I like the before and after comments. Hadn't thought of that. What I want to know what I need to know is what changed on that day? Once you have made this lifestyle change. What is it that running towards that number got you or will give you ?

    You'll possibly be healthier..maybe have some more self satisfaction... but if you're asking if it will radically change or transform your life, it won't.
    You'll still be the same person, just a thinner one.
    It won't automatically make you more popular, or richer, or solve all your problems... unless all your problems are weight related.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Get off the scale, put my shoes back on and get back to work, then go to the gym afterwards. Nothing changes.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I can't really go celebrate with sushi.

    You can't have sushi one freakin' day? Seriously? What is the point of working out and watching what you eat if occasionally you can't have foods that aren't "good for you." (Yes I know, there are no bad foods. You know what I mean.)

    It's crazy. I loved sushi. NOW, I can't even see the word without visualizing the little, tiny albeit long white worm wriggling through the tuna sashimi on a video someone showed me.

    Nope, never again.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Tears of joy. Then I celebrate. I have a bunch of mini goals with rewards set up for myself along the way, but my reward for my ultimate goal is a shopping trip for new clothing. I am sure I will need it then.

    Then it's time to re-evaluate and determine next steps to maintain the healthy habits and see what I can work towards next. Is it toning up? Getting stronger? Running a race? I'm very goal-oriented, so I'm always looking for things to work towards to keep me motivated and on track.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You'll need new clothes!!!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I can't really go celebrate with sushi.

    You can't have sushi one freakin' day? Seriously? What is the point of working out and watching what you eat if occasionally you can't have foods that aren't "good for you." (Yes I know, there are no bad foods. You know what I mean.)

    It's crazy. I loved sushi. NOW, I can't even see the word without visualizing the little, tiny albeit long white worm wriggling through the tuna sashimi on a video someone showed me.

    Nope, never again.
    Don't ever find out what's in peanut butter.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Maybe I don't obsess on the weight so much ?

    I know some people who have hit their goal. They still obsess...about every single thing they eat. But it's different for everyone.

    I still obsessed when I hit goal too. I didn't want to gain it back.